166. When the Argonauts sailed between the Clashing Rocks they rowed mightily and just made it through, although the very last part of their ship was lost, viz. the Stern Ornament (→ its 'Tail Feathers'): ... In Greek mythology, the Symplegades, also known as the Cyanean Rocks or Clashing Rocks were a pair of rocks at the Bosporus that clashed together randomly. They were defeated by Jason and the Argonauts, who would have been lost and killed by the rocks except for Phineas' advice. Jason let a dove fly between the rocks; it lost only its tail feathers. The Argonauts rowed mightily to get through and lost only part of the stern ornament. After that, the Symplegades stopped moving permanently. The Romans called them cyaneae insulae ... ... It is an interesting fact, although one little commented upon, that myths involving a canoe journey, whether they originate from the Athapaskan and north-western Salish, the Iroquois and north-eastern Algonquin, or the Amazonian tribes, are very explicit about the respective places allocated to passengers. In the case of maritime, lake-dwelling or river-dwelling tribes, the fact can be explained, in the first instance, by the importance they attach to anything connected with navigation: 'Literally and symbolically,' notes Goldman ... referring to the Cubeo of the Uaupés basin, 'the river is a binding thread for the people. It is a source of emergence and the path along which the ancestors had travelled. It contains in its place names genealogical as well as mythological references, the latter at the petroglyphs in particular.' A little further on ... the same observer adds: 'The most important position in the canoe are those of stroke and steersman. A woman travelling with men always steers, because that is the lighter work. She may even nurse her child while steering ... On a long journey the prowsman or stroke is always the strongest man, while a woman, or the weakest or oldest man is at the helm ... ... After several attempts, Blue-Jay succeeded in crossing the great wall, cut horizontally in two with the two halves beating one against the other, which guarded the land of the dead, where the stolen child, now grown to manhood, was living.
The young man promised that he would soon return to his own people, and later he distinguished himself by such marvellous exploits as the creation of lakes, rivers and mountains, the division of animals into different species, the invention of fire, and the destruction of monsters ... Finally he became the moon ... And therefore, in modern illustrations the Pointed Prow is destroyed: ... The Ship appears to have no bow ... Aratos wrote: Sternforward Argō by the Great Dog's tail // Is drawn; for hers is not a usual course, // But backward turned she comes, as vessels do // When sailors have transposed the crooked stern // On entering harbour; all the ship reverse, // And gliding backward on the beach it grounds. // Sternforward thus is Jason's Argō drawn. This loss of its bow is said to have occurred ... when Argō pass'd // Through Bosporus betwixt the justling rocks - the Symplegades, the Cyanean (azure), or the Planctae Rocks at the mouth of the Euxine Sea. Yet Aratos may have thought it complete, for he wrote: All Argō stands aloft in sky. and Part moves dim and starless from the prow // Up to the mast, but the rest is bright; and it has often be so illustrated and described by artists and authors ...
... This is the account, here it is. Now it still ripples, now it still murmurs, ripples, it still sighs, still hums, and it is empty under the sky. Here follows the first words, the first eloquence: There is not yet one person, one animal, bird, fish, crab, tree, rock, hollow, canyon, meadow, forest. Only the sky alone is there; the face of the earth is not clear. Only the sea alone is pooled under all the sky; there is nothing whatever gathered together. It is at rest; not a single thing stirs. It is held back, kept at rest under the sky. Whatever there is that might be is simply not there: only the pooled water, only the calm sea, only it alone is pooled. Whatever might be is simply not there: only murmurs, ripples, in the dark, in the night. Only the Maker, Modeler alone, Sovereign Plumed Serpent, the Bearers, Begetters are in the water, a glittering light. They are there, they are enclosed in quetzal feathers, in blue-green. Thus the name, 'Plumed Serpent'. They are great knowers, great thinkers in their very being. And of course there is the sky, and there is also the Heart of Sky. This is the name of the god, as it is spoken.
And then came his word, he came here to the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, here in the blackness, in the early dawn. He spoke with the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, and they talked, then they thought, then they worried. They agreed with each other, they joined their words, their thoughts. Then it was clear, then they reached accord in the light, and then humanity was clear, when they conceived the growth, the generation of trees, of bushes, and the growth of life, of humankind, in the blackness, in the early dawn, all because of the Heart of Sky, named Hurricane, Thunderbolt Hurricane comes first, the second is Newborn Thunderbolt, and the third is Sudden Thunderbolt. So there were three of them, as Heart of Sky, who came to the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, when the dawn of life was conceived: 'How should the sowing be, and the dawning? Who is to be provider, nurturer?' 'Let it be this way, think about it: this water should be removed, emptied out for the formation of the earth's own plate and platform, then should come the sowing, the dawning of the sky-earth. But there will be no high days and no bright praise for our work, our design, until the rise of the human work, the human design,' they said. And then the earth arose because of them, it was simply their word that brought it forth. For the forming of the earth they said 'Earth'. It arose suddenly, just like a cloud, like a mist, now forming, unfolding. Then the mountains were separated from the water, all at once the great mountains came forth. By their genius alone, by their cutting edge alone they carried out the conception of the mountain-plain, whose face grew instant groves of cypress and pine. And the Plumed Serpent was pleased with this: 'It was good that you came, Heart of Sky, Hurricane, and Newborn Thunderbolt, Sudden Thunderbolt. Our work, our design will turn out well', they said ...
This night, at the equinox between September 22 and 23 in AD 2023, time was ripe for the Sun to be drawn down and across the equator into the softly rounded hula drum of the Southern Hemisphere
and this was done without any great problems because Newton had invented the Cat Flap. Sun had no more worries about her Tail being caught by the blue-painted door slammed shut. ... I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me ... ... And presumably both these stars in Puppis were denoted 1100 in order to indicate they should be considered together (like how the twins 'alfa and omega' - or 'emet and met' - could be used for explaining the short distance between the apple tree and its fruit). This is the design of Newton, with the force of gravitation on the back side and the force of growth on the other:
... Sir Isaac Newton, renowned inventor of the milled-edge coin and the catflap!' 'The what?' said Richard. 'The catflap! A device of the utmost cunning, perspicuity and invention. It is a door within a door, you see ... ![]() |