168. Once again. Kepler discovered that the planets did not move in circles, but instead in elliptical orbits. Yet when Captain Cook received his instructions one of the goals presented for him was to ascertain that the southern hemisphere had the same amount of Land as north of the equator. He failed. Instead they should have looked up at the stars and found that the region around the celestial south pole was qualitatively different from that around the northern celestial pole. An apple at first sight appears to be beautifully rounded all around, but then it will quickly be recognized that at its top is the shaft by which it is hanging from the tree. Obviously the bottom end of an apple will have no such thing. At the north pole there should be a fixed point, whereas the south pole should be free to swing in the wind gusts. ... The swinging doors theme, which is found all the world over, belongs most certainly to the oldest mythic tradition known to man. The same is probably true of the swing, around which the American Indians built up a whole mythology ...; swings existed in real life, particularly among the Salish, whose various dialects distinguished between the cradle-swing - 'suspended from a long thin pole stuck in the ground and the upper end bent over ... the weight of the child being sufficient ... to allow the cradle to swing gently up and down with the movements of the child, which were kept up by a cord attached to the cradle and given to the mother or one of the old women of the household to pull from time to time' ... ... and the seat swing, which at least among certain groups had a ceremonial or ritual use, reserved, it would seem, for adult women ...
Recently having picked apples in my garden it was furthermore clear that they are irregular, never perfect, and that no apple is precisely the same. This implies the paths of the planets in our solar system will not be perfect ellipses at all. Neither will the form of planet Earth be perfect. Other forces will produce irregularities, for instance earth quakes and the gravitational tug from other planets. The true cosmos is not fixed but moving - is vibrating and alive. For instance will the Moon produce ebb and flood in slightly variable patterns.
The ideal orbits etc will not be precisely as the true orbits etc. Yet the Hindu did find a faint star at the south pole, viz. Dramasa (5.45), and in the Flag of Brazil it is denored by a tiny dot.far down below the Southern Cross: ![]() I am attempting to make clear what an ideal frame of mind might produce. The winds were said to be caused by 'door openings': ... In other words, the ancient Druidic religion based on the oak-cult will be swept away by Christianity and the door - the god Llyr - will languish forgotten in the Castle of Arianrhod, the Corona Borealis. This helps us to understand the relationship at Rome of Janus and the White Goddess Cardea who is ... the Goddess of Hinges who came to Rome from Alba Longa. She was the hinge on which the year swung - the ancient Latin, not the Etruscan year - and her importance as such is recorded in the Latin adjective cardinalis - as we say in English 'of cardinal importance - which was also applied to the four main winds; for winds were considered as under the sole direction of the Great Goddess until Classical times ...
And in Virgo there were a pair of assistants to Carmenta: ... The Latins called this Porrima, or Antevorta, sometimes Postvorta, names of two ancient goddesses of prophecy, sisters and assistants of Carmenta or Carmentis, worshiped and at times invoked by their women. Porrima was known as Prorsa and Prosa by Aulus Gellius of our 2d century. γ [Virginis, *191.5] was specially mentioned by Kazwini as itself being Zāwiat al 'Awwā', the Angle, or Corner, of the Barker; and Al Tizini, with Ulug Beg, had much the same name for it; but Al Bīrūnī, qouting from Al Zajjāj, said 'these people are all wrong', and that 'Awwā' here meant 'Turn', referring to the turn, or bend, in the line of stars ...
We could say that summer had ended (turned around) at Porrima. The Arabs evidently used the Bharani fraction .4 as a guide:
... the fraction .4 of a right ascension day (night) ... From a religious point of view, the high regard for flies, whose increase or reduction causes a similar increase or reduction in the size of the human population, is interesting, even more so because swarms of flies are often a real nuisance on Easter Island, something most visitors have commented on in vivid language. The explanation seems to be that there is a parallel relationship between flies and human souls, in this case, the souls of the unborn. There is a widespread belief throughout Polynesia that insects are the embodiment of numinous beings, such as gods or the spirits of the dead, and this concept extends into Southeast Asia, where insects are seen as the embodiment of the soul ... was evidently the established rule in order to identify numbers congruent with the star Bharani (*41.4) in the asterism named the Northern Fly (Musca Borealis) the fraction zero (.0) must refer to numbers congruent with the Sun. Like empty shells from where you could listen to distant spirits of the Sea ...
When in the night of autumn equinox AD 2023 the planet Mars had advanced to the Unarmed Star (Alaraph) - where those born in Virgo would be influenced by the Moon - it should have meant summer was definitely in the past. The Chinese began to count anew from Spica (*202.7, 282, October 9) where the cue was given by Crocodile.
And we can compare with the figure down at the water line on the stern of this Roman trireme: