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177. These 5 days before 0h could alternatively have been regarded as belonging in the previous year and then the star sequence ruling time in the G text would primarily stretch from May 24 to June 30, for 230 + 173 = 403 (= 31 * 13) days. Or in short:

1  1-13 1 winter solstice
Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1 Ga3-2 Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5
Ka3-15 Ka3-16 Ka3-17 Ka3-18 Ka3-19 Ka3-20 Ka3-21
25 * 13 = 325 (as in the year A.D. for the Council of Nicaea)

... When Julius Caesar established his calendar in 45 BC he set March 25 as the spring equinox. Since a Julian year (365.25 days) is slightly longer than an actual year the calendar drifted with respect to the equinox, such that the equinox was occurring on about 21 March in AD 300 and by AD 1500 it had reached 11 March. This drift induced Pope Gregory XIII to create a modern Gregorian calendar. The Pope wanted to restore the edicts concerning the date of Easter of the Council of Nicaea of AD 325 ...


27 338-350
Ga6-21 Ga6-22 Ga6-23
Kb3-11 Kb3-12 Kb3-13
28 351-363
Ga6-24-25 Ga6-26
Kb3-14-15 Kb3-16
29 364-376 - -     366 Winter solstice
    Ga6-27 Ga6-28 Ga6-29      
Kb4-1 Kb4-2 Kb4-3 Kb4-4 Kb4-5
30 377-389
Ga7-1 Ga7-2 Ga7-3 Ga7-4
Kb4-6 Kb4-7 Kb4-8 Kb4-9
31 390-402
Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10
Kb4-10 Kb4-11 Kb4-12 Kb4-13 Kb4-14
Suggested sum: 31 * 13 = 403 = 399 (synodic cycle of Jupiter) + 4

... Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100; [but] the centurial years that are exactly divisible by 400 are still leap years. For example, the year 1900 is not a leap year; the year 2000 is a leap year ...


side a
0h *1 227 (→ π) *229
no glyph
May 24 25 (81 + 64) Jan 8 (373 = 309 + 64)
MARCH 21 22 (81) NOV 5 (309)
side b
*230 (= *294 - *64) 171 *37 (= *101 - *64)
Gb1-1 Gb6-20 (402 = 229 + 173)
DENEB OKAB (*294) SIRIUS (*101)
Jan 9 (374 = 310 + 64) June 30 (181 = 117 + 64)
NOV 6 (310) APRIL 27 (117 = 310 + 172 - 366)

Deneb Okab was the Tail of the Old Eagle and Sirius was always moving hand in hand with the Sun, rising earlier and earlier in the year due to the precession.

... The Sothic cycle was based on what is referred to in technical jargon as 'the periodic return of the heliacal rising of Sirius', which is the first appearance of this star after a seasonal absence, rising at dawn just ahead of the sun in the eastern portion of the sky. In the case of Sirius the interval between one such rising and the next amounts to exactly 365.25 days - a mathematically harmonious figure, uncomplicated by further decimal points, which is just twelve minutes longer than the duration of the solar year ...

Yet, the G text was obviously designed to document also the positions of Sirius among the other stars:

... the Little Eyes are Matariki, and at one time but a single star, so bright that their god Tane in envy got hold of Aumea, our Aldebaran, and, accompanied by Mere, our Sirius, chased the offender, who took refuge in a stream. Mere, however, drained off the water, and Tane hurled Aumea at the fugitive, breaking him into the six pieces that we now see, whence the native name for the fragments, Tauono, the Six, quoted by Flammarion as Tau, both titles singularly like the Latin Taurus. They were the favorite one of the various avelas, or guides at sea in night voyages from one island to another; and, as opening the year, objects of worship down to 1857, when Christianity prevailed throughout these islands [the Hervey group] ...

