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344. The right arm of Aquarius went through a hole at Sadachbia (Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah, Shatabisha), as if this was a hole of birth for the spring season (accompanied by the release of waters):

... Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah, which has been interpreted the Lucky Star of Hidden Things or Hiding-places, because when it emerged from the sun's rays all hidden worms and reptiles, buried during the preceding cold, creep out of their holes! But as this word Ah Biyah is merely the plural of Hibā', a Tent, a more reasonable explanation is that the star was so called from its rising in the spring twilight, when, after the winter's want and suffering, the nomads' tents were raised on the freshening pastures, and the pleasent weather set in. This idea renders Professor Whitney's 'Felicity of Tents' a happy translation of the original. ζ, η, and π are included with γ under this designation by Ulug Beg - ζ, in the centre marking the top of the tent; Kazwini, however, considering this central star as Al Sa'd, and the three surrounding ones his tents ...

... When Hotu's canoe had reached Taharoa, the vaginal fluid (of Hotu's pregnant wife) appeared. They sailed towards Hanga Hoonu, where the mucus (kovare seems to refer to the amniotic sac in this case) appeared. They sailed on and came to Rangi Meamea, where the amniotic fluid ran out and the contractions began. They anchored the canoe in the front part of the bay, in Hanga Rau. The canoe of Ava Rei Pua also arrived and anchoraged. After Hotu's canoe had anchoraged, the child of Vakai and Hotu appeared. It was Tuu Maheke, son of Hotu, a boy. After the canoe of Ava Rei Pua had also arrived and anchoraged, the child of Ava Rei Pua was born. It was a girl named Ava Rei Pua Poki ... [E:81]

At the time of the Bull the Water-jar (Situla, κ) had been at Christmas Eve (with the Full Moon in the Day of St John):

11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 (329) 11-26 (*250) 11-27
*261 (= 9 * 29) 8 9 10 11 (345) DEC 12 (*266)
Gb2-6 (32) Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 Gb2-10 (229 + 36) Gb2-11 (266)
BUNDA (Foundation) / KAKKAB NAMMAΧ (Star of Mighty Destiny) θ Piscis Austrini (330.1), λ Oct. (330.7)
Al Sa'd al Su'ud-22 (Luckiest of the Lucky) / Emptiness-11 (Rat)

TSIN = 36 Capricorni (325.2), ALPHIRK (The Flock) = β Cephei (325.7), SADALSUD = β Aquarii, ξ Gruis (325.9)

no star listed (326) CASTRA = ε Capricorni (327.2), BUNDA = ξ Aquarii (327.5)

SIRIUS (α Canis Majoris)

Mahar sha hi-na Shahū-26 (Western One in the Tail of the Goat)

NASHIRA = γ Capricorni (328.0), ν Oct. (328.3),  AZELFAFAGE = π¹ Cygni, κ Capricorni (328.7)

Arkat sha hi-na Shahū-27 (Eastern One in the Tail of the Goat)

ENIF (The Nose) = ε Pegasi, ERAKIS = μ Cephei (329.2), 46 CAPRICORNI, JIH (the Sun) = κ Pegasi (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), DENEB ALGIEDI (Tail of the Goat) =  δ Capricorni (329.8)

Febr 9 (40) 10 11 12 (408) (*329 - *87 = 11 * 27)
°Febr 5 6 7 8 (*324) (13 * 25 = *325) 10 (41)

... In China, with Capricornus, Pisces, and a part of Sagittarius, it [Aquarius] constituted the early Serpent, or Turtle, Tien Yuen; and later was known as Hiuen Ying, the Dark Warrior and Hero, or Darkly Flourishing One, the Hiuen Wu, or Hiuen Heaou, of the Han dynasty, which Dupuis gave as Hiven Mao. It was a symbol of the emperor Tchoun Hin, in whose reign was a great deluge; but after the Jesuits came in it became Paou Ping, the Precious Vase. It contained three of the sieu, and headed the list of zodiac signs as the Rat, which in the far East was the ideograph for 'water', and still so remains in the almanacs of Central Asia, Cochin China, and Japan ...

