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82. The star immediately after the place of the conjunction between Mars and Jupiter - i.e. ι (102) Tauri (not in my list) - is the obvious candidate for finding the day of the conjunction.

And to mind comes the oppositely oriented 'grasping hands' at the beginning of Aquarius:

Egyptian arm Phoenician yodh Greek iota Ι (ι)

Yodh is thought to have originated with a pictograph of a hand, ultimately deriving from Proto-Semitic *yad-. It may be related to the Egyptian hieroglyphic of an arm. (Wikipedia)

Egyptian hand Phoenician kaph Greek kappa Κ (κ)

Kaph is thought to have been derived from a pictogram of a hand (in both modern Arabic and modern Hebrew, kaph means palm/grip) ...

... The manik, with the tzab, or serpent's rattles as prefix, runs across Madrid tz. 22 , the figures in the pictures all holding the rattle; it runs across the hunting scenes of Madrid tz. 61, 62, and finally appears in all four clauses of tz. 175, the so-called 'baptism' tzolkin. It seems impossible, with all this, to avoid assigning the value of grasping or receiving. But in the final confirmation, we have the direct evidence of the signs for East and West. For the East we have the glyph Ahau-Kin, the Lord Sun, the Lord of Day; for the West we have Manik-Kin, exactly corresponding to the term Chikin, the biting or eating of the Sun, seizing it in the mouth.


The pictures (from Gates) show east, north, west, and south; respectively (the lower two glyphs)  'Lord' (Ahau) and 'grasp' (Manik). Manik was the 7th day sign of the 20 and Ahau the last ...

The location of ι Tauri as described in the map above is close to 5h according to my old astronomy book, which can be compared with its description of the corresponding place in Auriga, where the line 5h goes between Haedus I and Haedus II (the Gate of the Goat).

In view of how important this place was (5h + 7h = 12h) we should repeat from the culmination of Porrima in order to improve our documentation:

3-14 (π, 73) MARCH 15 (*359 = *324 + *35) 16 (75)
Gb5-5 (324 + 35) Gb5-6 (130) Gb5-7 (360)

MENKHIB (Next to the Pleiades = ζ Persei (57.6)

PORRIMA (γ Virginis)
ε Persei (58.5), ξ Persei (58.8), ZAURAK (Boat) = γ Eridani (58.9)

July 22 AD 2024 (203, *123)


λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9)
May 17 (136 + 1 = 73 + 64) 18 (*58) 19 (*424 = *360 + *64 = *365 + *59)
°May 13 14 (*54) 15 (135)
'April 20 (475 = 111 + 364) 21 (111 = 138 - 27) 22 (*32 = *59 - *27)
"April 6 (95 + 1 = 73 + 23) 7 (*17 = *58 - *41) 8 (463 = 98 + 365 = 504 - 41)
SEPT 12 (221 + 34 = 255) 13 (256 = 74 + 182) 14 (*177)
κ Serpentis (239.3), δ Cor. Borealis, TIĀNRŪ = μ Serpentis (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), BA (= Pa) = ε Serpentis, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9) λ Librae (240.0), β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8)

*199.0 = *240.4 - *41.4

Iklīl al Jabhah-15 (Crown of the Forehead) / Anuradha-17 (Following Rādhā) / Room-4 (Hare)

ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Bor.(241.1), ZHENG = γ Serpentis θ Librae (241.2), VRISCHIKA = π Scorpii (241.3), ε Cor. Borealis (241.5),  DSCHUBBA (Front of Forehead) = δ Scorpii (241.7), η Lupi (241.9)

Nov 15 (285 + 34 = 319) 16 (320 = 138 + 182) 17 (*241 = *424 - *183)
°Nov 11 (315) 12 (*236) 13
'Oct 19 (292 = 319 - 27) 20 21 (*214 = *241 - *27)
"Oct 5 (278 = 319 - 41) 6 7 (*200 = *241 - *41)
Ga7-6 Ga7-7 Ga7-8 (177 = 354 / 2)


*10 MARCH 26 (*370) 27 28 (*7) 29 (88) 30 (454)
Gb5-17 (229 + 141) Gb5-18 (359 + 12) Gb5-19 (365 + 7) Gb5-20 (12 * 12) Gb5-21 (290 / 2)
Ga1-5 (370 - 365) Ga1-6 Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9
No star listed (69) No star listed (70) TABIT = π³ Orionis  (71.7), π² Orionis (71.9) π4 Orionis (72.1), ο¹ Orionis (72.4), π5 Orionis (72.8)

