71   Day 180 + 160 = 340 was December 6 (*260), which was 60 days later than October 7 (*200):

OCT 1 2 (275 → 11 * 25) 3 (270 + 6) 4 5 6 (*199)
25 Sept 26 27 (3 * 90) 28 29 30 Sept
Dec 4 5 6 (*260) 7 (271 + 70 = 341) 8 9
Ga7-25 Ga7-26 (275 - 80) Ga7-27 Ga7-28 Ga7-29 Ga7-30 (199)

17h (*258.7)

ARRAKIS = μ Draconis (258.7)

*182.0 = *258.7 - *76.7

Mula-19 (The Root)

SABIK (The Preceding One) = η Ophiuchi (259.7), η Scorpii (259.9)

*183.0 = *2598.7 - *76.7

NODUS I = ζ Draconis (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), RAS ALGETHI = α Herculis (260.8)

SARIN = δ Herculis (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)

*220.0 = *261.4 - *41.4
ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6)
APRIL 2 3 ('378 = *195 + *183) 4 (94 = 459 - 365) 5 (460 = 277 + 183) 6 (96 - 80 = *16) 7
27 March 28 29 (88) 30 31 1 April (91)

5h (*76.1)

ε Leporis (76.0), ι Tauri (76.2), CURSA (Footstool) = β Eridani (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7), Ψ (65) Eridani (76.8)

*0.0 = *76.7 - *76.7

Dec 6 AD 2022 (340, *260)


μ Aurigae, μ Leporis (77.6)

ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (Foot) = β Orionis (78.1), Flaming Star = IC405 (78.2), CAPELLA (Mother Goat) = α Aurigae (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)

*37.0 = *78.4 - *41.4

THUBAN (α Draconis)

λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)

ARCTURUS (α Bootis)

Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu-5 (Star in the Bull towards the north)

σ Aurigae (80.4), BELLATRIX (Female Warrior) = γ Orionis, SAIF AL JABBAR (Sword of the Giant) = η Orionis (80.7), ELNATH (The Butting One) = β Tauri = γ Aurigae (80.9)

*39.0 = *41.0 - *2.0 = *221.0 - *182.0

Oct 7 AD 2022 (280, *200)


ψ Orionis (81.1), NIHAL (Thirst-slaking Camels) = β Leporis (81.7)
June 5 (156) 6 7 (*78) 8 9 10 (161)
°June 1 2 (*73) 3 4 5 6 (157)
'May 9 (*414) 10 11 12 (132) 13 14 (*54)
"April 25 (*400) 26 27 28 (118 → 4 * 29½) 29 30 (*40)
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (196 - 182) Ga1-15 Ga1-16 Ga1-17

Originally, it seems, Mars (Tyr), had stood at spring equinox, but then the precession of the cardinal points of the Sun would have repositioned him to a place a quarter of a year earlier. Hence his hands should not be visible:

And the name should not be Tyr but Tyra (Crow, Ain, ε Tauri):

... There was no water in the village. The lakes and rivers were dry. Raven and Crow, two young girls who were having their first menstrual courses, were told to go and draw water from the ocean. Finding the journey too long, Raven decided just to urinate into her basket-bucket. She decieved no one and was severly scolded. Crow returned much later but with drinking water. As a punishment, Raven was condemned never to find water in the summer; only in winter would she find something to drink. For that reason the Raven never drinks during the hot months; she speaks with a raucous voice because of her dry throat ...

Currently the Sun would rise together with the Head of Hercules in December 6 when the Full Moon ideally should be at Capella (*78.4). And in the following day the culmination of Alrisha would be half a year away from the culmination of Arcturus.

And when in June 7 (*260 - *182 = *78)  the Full Moon ideally should be at Capella the ancient north pole star Thuban would culminate:

  365 days
  (80 + RA / 24h * 365¼)   Day of culmination  
Atlas May 16 (136) *229 December 31 (365, *285) 135
Alkes September 3 (246) *229 April 20 (110) 135
Denebola September 15 (258) *230 May 3 (123) 134
Thuban October 19 (292, *212) *230 June 7 (158, *78) 134
Arcturus October 22 (295, *215) *227 June 8 (159, *79) *136
Vega December 27 (361, *281) *227 August 12 (224, *144) *137
Alphekka Meridiana January 6 (*291) *218 August 13 (225, *145) '146
Fomalhaut March 3 (*348) *236 October 25 (*584, *218)  
Alrisha April 19 (109, *212 - *183 = *29) *232 December 7 (341, *261) 132

*364 - *229 135 etc. And *144 (August 12) = *281 (December 27) - *137, etc.

... The star [Thuban] could be seen, both by day and night, from the bottom of the central passage of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Knum Khufu) at Ghizeh, in 30° of north latitude, as also from the similar points in five other like structures; and the same fact is asserted by Sir John Herschel as to the two pyramids at Abousseir ...

... For some reason, too, it had taken their fancy to place the Great Pyramid almost exactly on the 30th parallel at latitude 29º 58' 51". This, a former astronomer royal of Scotland once observed, was 'a sensible defalcation from 30º', but not necessarily in error: For if the original designer had wished that men should see with their body, rather than their mental eyes, the pole of the sky from the foot of the Great Pyramid, at an altitude before them of 30º, he would have had to take account of the refraction of the atmosphere, and that would have necessitated the building standing not at 30º but at 29º 58' 22' ...

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