378 = 365 + 13 'Jan 14 15 (*300) 16 17 18 (383)
"Dec 30 Ko Koró 31 "Jan 1 2 3 (368) Tua Haro 4
5-23 5-24 5-25 (5 * 29) 5-26 (146) 5-27 5-28 (*68)
JUNE 7 8 (*79) 9 10 (161) 11 12
The Knot (Ukdah) Rishu A.-13 (Head of the Lion)

ψ Leonis (146.4), RAS ELASET AUSTRALIS = ε Leonis (146.6)

VATHORZ PRIOR = υ Carinae (147.9)
Star-25 (Horse) / ANA-HEU-HEU-PO-5 (Pillar where debates were held)

ALPHARD = α Hydrae (142.3), ω Leonis (142.6), τ¹ Hydrae (142.7)

Al Tarf-7 (The End)

ψ Velorum (143.3), ALTERF = λ Leonis, τ² Hydrae (143.4), ξ Leonis (143.5)

A Hydrae (144.1)

VEGA (α Lyrae)

UKDAH = ι Hydrae (145.4), κ Hydrae (145.5), SUBRA = ο Leonis (145.8)
Aug 10 11 12 13 (*145) 14 15 (227 → π)
°Aug 6 7 8 (220) 9 10 11 (*143)
'July 14 15 16 17 (*118) 18 19 (200)
SIRIUS (181) "July 1 (78 + 104) 2 3 (*104) 4 (185) He Anakena 5
Ga3-19 (39 + 49) Ga3-20 (79) Ga3-21 Ga3-22 Ga3-23 Ga3-24

... On side B together with the four edges is a series of notches that are clearly set in an intentional pattern. The edges contain a total of 39 notches in groups of 6, 13, 7 and 13. A further 49 notches on side B are arranged in four vertical lines of 13, 10, 12 and 13 respectively plus a further notch that could be in either of the middle two lines ... The grouping of the notches on the plate suggests a time-related sequence. The total number of notches (88) not only coincides with the number of days in 3 lunations (88.5) but also approximately with the number of days when the star Betelgeuse (α Ori) disappeared from view each year between its heliacal set (about 14 days before the spring equinox around 33,000 BP) and its heliacal rise (approximately 19 days before the summer solstice) ...

11-28 11-29 11-30 (*254) 12-1 12-2 (336 = 14 * 24)
DEC 13 14 (*268) 15 16 (350) 17
Gb2-12 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (40) Gb2-15 (270) Gb2-16
KUH (Weeping) = μ Capricorni (331.4), γ Gruis (331.5) no star listed (332) η Piscis Austrini (333.4) 22h (334.8)

KAE UH (Roof) = ο Aquarii (334.0), AL KURHAH (White Spot) = ξ Cephei (334.4), SADALMELIK (Lucky King), AL DHANAB (The Tail) = λ Gruis (334.6), ι Aquarii, ν Pegasi (334.7)

ι Pegasi (335.0), ALNAIR (The Bright One) = α Gruis (335.1), μ Piscis Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3), WOO (Pestle) = π Pegasi (335.7), BAHAM = θ Pegasi, τ Piscis Austrini (335.8)

... It must be admitted, however, that the task of raising the sky was not always a long and arduous one. In the New Hebrides of Melanesia the sky was formerly so low overhead that a woman who was pounding roots in a mortar happened to strike the sky with her pestle. Greatly annoyed at the interruption she looked up and cried angrily, 'Go on up higher!' Whereat the sky meekly obeyed her. What actually happened probably was that the woman struck the low house roof with her pestle and cried angrily to her husband, 'If you don't raise that roof higher, I won't cook you another meal!' thus giving a strong impuls to the development of the science of architecture ...

