The 'Nunnery'

This picture I recently found in the book 'The Maya' (by Coe):

Of course there were no nuns in this building, it is just a name invented by some outsider.

"An iconographic study by Jeff Kowalski suggests a cosmological layout for the Nunnery. The higher placement of the North Building, with its 13 exterior doorways (reflecting the 13 layers of heaven), and the celestial serpents surmounting the huts identify it with the celestial sphere. 

The iconography of the West Building, with 7 exterior doorways (7 is the mystic number of the earth's surface), and figures of Pawahtun - the earth god as a turtle - indicate this to be the Middleworld, the place of the sun's descent into the Underworld. 

The East Building has mosaic elements reflecting the old war cult of Teotihuacan, where tradition had it that the sun was born; thus, this may also be Middleworld, the place of the rising sun. 

Finally, the South Building has 9 exterior doorways (the Underworld or Xibalba had 9 layers), and has the lowest placement in the compex; it thus seems to be associated with death and the nether regions."

We have here a map which among other interesting things indicates these numbers:

above earth 13
on earth 7
below earth 9

A week with 7 days, consequently seems proper for use on earth. The two maps agree.

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