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Across the year as counted from Beltaine (the Bright Fire in the Cancer constellation) should be the opposite (tanist) place, viz. where it all had been converted into grey (and fruitful) ashes.

Marikuru. 1. A white, clayey earth. 2. A tree (Sapindus saponaria) of which very few specimens are left. Vanaga. Ash-wood T. Churchill.

411 Julian equinox March 26


57 0h


58 MAY 20 (140) 21 (205 - 64)

Gb7-2 ANKAA (*5.0) Gb7-4 (414)

Ga1-1 (473)


Ga3-2 (61)
14 * 29½ 59 AIN (*65) AL TARF BRIGHT FIRE
412 121 = 60 + 61

61 + 183 = 244 (Gb1-15 at the Hen's Breast, γ Cygni) = 260 - 16, implying the site of the newborn (for γ is like a tripod turned upside down)

in contrast to the end in flames.

... Al Maisān [The Proudly Marching One], the title of γ Geminorum [Alhena], by some error of Firuzabadi was applied to this star [Heka, λ Orionis] as Meissa, and is now common for it. Al Sufi called it Al Tahāyī; but Al Ferghani and Al Tizini knew it as Rās al Jauzah, the Head of the Jauzah, which it marks. The original Arabic name, Al Hak'ah, a White Spot, was from the added faint light of the smaller φ¹and φ² in the background, and has descended to us as Heka and Hika. These three stars were another of the Athāfiyy [tripods used for cooking] of the Arabs; and everywhere in early astrology were thought, like all similar groups, to be of unfortunate influence in human affairs. They constituted the Euphratean lunar station Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur, the Little Twins, a title also found for γ and η Geminorum; and individually were important stars among the Babylonians, rising to them with the sun at the summer solstice, and, with α and γ, were known as Kakkab Sar, the Constellation of the King ...

176 NOV 14 (141 + 177) 15 16 (320) 17 18 (*242)
Gb1-9 Gb1-10 Gb1-11 (240) Gb1-12 Gb1-13
ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7) τ Aquilae (303.8)

20h (304.4)

304.4 = 118.4 + 186.0

η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.4)

*263.0 = *77.0 + *186.0

SHANG WEI (Higher Guard) = κ Cephei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4), TSEEN FOO (Heavenly Raft) = θ Aquilae (Ant.) (305.6), ξ Capricorni (305.8)

*264.0 = *305.4 - *41.4
TSO KE (Left Flag) = ρ Aquilae (306.3)
Jan 17 18 (383) 19 (*304) 20 21
°Jan 13 14 15 (*300) 16 17 (382)
Solstice 'Dec 22 23 (*277) CHRISTMAS EVE 25 (359)
"Dec 7 8 9 (*263) 10 11 (345)
MAY 15 (500) 16 (136) 17 18 19 (*59)
DRUS (Hard) = χ Carinae (119.9) ω Cancri (120.2)

8h (121.7)

χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS (Ship) = ζ Puppis (121.3)
ρ Puppis (122.0), HEAP OF FUEL = μ Cancri (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), REGOR (Roger backwards) = γ Velorum (122.7) TEGMINE = ζ Cancri (123.3)
July 18 19 (200) 20 21 (*122) 22 / 7
°July 14 15 16 17 (*118) 18 (199)
Solstice 'June 22 23 (174) ST JOHN'S DAY 25 (*96)
"June 7 8 (*79) 9 10 (161) 11
NOV 19 20 (*244) 21 (325) 22 23 (141 + 186) 24 (*248)
Gb1-14 Marikuru Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 Gb1-19 (248)
GREDI (Goat) = α Capricorni (307.2), σ Capricorni (307.5), ALSHAT (The Sheep) = ν Capricorni (307.9)

Al Sa’d al Dhabih-20 (Lucky One of the Slaughterers) / Ox / Herd Boy-9 (Buffalo)