Febr 15 16 17 (413 = 14 * 29½) 18 19 (50)
°Febr 11 12 (408) 13 All Hearts' Day 15 (46)
'Jan 19 (384) 20 21 22 23 (*308)
"Jan 5 6 7 (372) 8 Tua Haro 9 (*294)
5-29 5-30 5-31 6-1 6-2
JUNE 13 (*84) 14 15 16 17 (168)
υ¹ Hydrae (148.4), RAS ELASET BOREALIS (Northern Head of the Lion) = μ Leonis (148.7) TSEEN KE (Heaven's Record) = φ Velorum (149.9) ν Leonis (150.1), π Leonis (150.6) υ² Hydrae (151.8) Al Jabhah-8 (Forehead) / Maghā-10 (Bountiful) / Sharru-14 (King)

10h (152.2)

AL JABHAH = η Leonis (152.4), REGULUS (Little KIng) = α Leonis (152.7)
August 16 (*148) 17 18 (230) 19 20
°August 12 13 (225) 14 15 16 (*148)
'July 20 (*121) 21 22-7 23 (204) 24
"July 6 (*107) 7 8 9 (190) He Anakena 10
Ga4-1 Ga4-2 Ga4-3 Ga4-4 Ga4-5 (88)

... They took their provisions with them, carrying them on their shoulders, went on, and reached Te Pou. They made camp and slept in Te Pou on the tenth day of the month of July ('Anakena').

[E:22] he amoamo he oho he tuu ki te pou he noho

he moe i te pou.i te angahuru o te raa.ko te


Amo. To carry on one's shoulders: O Yetú i-amo-ai te tatauró ki ruga ki-te maúga Kalvario. Jesus carried his cross up to the Calvary. Amoga, bundle; to tie in a bundle: he-amoga i te hukahuka, to tie a bundle of wood. Vanaga. 1. A yoke, to carry; amoga, burden, load.  2. To bend, to beat a path. Churchill. Âmo. 1. To clean, to clean oneself: he-âmo i te umu, to clean the earth oven; ka-âmo te hare, ka haka-maitaki, clean the house, make it good; he-âmo i te ariga, to clean one's face wetting it with one's hand. 2. Clear; ku-âmo-á te ragi, the sky is clear. 3. To slip, to slide, to glide (see pei-âmo). Ámoámo, to lick up, to lap up, to dry; to slap one's body dry (after swimming or bathing): he-âmoâmo i te vaihai rima. Vanaga. Amoamo. 1. To feed, to graze. 2. To spread, to stretch (used of keete). Churchill.

12-3 12-4 12-5 (339) 12-6 (*260 = *339 - *79)
DEC 18 19 (*273) 20 (354) SOLSTICE
Gb2-17 Gb2-18 Gb2-19 (45) Gb2-20 (275)
ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3), -/270 Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8) μ Gruis (337.0), ε Cephei (337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), ANCHA (Hip) = θ Aquarii (337.4), ψ Oct. (337.5), α Tucanae (337.9) Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah-23 (Lucky Star of Hidden Things) / Shatabisha-25 (Comprising a Hundred Physicians)

 ε Oct. (338.1), ρ Aquarii (338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5), SADACHBIA = γ Aquarii (338.6), π Gruis (338.9)

β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii (339.5)

CASTOR (α Gemini)

