We have to fill in the relevant stars:
And surely the presence of an Archer is there - as would have been observed from the location of the face of the nakshatra Full Moon,16 days after the Sun had risen in Orion. *72 + *16 = *88 → Betelgeuze.
It should be a female (*) archer because Orion could once upon a time have been a fallen male hunter (†).
At the left shoulder of Orion was the star γ and she was named Bellatrix, presumably to indicte she was the warrior who had shot an arrow into the celestial whirlpool in order to recreate light, life.. She rose in day *80, i.e in the same day as Elnath (the Butting One), the star connecting the right horn of Taurus with the left foot of the Charioteer:.
Now we can see how the pieces are beginning to fall into their proper places. First of all we have to remember the view of the revolving (in Latin the word Volvo means 'I am rolling') night sky as seen from an observer standing on the equator of the earth: This kind of tombola movement is quite unfamiliar to someone living outside of the tropical belt, where instead the central 'tree' is moving as if in the center of a tornado:
When Odysseus churned the eye of Polyphemus this was due to the perspective from Greece - viz. far from the equator: ... Odysseus and his fleet were now in a mythic realm of difficult trials and passages, of which the first was to be the Land of the Cyclopes, 'neither nigh at hand, nor yet afar off', where the one-eyed giant Polyphemus, son of the god Poseidon (who, as we know, was the lord of tides and of the Two Queens, and the lord, furthermore, of Medusa), dwelt with his flocks in a cave. 'Yes, for he was a monstrous thing and fashioned marvelously, nor was he like to any man that lives by bread, but like a wooded peak of the towering hills, which stands out apart and alone from others.' Odysseus, choosing twelve men, the best of the company, left his ships at shore and sallied to the vast cave. It was found stocked abundantly with cheeses, flocks of lambs and kids penned apart, milk pails, bowls of whey; and when the company had entered and was sitting to wait, expecting hospitality, the owner came in, shepherding his flocks. He bore a grievous weight of dry wood, which he cast down with a din inside the cave, so that in fear all fled to hide. Lifting a huge doorstone, such as two and twenty good four-wheeled wains could not have raised from the ground, he set this against the mouth of the cave, sat down, milked his ewes and goats, and beneath each placed her young, after which he kindled a fire and spied his guests. Two were eaten that night for dinner, two the next morning for breakfast, and two the following night. (Six gone.) But the companions meanwhile had prepared a prodigous stake with which to bore out the Cyclops' single eye; and when clever Odysseus, declaring his own name to be Noman, approached and offered the giant a skin of wine, Polyphemus, having drunk his fill, 'lay back', as we read, 'with his great neck bent round, and sleep that conquers all men overcame him.' Wine and fragments of the men's flesh he had just eaten issued forth from his mouth, and he vomited heavy with drink. 'Then', declared Odysseus, I thrust in that stake under the deep ashes, until it should grow hot, and I spake to my companions comfortable words, lest any should hang back from me in fear. But when that bar of olive wood was just about to catch fire in the flame, green though it was, and began to glow terribly, even then I came nigh, and drew it from the coals, and my fellows gathered about me, and some god breathed great courage into us. For their part they seized the bar of olive wood, that was sharpened at the point, and thrust it into his eye, while I from my place aloft turned it about, as when a man bores a ship's beam with a drill while his fellows below spin it with a strap, which they hold at either end, and the auger runs round continually. Even so did we seize the fiery-pointed brand and whirled it round in his eye, and the blood flowed about the heated bar. And the breath of the flame singed his eyelids and brows all about, as the ball of the eye burnt away, and the roots thereof crackled in the flame. And as when a smith dips an ax or adze in chill water with a great hissing, when he would temper it - for hereby anon comes the strength of iron - even so did his eye hiss round the stake of olive. And he raised a great and terrible cry, that the rock rang around, and we fled away in fear, while he plucked forth from his eye the brand bedabbled in much blood. Then maddened with pain he cast it from him with his hands, and called with a loud voice on the Cyclopes, who dwelt about him in the caves along the windy heights. And they heard the cry and flocked together from every side, and gathering round the cave, called in to ask what ailed him. 'What hath so distressed thee, Polyphemus, that thou criest thus aloud through the immortal night, and makest us sleepless? Surely no mortal driveth off thy flocks against thy will: surely none slayeth thyself by force or craft?' And the strong Polyphemus spake to them again from out of the cave: 'My friends, Noman is slaying me by guile, nor at all by force.' And they answered and spake winged words: 'If then no man is violently handling thee in thy solitude, it can in no wise be that thou shouldst escape the sickness sent by mighty Zeus. Nay, pray thou to thy father, the lord Poseidon.' On this wise they spake and departed; and my heart within me laughed to see how my name and cunning counsel had beguiled him ... In contrast to his vertically oriented olive stake was the idea of 'two and twenty good four-wheeled wains' - which surely amounted to 22 * 4 = 88. Which suggests 88 / 2 = 44 horizontally oriented 'trees' between these 88 wheels. In June 17 (day 168 counted from January 1) the Sun rose together with Betelgeuze. And 168 + 16 = 184 (July 3) = 140 (May 20) + 44. And in July 4 would ideally be observed the right ascension line carrying the top of Auriga, the Lord of Created Beings (Praja-pāti, δ Aurigae):