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4. There were 4 pillar gods who in ancient Egypt supported the sky roof:

8 hands together with 4 heads means 12 points of support. The stars above indicate it is night. In a more stylized version only 8 points of support remain:

This kind of sign was also used in the rongorongo system to indicate the 'season of straw' (winter), e.g.:

hanau toa

Inverted the sign of 4 sky pillars will change meaning from a glorious starspangled night into a complete darkenss:

More precisely it means 'cloth', and we immediately can identify this cloth with the 'dark cloth':

... When the man, Ulu, returned to his wife from his visit to the temple at Puueo, he said, 'I have heard the voice of the noble Mo'o, and he has told me that tonight, as soon as darkness draws over the sea and the fires of the volcano goddess, Pele, light the clouds over the crater of Mount Kilauea, the black cloth will cover my head. And when the breath has gone from my body and my spirit has departed to the realms of the dead, you are to bury my head carefully near our spring of running water. Plant my heart and entrails near the door of the house. My feet, legs, and arms, hide in the same manner ...

Another sign is haga rave, which also is open upwards to indicate a season of incoming light, and which turned upside down becomes its opposite - like the supports of the roof inside a hare paega:

haga rave d:o inversed