Febr 20 (*336) 21 (52) 22 (418) Terminalia
°Febr 16 (*332) 17 (48) 18 (414) 19
'Jan 24 25 (*310) 26 27 (392)
"Jan 10 (*295) 11 12 (377) Tua Haro 13 (115 + 183)
6-3 6-4 (*75) 6-5 (156) 6-6
JUNE 18 19 (*90) 20 (171) SOLSTICE
λ Hydrae (153.2) ADHAFERA = ζ Leonis, TANIA BOREALIS (Northern Gazelle) = λ Ursae Majoris, SIMIRAM = ω Carinae (154.7) ALGIEBA (The Mane) = γ Leonis, q CARINAE (155.5) TANIA AUSTRALIS (Southern Gazelle) = μ Ursae Majoris (156.0), GHOST OF JUPITER = NGC3242 Hydrae (156.8)
August 21 (*153) 22 23 24 (236)
°August 17 18 (*150) 19 20 (232)
'July 25 26 (*127) 27 (208) 28
"July 11 12 (193) 13 He Anakena 14 (*115)
Ga4-6 Ga4-7 (90) Ga4-8 Ga4-9
12-7 (*261 = 9 * 29) 12-8 12-9 (343 = 7 * 7 * 7) 12-10 12-11 12-12
94 48 64 236 25
Ga1-26 Ga5-11 (121) Ga7-1 (170) Gb1-6 (235)
96 49 65 261
145 = 5 * 29 5 * 13 9 * 29
471 = 210 + 261 = 5 * 42 + 9 * 29
DEC 22 23 (*277) CHRISTMAS EVE 25 26 (360) 27
Gb2-21 Gb2-22 Gb2-23 Gb2-24 (50) Gb2-25 (280) Gb2-26
δ Tucanae (340.1), ρ Cephei (340.2),  ν Gruis (340.3), ζ Aquarii, δ Gruis (340.4), 5/1100 Lac. (340.7), σ Aquarii, 6/650 Lac. (340.9)

PROCYON (α Canis Minoris)

υ Oct. (341.0), α/91 Lac. (341.1), HOMAN (Hero) = ζ Pegasi, β Piscis Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5), υ Aquarii (341.9) η Aquarii (342.1), σ Gruis (340.4), SITULA (Water-jar) = κ Aquarii (342.7) ε Piscis Austrini (343.5), ο Pegasi, β Gruis (343.8) ρ Gruis (344.0), MATAR (Rain) = η Pegasi (344.2), η Gruis (344.6), β Oct. (344.7) λ Pegasi (345.0), ξ Pegasi (345.1), ε Gruis (345.3), τ Aquarii (345.7), ξ Oct. (345.8), μ Pegasi (345.9)
Febr 24 25 26 (57 = 3 * 19) 27 (*343) 28 (424) March 1 (*345)
°Febr 20 21 (54) 22 (420) Terminalia 24 (*340) 25
'Jan 28 (393) 29 (*314) 30 31 'Febr 1 2 (33)
"Jan 14 15 (*300) 16 Tua Haro 17 18 (383) 19
6-7 6-8 6-9 (*80) 6-10 (161) 6-11 6-12
JUNE 22 23 ST JOHN'S DAY 25 (*96) 26 (177) 27
Extended Net-26b

μ Hydrae (157.1)

Maru-sha-arkat-Sharru-15 (4th Son behind the King)

SHIR = ρ Leonis (158.9)

p Carinae (159.3) φ Hydrae (160.3) no star listed (161) VATHORZ POSTERIOR = θ Carinae (162.1), PEREGRINI = μ Velorum, η Carinae (162.6)

"This [η Carinae] is one of the most noted objects in the heavens, perhaps even so in almost prehistoric times, for Babylonian inscriptions seem to refer to a star noticeable from occasional faintness in its light, that Jensen thinks was η. And he claims it as one of the temple stars associated with Ea, or Ia, of Eridhu¹, the Lord of Waters, otherwise known as Oannes², the mysterious human fish and greatest god of the kingdom.

¹ Eridhu, or Eri-duga, the Holy City, Nunki, or Nunpe, one of the oldest cities in the world, even in ancient Babylonia, was that kingdom's flourishing port on the Persian Gulf, but, by the encroachment of the delta, its site is now one hundred miles inland. In its vicinity the Babylonians located their sacred Tree of Life.