*31.0 = *72.4 - *41.4

π¹ Orionis (73.0), ο² Orionis (73.4), HASSALEH = ι Aurigae (73.6), π6 Orionis (73.9)

*32.0 = *73.4 - *41.4
May 29 (122 + 27) 30 31 (*372 + *64) June 1 (152 = 88 + 64) 2 (*73)
°May 25 26 27 (*432 = *436 - *4) 28 (148 = 152 - 4) 29 (*69)
'May 2 (122) 3 (*408) 4 5 (125) 6 (*46 = *73 - *27)
"April 18 (108) 19 (*29) 20 (*395) 21 (111 = 152 - 41) 22 (477 = 112 + 365)
SEPT 24 25 (*188) 26 27 (270) 28 (3 * 91)
HAN = ζ Ophiuchi (251.0) ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η Herculis, β Apodis (252.5) ATRIA = α Tr. Austr. (253.9)

Tail-6 (Tiger)

WEI (Tail) = ε Scorpii, η Arae (254.3), DENEBAKRAB = μ Scorpii (254.7)

ι Ophiuchi (255.3), GRAFIAS = ζ Scorpii (255.4)

*214.0 = *255.4 - *41.4
Nov 27  28 29 (333) 30 (*254) Dec 1
°Nov 23 24 25 (329) 26 (*250) 27
'Oct 31 'Nov 1 2 3 (*227) 4 (308)
"Oct 17 (*210) 18 19 (292) 20 21
Ga7-18 (141 + 46) Ga7-19 (188) Ga7-20 Ga7-21 (190) Ga7-22 (145 + 46)

MARCH 31 (*10) APRIL 1 2 3 (93)
Gb5-22 (146 2 * 73) Gb5-23 Gb5-24 Gb5-25 (378 → Saturn)
Ga1-10 Ga1-11 Ga1-12 Ga1-13 ↔ 378 - 365
ALMAAZ (The Male Goat) = ε Aurigae (74.7), HAEDUS I = ζ Aurigae (74.8) HAEDUS II = η Aurigae (75.9)

Aug 14 AD 2024 (226, *146)


5h (*76.1) ι (102) Tauri

ε Leporis (76.0), CURSA (Footstool) = β Eridani (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7)

*35.0 = *76.4 - *41.4

μ Aurigae, μ Leporis (77.6)

... The tradition preserved by Hyginus in his Poetic Astronomy that the constellation Capricorn ('He-goat') was Zeus's foster-brother Aegipan, the Kid of the Goat Amalthea whose horn Zeus also placed among the stars, shows that Zeus was born at mid-winter when the Sun entered the house of Capricorn ...

June 3 4 (*75) 5 (40 + 4 * 29) 6 (157 ↔ 314 / 2)
°May 30 (150) 31 °June 1 (*72) 2 (153)
'May 7 8 (128) 9 (*414 ↔ *49 + *365) 10 (*50 ↔ *77 - *27)
"April 23 24 (*399) 25 (115 = 156 - 41) 26 (*36 = *77 - *41)

... Later on in this series of rituals, the Chorti go through a ceremony they call raising the sky. This ritual takes place at midnight on the twenty-fifth of April and continues each night until the rains arrive. In this ceremony two diviners and their wives sit on benches so that they occupy the corner positions of the cosmic square. They take their seats in the same order as the stones were placed, with the men on the eastern side and the women on the west. The ritual actions of sitting down and lifting upward are done with great precision and care, because they are directly related to the actions done by the gods at Creation. The people represent the gods of the four corners and the clouds that cover the earth. As they rise from their seats, they metaphorically lift the sky. If their lifting motion is uneven, the rains will be irregular and harmful ...



Ariki 1. King, ruler, member of the nobility, Ariki henua, king; members of the royal family, descending from Hotu Matu'a; noble, nobility, chief. 2. Divine being, superior being. Ariki Paka, certain collateral descendents of Hotu Matu'a, who exercised religious functions. Vanaga. Chief, king, lord, headman in general. Hakaariki, to make one a king. P Pau., Mgv.: ariki, chief. Mq.: aiki, id. Ta.: arii, id. The Marquesan use both aiki and hakaiki in the same sense; the latter forms with Mangarevan akariki a subordinate couple in Southeast Polynesia. Since akariki is the only form in Mangareva and the Marquesas have both we may regard this as indicative of the influence of Mangareva upon the Marquesas. In Tonga we find only eiki; the vowel change is quite in the Tongan manner, the dropping of the liquid is most unusual; the eiki form appears once more in Mangarevan ataeiki (also a language in which it is unusual to drop the liquid) in the sense 'to do nothing and to dress richly in a luxurious way'. Churchill.

