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251. The pieces of the great jig-saw puzzle seem to fit together:

... The old man gave the Raven two small sticks, like gambling sticks, one black, one multicoloured. He gave him instructions to bite them apart in a certain way and told him to spit the pieces at one another on the surface of the sea. The Raven climbed back up the pole, where he promptly did things backwards, just to see if something interesting would occur, and the pieces bounced apart.

It may well be some bits were lost. But when he gathered  what he could and tried again - and this time followed the instructions he had been given - the pieces stuck and rumpled and grew to become the mainland and Haida Gwaii ...

The Roman month of Jus-piter - the Father (of) Light - the month when the Oak flowered, began (according to Robert Graves in his profound The White Goddess) in 'June 10 (161), and this was *70 - *27 = 43 days later than the corresponding day 1 April (91) in the year 3112 BC when the First Father (Hun-nal-ye) 'entered the Tree':

... Midsummer is the flowering season of the oak, which is the tree of endurance and triumph, and like the ash is said to 'court the lightning flash'. Its roots are believed to extend as deep underground as its branches rise in the air - Virgil mentions this - which makes it emblematic of a god whose law runs both in Heaven and in the Underworld ... The month, which takes its name from Juppiter the oak-god, begins on June 10th and ends of July 7th. Midway comes St. John's Day, June 24th, the day on which the oak-king was sacrificially burned alive. The Celtic year was divided into two halves with the second half beginning in July, apparently after a seven-day wake, or funeral feast, in the oak-king's honour ...

First 3-stone place

21 May (141), 3114 BC

Itzam-Yeh defeated

28 May (148), 3149 BC

Creation of our present world

13 August (225), 3114 BC

Hun-Nal-Ye became the sky

5 February (36), 3112 BC

(3149 - 3112) / 71 = 0.52 < (26.6 - 26)

21 May, 3114 BC - 13 August, 3114 BC = 225 - 141 = 84 (= 12 * 7)

21 May, 3114 BC - 5 February, 3112 BC = 542, which 'happens to be' the sum of 365 days and 6 * 29½ nights.

148 (May 28) - *70 = 78 (19 March)

Cb10-1 (392 + 6 + 225 ) Cb10-2 (624) Cb10-3 (233 = 625 - 392) Cb10-4
Ku hakaraoa - te inoino hakarava te inoino ku hakaraoa
June 3 (154 = 2 * 77) 4 5 6 (*77)
25 March (84) 26 27 28 (*7)
Dec  3 (337) 4 5 6 (*260)
24 Sept (267) 25 26 27 (*190)
Cb10-5 Cb10-6 Cb10-7 Cb10-8 (630)
kua tu tona mea koia kua kake ka moa ki raro kua pu
June 7 8 9 10 (161)
29 March 30 31 1 April (364 / 4)
Dec  7 (341) 8 9 10 (*264)
28 Sept 29 30 (3 * 91) 1 Oct (*194)

According to my reconstructions this place could have been located somewhere beyond the days of rain in the Mayan 365-day calendar (haab):

Well Center (Green) North (White) East (Red)
9 Ch'en (180) 10 Yax 11 Sac 12 Ceh (240)
  Macaw Quetzal Deer
13 Mac (260) 14 Kankin 15 Moan (300)
Meat Skeleton Ribs Owl
BREAK (paxih)
16 Pax (320) 17 Kayab 18 Cumhu 19 Vayeb (365)

... The state of the tree loomed large in their thoughts, because it came about at the same time the head of One Hunaphu was put in the fork. The Xibalbans said among themselves: 'No one is to pick the fruit, nor is anyone to go beneath the tree', they said. They restricted themselves, all of Xibalba held back. It isn't clear which is the head of One Hunaphu; now it's exactly the same as the fruit of the tree. Calabash came to be its name, and much was said about it.

In other words, One Hunaphu was placed in the fork of the tree and became one with the tree.

... the Palenque scribes repeated Creation again and described it as 'it was made visible, the image at Lying-down-Sky, the First-Three-Stone-Place'. Then we learned that five hundred and forty-two days later (1.9.2 in the Maya system), Hun-Nal-Ye 'entered or became the sky' (och ta chan). This 'entering' event occurred on February 5, 3112 BC.