First we will find the great fish-hook of Mere at ºJune 30, when at the time of Gregory XIII Sirius had risen together with the Sun, and then another fish-hook marked where Sirus had been in Roman times, *27 precessional days later in the text - but here its position was at the other side of the year, i.e. close to the Full Moon:

side a
0h *1 39 *41 187 *229
no glyph
May 24 (144) 25 (81 + 64) July 4 (185) Jan 8 (373 = 309 + 64)
ºMay 20 (140) 21 (81 + 60) SIRIUS ºJan 4 (*289 = *229 + 60)
MARCH 21 22 (81) MAY 1 (121) NOV 5 (309 = 80 + *229)

Nunki (σ Sagittarii) was well known as the star who announced the beginning of 'Water'. A fish-hook half a year later would therefore be easy to associate with Sirius because in ancient Egypt when Sirius rose heliacally it caused the waters of the Nile to rise - though in ancient Egypt everything was 'upside down' (with up in the south instead of in the north) and therefore a more normal perspective would mean heliacal Sirius should be where Land would rise up again from the waters. Mere drained of the water - much like the preceding Agastya (Canopus).

... The Pythagoreans make Phaeton fall into Eridanus, burning part of its water, and glowing still at the time when the Argonauts passed by. Ovid stated that since the fall the Nile hides its sources. Rigveda 9.73.3 says that the Great Varuna has hidden the ocean. The Mahabharata tells in its own style why the 'heavenly Ganga' had to be brought down. At the end of the Golden Age (Krita Yuga) a class of Asura who had fought against the 'gods' hid themselves in the ocean where the gods could not reach them, and planned to overthrow the government. So the gods implored Agastya (Canopus, alpha Carinae = Eridu) for help. The great Rishi did as he was bidden, drank up the water of the ocean, and thus laid bare the enemies, who were then slain by the gods. But now, there was no ocean anymore! Implored by the gods to fill the sea again, the Holy One replied: 'That water in sooth hath been digested by me. Some other expedient, therefore, must be thought of by you, if ye desire to make endeavour to fill the ocean ...

... This [σ Sagittarii] has been identified with Nunki of the Euphratean Tablet of the Thirty Stars, the Star of the Proclamation of the Sea, this Sea being the quarter occupied by Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Pisces, and Pisces Australis. It is the same space in the sky that Aratos designated as Water ...

... Pliny wants to assure us that 'the whole sea is conscious of the rise of that star [Sirius], as is most clearly seen in the Dardanelles, for sea-weed and fishes float on the surface, and everything is turned up from the bottom'. He also remarks that at the rising of the Dog-Star the wine in the cellars begins to stir up and that the still waters move ...

... In Polynesia the myths told about how new Land was fished up by Maui (or some other hero) and this idea resembles how sea-weed and fishes were drawn up by Sirius (making the still waters come alive) ...

side b
*230 (= *294 - *64) 16º *247 (= *311 - *64) 154 *37 (= *101 - *64)
Gb1-1 Gb1-18 (→ 4 * 29½) Gb6-20 (402 = 230 + 172)
DENEB OKAB (*294) *311 (= 391 - 80) SIRIUS (*101)
Jan 9 (374 = 310 + 64) Jan 26 (391 = 365 + 26) June 30 (181 = 177 + 4)
ºJan 5 (370 = 740 / 2) ºJan 22 (387 = 365 + 22) ºJune 26 (177 = 6 * 29½)
'Dec 13 (→ 12-13 → 156) SIRIUS (364 = 391 - 27) 6-3 (181 - 27 = 347 + 172 - 365)
NOV 6 (310) NOV 23 (327 = 391 - 64) *37 = 310 + 172 - 366 - 80
156 = 12 * 13 (= 172 - 16)

... At this time of the year we have special buns, yellow from saffron and formed like a pair of interconnected curves. In another picture is illustrated how in Sweden December 13 is still celebrated with candles and singing:

Obviously this time of the year once must have been a kind of 'candlemas'. Precession makes the dates of celebration move earlier and earlier, and according to the Julian calendar December 13 was the darkest day in the year. Thus the day of Lucia (who has a crown of candles in her hair) is expressing the same idea as Candlemas. No wonder people in the street here in Sweden had no explanation for Kyndelsmäss -  in Sweden the candles are instead kindled 12 days before Christmas Day ...