DABIH = β Capricorni (308.0), κ Sagittarii (308.1), SADIR (Hen's Breast) = γ Cygni (308.4), PEACOCK = α Pavonis (308.7)

*267.0 = *308.4 - *41.4

OKUL = π Capricorni (309.6), BOS = ρ Capricorni (309.9)

ARNEB (α Leporis)

MINTAKA (δ Orionis)

ο Capricorni (310.2), θ Cephei (310.5)

HEKA (λ Orionis)

ALNILAM (ε Orionis)

ROTTEN MELON = ε Delphini, φ Pavonis (311.2), η Delphini (311.4), ζ Delphini, ρ Pavonis (311.7)

PHAKT (α Columbae)

ALNILAK (ζ Orionis)
ROTANEV = β Delphini, ι Delphini (312.3), τ Capricorni (312.6), κ Delphini (312.7), SVALOCIN = α Delphini, υ Capricorni, υ Pavonis (312.8)
Jan 22 23 24 25 26 27 (392)
°Jan 18 19 20 21 22 23 (388)
'Dec 26 (360) 27 28 29 30 31 (*285)
"Dec 12 Lucia 14 (*268) 15 (349) 16 (356 - 6) 17

... An oracle reached him from the town of Buto, which said 'six years only shalt thou live upon this earth, and in the seventh thou shalt end thy days'. Mycerinus, indignant, sent an angry message to the oracle, reproaching the god with his injustice - 'My father and uncle,' he said 'though they shut up the temples, took no thought of the gods and destroyed multitudes of men, nevertheless enjoyed a long life; I, who am pious, am to die soon!' There came in reply a second message from the oracle - 'for this very reason is thy life brought so quickly to a close - thou hast not done as it behoved thee. Egypt was fated to suffer affliction one hundred and fifty years - the two kings who preceded thee upon the throne understood this - thou hast not understood it'. Mycerinus, when this answer reached him, perceiving that his doom was fixed, had lamps prepared, which he lighted every day at eventime, and feasted and enjoyed himself unceasingly both day and night, moving about in the marsh-country and the woods, and visiting all the places he heard were agreeable sojourns. His wish was to prove the oracle false, by turning night into days and so living twelve years in the space of six ...

MAY 20 21 (*61) 22 23 24 (144) 25

AL TARF (The End) = β Cancri (124.3)

RAS ALGETHI (α Herculis)

χ Cancri (125.2), BRIGHT FIRE = λ Cancri (125.4)

*84.0 = *125.4 - *41.4

AVIOR = ε Carinae (126.4), φ Cancri (126.8)

*85.0 = *126.4 - *41.4

ο Ursae Majoris (127.4)

*86.0 = *127.4 - *41.4

Pushya-8 (Nourisher)

υ Cancri (128.1), θ Cancri (128.2)

Āshleshā-9 (Embrace) / Willow-24 (Stag)

π¹ Ursa Majoris, δ HYDRAE (129.6), AL MINHAR AL SHUJĀ = σ Hydrae, MUSEIDA = π² Ursae Majoris (129.9)

RAS ALHAGUE (α Ophiuchi)
July 23 (204) 24 25 26 (*127) 27 28
°July 19 (200) 20 21 22 (*123) 23 24
'June 26 (177) 27 28 29 (*100) SIRIUS 'July 1 (182)
"June 12 (163) 13 14 15 (*86) 16 17 (168)
NOV 25 (329) 26 (*250) 27 28 (332) 29 30 (*254)
Gb1-20 Gb1-21 (250) Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 (254)
μ², μ¹ Oct. (313.2), DENEB CYGNI (Tail of the Swan) = α Cygni (313.5), β Pavonis (313.6), δ Delphini (313.8)

Al Sa’d al Bula'-21 (Good Fortune of the Swallower) / Dhanishta-24 (Most Famous) / Girl-10 (Bat)

YUE (Battle-Axe) = ψ Capricorni (314.3), GIENAH CYGNI = ε Cygni, η Cephei (314.5), γ Delphini (314.6), σ Pavonis (314.7), ALBALI = ε Aquarii (314.8)

BETELGEUZE (α Orionis)
BATEN ALGIEDI (Belly of the Goat) = ω Capricorni (315.8) μ Aquarii (316.0) ε Equulei (317.8) No star listed (318)

'Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!'  //  How I wonder what you're at!'