... The Mahabharata insists on six as the number of the Pleiades as well as of the mothers of Skanda and gives a very broad and wild description of the birth and the installation of Kartikeya 'by the assembled gods ... as their generalissimo', which is shattering, somehow, driving home how little one understands as yet. The least which can be said, assuredly: Mars was 'installed' during a more or less close conjunction of all planets; in Mbh. 9.45 (p. 133) it is stressed that the powerful gods assembled 'all poured water upon Skanda, even as the gods had poured water on the head of Varuna, the lord of waters, for investing him with dominion'. And this 'investiture' took place at the beginning of the Krita Yuga, the Golden Age ...

SEPT 29 30 (273 = 3 * 91) OCT 1 2 (*195)
κ Ophiuchi (256.2), ζ Arae (256.5), ε Arae (256.8), CUJAM (Club) = ε Herculi (256.9) No star listed (257)

17h (*258.7)

ARRAKIS = μ Draconis (258.7)

Mula-19 (The Root)

SABIK (The Preceding One) = η Ophiuchi (259.7), η Scorpii (259.9)
Dec 2 (336 ↔ 4 * 84) 3 4 5 (*259)
°Nov 28 (332) 29 30 (*254) °Dec 1
'Nov 5 6 (*230) 7 (311) 8
"Oct 22 (295) 23 (*216) 24 25
Ga7-23 (192) Ga7-24 Ga7-25 Ga7-26

APRIL 4 (*14) → 413 + 1 5 (95 + 365 = 460) 6 7
Gb5-26 (150) Gb5-27 (Gb5-6 + 21) Gb5-28 Gb5-29 (382)
Ga1-14 Ga1-15 Ga1-16 Ga1-17

ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (Foot) = β Orionis (78.1), Flaming Star = IC405 (78.2), CAPELLA (Mother Goat) = α Aurigae (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)

*37.0 = *78.4 - *41.4

THUBAN (α Draconis)

λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)

ARCTURUS (α Bootis)

Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu-5 (Star in the Bull towards the north)  

σ Aurigae (80.4), BELLATRIX (Female Warrior) = γ Orionis, SAIF AL JABBAR (Sword of the Giant) = η Orionis (80.7), ELNATH (The Butting One) = β Tauri = γ Aurigae (80.9)

*39.0 = *41.0 - *2.0 = *221.0 - *182.0
ψ Orionis (81.1), NIHAL (Thirst-slaking Camels) = β Leporis (81.7)
June 7 (*78) 8 (*444) 9 (525 = 365 + 160) 10 (161)

... Midsummer is the flowering season of the oak, which is the tree of endurance and triumph, and like the ash is said to 'court the lightning flash'. Its roots are believed to extend as deep underground as its branches rise in the air - Virgil mentions this - which makes it emblematic of a god whose law runs both in Heaven and in the Underworld ... The month, which takes its name from Juppiter the oak-god, begins on June 10th and ends of July 7th. Midway comes St. John's Day, June 24th, the day on which the oak-king was sacrificially burned alive. The Celtic year was divided into two halves with the second half beginning in July, apparently after a seven-day wake, or funeral feast, in the oak-king's honour ...

°June 3 (*74) 4 (*440) 5 (521) 6 (157)
'May 11 12 (*52 = *79 - *27) 13 (133) 14
"April 27 28 (118 ↔ 4 * 29½) 29 (*39) 30
OCT 3 4 (277) 5 6 (*199)
NODUS I = ζ Draconis (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), RAS ALGETHI = α Herculis (260.8)

SARIN = δ Herculis (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)

*220.0 = *261.4 - *41.4
ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6)
Dec 6 (*260) 7 (→ 9 * 29) 8 (342) 9 (→ 7 * 49)
°Dec 2 (*256) 3 4 (338) 5
'Nov 9 10 (314 → π) 11 12 (*236 → 8 * 29½)
"Oct 26 27 (300 = 341 - 41) 28 29 (*222)
Ga7-27 Ga7-28 Ga7-29 Ga7-30 (199)