² Berōssōs described Oannes as the teacher of early man in all knowledge; and in mythology he was even the creator of man and the father of Tammuz and Ishtar, themselves associated with other stars and sky figures. Jensen thinks Oannes connected with the stars of Capricorn; Lockyer finds his counterpart in the god Chnemu of Southern Egypt; and some have regarded him as the prototype of Noah." (Allen)

Aug 25 (237) 26 27 28 29 (*161) 30
°Aug 21 (233) 22 23 24 25 (*157) 26
'July 29 (*130) 30 31 'Aug 1 2 (214) 3
"July 15 16 17 (*118 = 4 * 29½)) He Anakena 18 19 (200) 20
Ga4-10 Ga4-11 Ga4-12 Ga4-13 (96) Ga4-14 Ga4-15

... They made camp and rested at the Bay of Flies for a week (etahi pohitu). On the eighteenth day of the month of July (Anakena) they went on from Hanga Takaure. They climbed uphill, went on, and reached Poike. When they arrived, they looked around and named (the place) Poike A Hau Maka. They climbed up farther to Pua Katiki. When they arrived there, they looked around and named (the place) Pua Katiki A Hau Maka. They came down from the height, from the mountain, from Pua Katiki, and reached Maunga Teatea. They looked around and gave the name Maunga Teatea A Hau Maka. They all descended, they all came down from Pua Katiki. They reached Mahatua, saw it, looked around, and gave the name Mahatua A Hau Maka. Then they went on and came to Taharoa. They saw it, looked around, and gave the name Taharoa A Hau Maka.


Again they went on and reached Hanga Hoonu. They saw it, looked around, and gave the name Hanga Hoonu A Hau Maka. On the same day, when they had reached the Bay of Turtles, they made camp and rested. They all saw the fish that were there, that were present in large numbers - Ah! Then they all went into the water, moved toward the shore, and threw the fish (with their hands) onto the dry land. There were great numbers (? ka-mea-ro) of fish. There were tutuhi, paparava, and tahe mata pukupuku. Those were the three kinds of fish. After they had thrown the fish on the beach, Ira said, Make a fire and prepare the fish! When he saw that there was no fire, Ira said, One of you go and bring the fire from Hanga Te Pau! One of the young men went to the fire, took the fire and provisions (from the boat), turned around, and went back to Hanga Hoonu. When he arrived there, he sat down. They prepared the fish in the fire on the flat rocks, cooked them, and ate until they were completely satisfied. Then they gave the name The rock, where (the fish) were prepared in the fire with makoi (fruit of Thespesia populnea?) belongs to Ira (Te Papa Tunu Makoi A Ira). They remained in Hanga Hoonu for five days ...

The Sun was 'wilting' at Situla and the top 'flame' looks like the hull of a canoe, which may have induced the creators of Manuscript E to state that there was no fire (anymore) and that it therefore had to be fetched from their canoe which had been drawn up on the beach of Hanga Te Pau.

LUCIA 12-14 (348 = 12 * 29) 12-15 12-16 (*270) 12-17
DEC 28 29 30 (364) 31 (*285) JAN 1
Gb2-27 Gb2-28 (54) Gb2-29 Gb2-30 (285) Gb2-31
ι Cephei (346.0), λ Aquarii, γ Piscis Austrini, σ Pegasi (346.5) SCHEAT AQUARII =  δ Aquarii (347.0), ρ Pegasi (347.2), δ Piscis Austrini (347.4), FOMALHAUT (Mouth of the Fish) = α Piscis Austrini, τ Gruis (347.8)

*306 = *347.4 - *41.4

FUM AL SAMAKAH (Mouth of the Fish)  = β Piscium (348.3), ζ Gruis (348.5), ο Andromedae (348.9)

Al Fargh al Mukdim-24 (Fore Spout) / Purva Bhādrapadā-26 (First of the Blessed Feet) / House-13 (Pig)