Jan 28 (393) 29 (*314) 30 31 (396) Febr 1 (32) 2 (398)
°Jan 24 (389) 25 (*310) 26 27 28 (393) 29 (*314)
'Jan 1 (366) 2 3 (*288) 4 5 (370) 6 (*291)
"Dec 18 (352) 19 (*273) 20 (354) Solstice 22 (356) 23 (*277)
MAY 26 (146) 27 28 (*68) 29 (149) 30 31

Al Nathrah-6 (Gap)

BEEHIVE (Exhalation of Piled-up Corpses) = ε Cancri, η Pyxidis (130.4), XESTUS = ο Velorum (130.5), ζ Pyxidis (130.7), ASCELLUS BOREALIS = γ Cancri, β Pyxidis (130.9)

*89.0 = *130.4 - *41.4

Extended Net-26a (Ox) / Arkū-sha-nangaru-sha-shūtu-12 (Southeast Star in the Crab)

η Hydrae (131.0), ASCELLUS AUSTRALIS = δ Cancri (131.4), KOO SHE (Bow and Arrow) = δ Velorum (131.6), α Pyxidis (131.8), ε Hydrae (131.9)

*90.0 = *131.4 - *41.4

ι Cancri (132.0), ρ Hydrae (132.4)

*91.0 = *132.4 - *41.4
γ Pyxidis (133.6) ζ Hydrae (134.1), ρ Cancri (134.2), ζ Oct. (134.3), ο Cancri (134.6), δ Pyxidis (134.9) ACUBENS = α Cancri, TALITHA (The First Spring of the Gazelle) BOREALIS = ι Ursae Majoris (135.0), σ Cancri (135.2), ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6)
July 29 (210) 30 31 (*132) Aug 1 2 (214) 3 (*500)
°July 25 (206) 26 27 (*128) 28 29 (210) 30 (*131)
'July 2 (183) 3 (*104) 4 5 (186) 6 7 (*108)
"June 18 (169) 19 20 (*91) Solstice 22 (*93) 23
DEC 1 (*255) 2 (336 = 4 * 84)
Gb1-26 Gb2-1 (256 = 4 * 64)

21h (319.6)

ARMUS = η Capricorni (319.0), DORSUM = θ Capricorni (319.3), TSOO = 24 Capricorni (319.7)
DRAMASA = σ Oct., χ Capricorni (320.0), ν Aquarii (320.3), γ Equulei (320.6), ο Pavonis (320.8)
Febr 3 (34) 4 (400)
°Jan 30 (*315) 31 (396)
'Jan 7 (*292) 8 (373)
Christmas Eve (*278) "Dec 25 (359)

...That the Sun-gods Dionysus, Apollo and Mithras were all also reputedly born at the Winter solstice is well known, and the Christian Church first fixed the Nativity feast of Jesus Christ at the same season, in the year A.D. 273 [→ 3 * 91]. St. Chrysostom, a century later, said that the intention was that 'while the heathen were busied with their profane rites the Christians might perform their holy ones without disturbance', but justified the date as suitable for one who was 'the Sun of Righteousness' ...