In another account, we remember, it was the King who became the Tree:

... I already knew that the ceiba tree was the model for the sacred World Tree of the Maya, but I had never seen one in flower when I knew what I was looking at. I was really excited because normally you can't see the blossoms even if you're there when the tree is in blossom. The fully mature trees are hundreds of feet high and the blossoms are very small. It's a ceiba, I chirped and began looking for a branch low enough to see one of the blossoms up close. Joyce Livingstone, a retired teacher, did the logical thing. She bent over, picked up a fallen branch, and held it out for me to see. I was too excited and full of myself to listen. She tapped my arm more insistently and still I didn't hear her. Finally, in frustration, she grabbed my wrist and raised her voice, Will you look at these? she said, waving the branch, and finally I did. What I saw stunned me, for in her hand lay a perfect replica of the earflares worn by the Classic Maya kings. Suddenly I understood the full symbolism of so many of the things I had been studying for years. The kings dressed themselves as the Wakah-Chan tree, although at the time I didn't know it was also the Milky Way.

... The branches with their white flowers bent down along their thighs, the double-headed ecliptic snake rested in their arms, and the great bird Itzam-Yeh stood on their head. I already knew as I stood under the young tree in Tikal that the kings were the human embodiment of the ceiba as the central axis of the world. As I stood there gazing at the flowers in Joyce's hand, I also learned that the kings embodied the ceiba at the moment it flowers to yield the sak-nik-nal, the 'white flowers', that are the souls of human beings. As the trees flowers to reproduce itself, so the kings flowered to reproduce the world ...

The basic idea was that of reproduction, which necessitated the removal of the old:

A maiden heard about it, and here we shall tell of her arrival. And here is the account of a maiden, the daughter of a lord named Blood Gatherer. And this is when a maiden heard of it, the daughter of a lord. Blood Gatherer is the name of her father, and Blood Moon is the name of the maiden. And when he heard the account of the fruit of the tree, her father retold it. And she was amazed at the account: I'm not acquainted with that tree they talk about. It's fruit is truly sweet! they say, I hear, she said. Next, she went all alone and arrived where the tree stood. It stood at the Place of Ball Game Sacrifice. What? Well! What's the fruit of this tree? Shouldn't this tree bear something sweet? They shouldn't die, they shouldn't be wasted. Should I pick one? said the maiden. And then the bone spoke; it was there in the fork of the tree: Why do you want a mere bone, a round thing in the branches of a tree? said the head of One Hunaphu when it spoke to the maiden. You don't want it, she was told. I do want it, said the maiden. Very well. Stretch out your right hand here, so I can see it, said the bone. Yes, said the maiden. She stretched out her right hand, up there in front of the bone. And then the bone spit out its saliva, which landed squarely in the hand of the maiden. And then she looked in her hand, she inspected it right away, but the bone's saliva wasn't in her hand. It is just a sign I have given you, my saliva, my spittle. This, my head, has nothing on it - just bone, nothing of meat. It's just the same with the head of a great lord: it's just the flesh that makes his face look good. And when he dies, people get frightened by his bones. After that, his son is like his saliva, his spittle, in his being, whether it be the son of a lord or the son of a craftsman, an orator.

The father does not disappear, but goes on being fulfilled. Neither dimmed nor destroyed is the face of a lord, a warrior, craftsman, an orator. Rather, he will leave his daughters and sons. So it is that I have done likewise through you. Now go up there on the face of the earth; you will not die. Keep the word. So be it, said the head of One and Seven Hunaphu - they were of one mind when they did it ...

And there were 8 days from the Julian spring equinox (84) up to and including day 91 (1 April) - i.e. the same pattern as had been observed in the night sky for millenia, with 8 dark nights before Venus would return as morning star.

But Hun-Nal-Ye had entered the Tree in 5 February (36) and not in 1 April (91), which fact has to be explained. The difference between 91 and 36 equals 55 and this number coincides with the right ascension day (at the time of rongorongo) of Tau-ono (*55).