SCHEAT PEGASI = β Pegasi, π Piscis Austrini (349.3), κ Gruis (349.4), MARKAB PEGASI = α Pegasi (349.5)

*308 = *349.4 - *41.4

23h (350.0)

υ, θ Gruis (350.0), π Cephei (350.6), ι Gruis (350.9)

March 2 3 4 (*348) 5 (64) 6 (430)
°Febr 26 27 28 (*344) °March 1 (60) 2
'Febr 3 4 5 (36) 6 (*322) 7 (403)
"Jan 20 21 22 23 (388) 24 (*309)
6-13 (*84) 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 (168 = 183 - 15)
JUNE 28 29 (*100) SIRIUS JULY 1 2 (183)
ν Hydrae (163.1) no star listed (164)

ALTAIR (α Aquilae)

Wings-27 (Snake)

η Oct. (165.4), ALKES (Shallow Basin) = α Crateris (165.6)
ANA-TIPU-4 (Upper-side-pillar - where the guards stood)

MERAK (Loin) = β Ursae Majoris (166.2), DUBHE (Bear) = α Ursae Majoris (166.7)

11h (167.4)

χ Leonis, χ¹ Hydrae (167.1), χ² Hydrae (167.3)

... Behind me, towering almost 100 feet into the air, was a perfect ziggurat, the Temple of Kukulkan. Its four stairways had 91 steps each. Taken together with the top platform, which counted as a further step, the total was 365. This gave the number of complete days in a solar year. In addition, the geometric design and orientation of the ancient structure had been calibrated with Swiss-watch precision to achieve an objective as dramatic as it was esoteric: on the spring and autumn equinoxes, regular as clockwork, triangular patterns of light and shadow combined to create the illusion of a giant serpent undulating on the northern staircase

Aug 31 Sept 1 (*164) 2 (245) 3 4
°Aug 27 28 29 (*161) 30 (242) 31
'Aug 4 (216) 5 6 7 8 (*140)
"July 21 22 23 (204) 24 (*125) 25
Ga4-16 Ga4-17 (100) Ga4-18 Ga4-19 Ga4-20

12-18 12-19 12-20 (354) 12-21 (SOLSTICE)
JAN 2 3 4 5 (370)
Gb2-32 Gb2-33 Gb2-34 (60) Gb2-35 (290)
SIMMAH = γ Piscium (351.7) φ Aquarii (352.0), ψ Aquarii (352.4), χ Aquarii (352.6), γ Tucanae, φ Gruis (352.8) CROSS-BARS
ο Cephei (353.3), KERB (Bucket Rope) = τ Pegasi (353.6) κ Piscium (354.2), θ Piscium (354.4), υ Pegasi (354.9)
March 7 8 (432) 9 (68) 10 (*354)
°March 3 4 5 (64) 6 (*350)
'February 8 9 (40) 10 (*326) 11 (407)
"January 25 26 27 (*312) 28 (393)
6-18 (*89) 6-19 6-20 (171 = 354 - 183) 6-21 (SOLSTICE)
JULY 3 4 (185) 5 6 (*107)
AL SHARAS (The Ribs) = β Crateris (168.6)

Al Zubrah-9 (The Mane) / Purva Phalguni-11 (First Reddish One)

ZOSMA (Girdle) = δ Leonis (169.2), COXA (Hips) = θ Leonis (169.4)
φ Leonis (170.0), ALULA (First Spring of the Gazelle) = ξ, ν Ursae Majoris (170.5), LABRUM = δ Crateris (170.6) σ Leonis (171.1), λ Crateris (171.6), ι Leonis, ε Crateris (171.9)
Sept 5 (248) 6 7 8 (*171)
°Sept 1 (244) 2 3 4 (*168)
'Aug 9 (221) 10 11 12 (*144)
"July 26 (207) 27 28 29 (*130)
Ga4-21 (104) Ga4-22 Ga4-23 Ga4-24