JUNE 1 (152) 2 (*73)
ν Cancri (136.0), TALITHA AUSTRALIS = κ Ursae Majoris (136.1), ω Hydrae (136.8) 9h (137.0)

σ¹ Ursa Majoris (137.0), κ Cancri (137.3), τ Cancri (137.4), ALSUHAIL (al Wazn, of the Weight) = λ Velorum (137.5), σ² Ursa Majoris (137.6), τ Ursa Majoris (137.7), ξ Cancri (137.8)

*96.0 = *137.4 - *41.4
Aug 4 (216) 5
°July 31 (212) °Aug 1
'July 8 9 (190)
St John's Day (*95) "June 25 (176)
DEC 3 4 5 (339) 6 (*260)
Gb2-2 Gb2-3 (29) Gb2-4 Gb2-5 (260)
α Oct. (321.5), δ Equulei (321.7), φ Capricorni (321.8) KITALPHA (Part of a Horse) = α Equulei (322.0), ALDERAMIN (The Right Arm) = α Cephei (322.9) DAI = ι Capricorni (323.5), β Equulei (323.8) γ Pavonis (324.1), YAN = ζ Capricorni (324.6)
Febr 5 6 7 (403) 8 (*324)
°Febr 1 2 3 (399) 4 (*320)
'Jan 9 10 (*295) 11 12 (377)
"Dec 26 (360) 27 (355 + 6 = 19 * 19) 28 29 (363 = 3 * 121)
JUNE 3 (154) 4 (*75) 5 (156 = 339- 183) 6 (*77)
κ Pyxidis (138.0), ε Pyxidis (138.5) π Cancri (139.2), MIAPLACIDUS = β Carinae (139.3), TUREIS (Little Shield) = ι Carinae (139.8) No star listed (140) θ Pyxidis (141.5), MARKAB VELORUM = κ Velorum (141.5), AL MINHAR AL ASAD (The Nose of the Lion) = κ Leonis (141.6), λ Pyxidis (141.9)
Aug 6 7 8 (220) 9 (*141)
°Aug 2 3 4 (216) 6
'July 10 11 (192) 12 13 (*114)
"June 26 (177) 27 28 29 (*100)
Ga3-15 Ga3-16 Ga3-17 Ga3-18 (260 - 183 = 77)
κ Pyxidis (138.0), ε Pyxidis (138.5) π Cancri (139.2), MIAPLACIDUS = β Carinae (139.3), TUREIS (Little Shield) = ι Carinae (139.8) No star listed (140) θ Pyxidis (141.5), MARKAB VELORUM = κ Velorum (141.5), AL MINHAR AL ASAD (The Nose of the Lion) = κ Leonis (141.6), λ Pyxidis (141.9)

The wheel of time would return to the same spot a year later:


6 (157) 362 - (472 - 365)

= 362 - 107 =

= 255


Ga3-18 (77)

Aug  8 9 (221)

FEBR 17 (413 = 14 * 29½)

18 (157 + 257 = 414)

19 (50 = 415 - 365)


Gb7-30 (77 + 363)

Gb7-31 (441)


Gb8-2 (77 + 366)

221 + 363 = 584 585 (= 441 + 144) 586 587
*174.0 = *215.4 - *41.4 *175.0 = *216.4 - *41.4 "Sept 9 (256)

10 (257 = 80 + 177)




Morning Star




Evening Star




FEBR 21 (52)

22 (413 + 5)


Gb8-3 (444)

Gb8-4 (→ 8 * 4 = 32

Gb8-5 (77 + 369)

588 (= 144 + 444) 589 590 (= 365 + 225 = 584 + 6)

Aug  11 (223)

12 (589 - 365 = 32 weeks)

13 (225 = 15 * 15)
*219 *220 TOLIMAN (*221)

"Sept 11 (258)

12 (*179)

13 (260 = 80 + 180)

Itzam-Yeh defeated

28 May (148), 3149 BC

1st 3-stone place

21 May (141), 3114 BC

Creation of our present world

13 Aug (141 + 84), 3114 BC

Och ta chan (Hun-Nal-Ye 'entered or became the sky')

5 Febr (36), 3112 BC

21 May, 3114 BC - 5 February, 3112 BC = 542

542 'happens to be' the sum of 365 days and 6 * 29½ nights.