WEDNESDAY This is Wednesday:
The disorderly behaviour of Mercury defies any structure. Is that what is shown in glyph no. 2? The picture of an amazed man, looking up at the sky, mouth agape and holding his hand in front of himself as if in want of something to grasp hold of? Possibly, but probably not. Mercury is difficult to observe, close to the sun and often not visible. This might be shown in glyphs no. 3 and 5, signs indicating 'New' Mercury. Between these two glyphs we can see a glyph which clearly shows disorder. Perhaps what is shown is Mercury's orbit around the sun. The last glyph, no. 6, might be a message of the central position of Wednesday in the week. Counting glyphs we find 21 such before glyph no. 6 in Wednesday and 20 after. Does this mean that this the final glyph of Wednesday belongs to the second half of the week? The circumference of glyph no. 6 is similar to the 'orbit' of glyph no. 4 (should it have been in order, turned 180o and not broken). In a way the week is forever circulating in time. |