19. The path of the planet Mars in AD 2023 is evidently leading us towards the Virgo constellation.
And in August 24 AD 2023 the position of Mars will be at β Virginis (Zavijah), a week before Zaniah, η:
... Zaniah is from Al Zāwiah, applied in German lists to this instead of to the stars β and γ, all of these being in the Kennel ... ... Beta Virginis (β Vir, β Virginis) is a star in the constellation Virgo. It has the traditional names Zavijava (also Zavijah) and Alaraph. Despite being the beta star of the constellation Virgo it is only the fifth star in order of brightness ... Since it is close to the ecliptic, it can be occulted by the Moon and (very rarely) by planets. The next planetary occultation of Zavijava will take place on 11 August 2069, by Venus ... This was the star Einstein used during the solar eclipse of September 21, 1922, to determine the speed of light in space, as it was close to the Sun ... The medieval name Zavijava (Zavijah, Zavyava, Zawijah) is from the Arabic zāwiyat al-cawwa’ 'Corner of the barking (dog)'. Another name was Alaraph ... ... Gronw Pebyr, who figures as the lord of Penllyn - 'Lord of the Lake' - which was also the title of Tegid Voel, Cerridwen's husband, is really Llew's twin and tanist ... Gronw reigns during the second half of the year, after Llew's sacrificial murder; and the weary stag whom he kills and flays outside Llew's castle stands for Llew himself (a 'stag of seven fights'). This constant shift in symbolic values makes the allegory difficult for the prose-minded reader to follow, but to the poet who remembers the fate of the pastoral Hercules the sense is clear: after despatching Llew with the dart hurled at him from Bryn Kyvergyr, Gronw flays him, cuts him to pieces and distributes the pieces among his merry-men. The clue is given in the phrase 'baiting his dogs' ... In August 24 AD 2023 the Sun will rise simulataneously not only with β Virginis but also with the star 93 Leonis:
In AD 2023 there will thus be *156 - *111 = 45 days from July 10 (191) with Mars at the Little King (Regulus) to Mars at the tail of Leo (93 Leonis) in August 24 (236 → 472 / 2). In around 10800 BC the Sun would have here risen at the northern spring equinox:
Also Denebola - which we can translate as the star at the End (deneb, danab) of the Fresh Waters of Life (vai ola, ora) - Ora. 1. Healthy; to recover, to be saved (from an illness or a danger): ku-ora-á, ina kai mate, he recovered, he did not die; ku-ora-á te haoa, the wound has healed; e-ora-no-á, he is still alive; ora-hakaou mai, to come back to life; ora ké, what a pleasant breeze! (lit: how healthy!). 2. Stick for spinning top (made from the shell of a sandalwood nut) with which children make the top spin. Vanaga. 1. December, January. Ora nui, November, October. 2. To live, to exist, to draw breath, to survive, to subsist, to be well, healthy, safe, to refresh, a pause, rest, ease; e ko ora, incurable; ora tuhai, previous existence; ora iho, to resuscitate, to revive; ora nui, vigorous; oraga, life, existence; oraga roaroa, oraga roaroa ke, oraga ina kai mou, immortality; oraga kore, lifeless; oraga mau, oraga ihoiho, vivacious; oraora, oraora no iti, to be better; hakaora, to draw breath, to revive, to strengthen, healthy, to sanctify, to animate, to save, to repose, to cure, to rest, to comfort, to assuage; hakaora ina kai mou, to immortalize; hakaoratagata, Messiah, Saviour. 3. To give water to; kua ora te kevare, to water a horse; hakaunu ora, to water. 4. To staunch, to stop the flow of a liquid. 5. To make an escape; hakaora, to discharge, to deliver, to set free. 6. To be awake (probably ara); hakaora to guard. 7. A zephyr, light wind; kona ora, a breezy spot; ahau ora, agreeable breeze. Churchill. Ola, life, health, well-being, living, livelihood, means of support, salvation; alive, living; curable, spared, recovered, healed; to live; to spare, save, heal, grant life, survive, thrive. Ola loa, long life, longevity, Ola 'ana, life, existence. Wehewehe. The explorers reach Easter Island in a 'canoe' (vaka). The name of their craft is given as Oraorangaru 'saved from the billows' (Brown 1924:40) or Te Oraora-miro 'the living-wood' (ME:58). The Routledge reference 'Each (man went) on a piece of wood' (RM:278) also seems to refer to the name of the canoe. As far back as 1934, the name was no longer understood. I favor the following explanation: The difficulty in interpreting the name of the canoe of the explorers arises from the name segment oraora. To begin with, the compound form oraora ngaru should be analyzed in comparison with other Polynesian compounds, such as MAO. pare-ngaru 'that which fends off the waves' (i.e., the hull of the boat), TAH. tere-'aru 'that which moves through the waves' (i.e., riding the waves on a board). There are several possible translations for oraora as the reduplication of ora. Te Oraora Miro can be translated as 'the pieces of wood, tightly lashed together' (compare TAH. oraora 'to set close together, to fit parts of a canoe') and be taken to refer to the method of construction of the explorer canoe, while Oraora Ngaru means 'that which parts the water like a wedge', or 'that which saves (one) from the waves, that which is stronger than the waves'. (Barthel 2) was in the same day as 93 Leonis but more to the north:
Here we can see the change of sex from the male Leo to the female Virgo. For Denebola (β Leonis) was just above Alaraph (Unarmed, β Virginis):