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169. When I once upon a time assembled all the kava glyphs I saw it was necessary to include the horizontally oriented Cb6-27 because of its shape. A kind of confirmation has now been given from counting a quarter of a year from Cb3-4:

kava Ca3-21 Ca9-13 Cb3-4 Cb6-27 Cb9-8 Cb9-10 Cb12-1

... When the man, Ulu, returned to his wife from his visit to the temple at Puueo, he said, 'I have heard the voice of the noble Mo'o, and he has told me that tonight, as soon as darkness draws over the sea and the fires of the volcano goddess, Pele, light the clouds over the crater of Mount Kilauea, the black cloth will cover my head. And when the breath has gone from my body and my spirit has departed to the realms of the dead, you are to bury my head carefully near our spring of running water. Plant my heart and entrails near the door of the house. My feet, legs, and arms, hide in the same manner. Then lie down upon the couch where the two of us have reposed so often, listen carefully throughout the night, and do not go forth before the sun has reddened the morning sky. If, in the silence of the night, you should hear noises as of falling leaves and flowers, and afterward as of heavy fruit dropping to the ground, you will know that my prayer has been granted: the life of our little boy will be saved.' And having said that, Ulu fell on his face and died ...

But we have to return to the niu glyphs. From the pair before moe te goe a great jump ahead will be necessary in order to reach the next niu at Cb12-18, when the Sun reached the day of St John and the Full Moon (Hotu) was at Christmas Even - at the time of Bharani:

Cb2-8 (424 = 364 + 60 = 8 * 53) Cb2-9 (425 =392 + 33) Cb2-10 (426 = 407 + 19)
Niu moe te goe
mago Cb2-10

Mago. Spotted dogfish, small shark. Vanaga. Mogo, shark. P Pau.: mago,  id. Mgv. mago, id. Mq. mano, mako, mono, moko id. T. maó, id. In addition to this list the word is found as mago in Samoa, Maori, Niuē, and in Viti as mego. It is only in Rapanui and the Marquesas that we encounter the variant mogo. Churchill.

326 38
Toki Ga2-1 Cb2-5

Toki. Small basalt axe. Vanaga. Stone adze. Van Tilburg. Ha'amoe ra'a toki = 'Put the adze to sleep' (i.e. hide it in the temple during the night). Barthel. Month of the ancient Rapanui calendar. Fedorova according to Fischer. To'i. T. Stone adze (e to'i purepure = with the wounderful adze). Henry.

The Araukan Indians in the coastal area of northern Chile, have customs similar to those on the Marquesas and in both areas toki means adze according to José Imbelloni. The Araukans also called their chief of war toki and the ceremonial adze symbolized his function and was exhibited at the outbreak of war. In Polynesia Toki was the name of a chief elevated by the Gods and his sign was the blade of a toki. Fraser.

Axe, stone hatchet, stone tool ...; maea toki, hard slates, black, red, and gray, used for axes T. P Pau.: toki, to strike, the edge of tools, an iron hatchet. Mgv.: toki, an adze. Mq.: toki, axe, hatchet. Ta.: toi, axe. Churchill. A Maori saying: he iti toki, e rite ana ki te tangata = though the adze be small, yet does it equal a man. (Starzecka)

υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4), ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), θ Draconis (242.6), ξ Scorpii (242.7)

SCHEDIR (α Cassiopeiae)

16h (243.5)

ACRAB = β Scorpii, JABHAT AL ACRAB (Forehead of the Scorpion) = ω Scorpii (243.3), θ Lupi, RUTILICUS = β Herculis (243.5), MARFIK (Elbow) = κ Herculis (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8)

ψ Scorpii (244.6), LESATH (Sting) = ν Scorpii (244.8)
Nov 18 19 20 (324)
SEPT 15 16 (*179) 17 (260)
238 239 240 = 260 - 20
λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9) 4h (60.9)

JĪSHUĬ (Piled-up Waters) = λ Persei (60.7)

COR CAROLI (α Canum Ven.)

υ Persei (61.2)
May 19 (324 - 185) 20 (140) 21 (*61 = *45 + 16)
ºMay 15 16 (136) 17 (*57)
'April 22 23 (113) 24 (*34)
"April 8 9 (99 + 365 = 464) 10 (*20)
MARCH 16 (75 = 80 - 5) 17 (*361 = 464 - 80 - 23) 18 (77 = *362 + 80 - 365)
55 56 57 = 77 - 20 = 141 - 84
Egyptian cobra in repose Phoenician nūn Greek nu Ν (ν)

... Nun is thought to have come from a pictogram of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel.

Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of a fish in water for its origin (in Arabic, nūn means large fish or whale). The Phoenician letter was named nūn 'fish', but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite nahš 'snake', based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

... Nahš in modern Arabic literally means 'bad luck'. The cognate letter in Ge'ez and descended Semitic languages of Ethiopia is nehas, which also means 'brass'.

Cb12-15 (290 = 348 - 58) (392 + 291) (424 + 260) (392 + 293) Cb12-20
tagata kua here te maro i te puoko e ariki kua iri te vage Rei tu te niu te hokohuki ki te tapamea te hokohuki
γ Pyxidis (133.6) ζ Hydrae (134.1), ρ Cancri (134.2), ζ Oct. (134.3), ο Cancri (134.6), δ Pyxidis (134.9) ACUBENS = α Cancri, TALITHA BOREALIS = ι Ursae Majoris (135.0), σ Cancri (135.2), ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6) ν Cancri (136.0), TALITHA AUSTRALIS = κ Ursae Majoris (136.1), ω Hydrae (136.8) 9h (137.0)

σ¹ Ursa Majoris (137.0), κ Cancri (137.3), τ Cancri (137.4), ALSUHAIL AL WAZN (of the weight) = λ Velorum (137.5), σ² Ursa Majoris (137.6), τ Ursa Majoris (137.7), ξ Cancri (137.8)

κ Pyxidis (138.0), ε Pyxidis (138.5)
Aug 1 2 3 4 (216 = 132 + 84) 5 6
ºJuly 28 29 (*130) 30 31 ºAug 1 2 (214)
'July 5 6 (*107) 7 8 (3 * 63) 9 (190) 10
SOLSTICE "June 22 (*93) 23 ST JOHN'S DAY 25 26 (177 = 354 / 2)
MAY 29 30 31 JUNE 1 (84 + 68) 2 3 (154 = 11 * 14)
129 130 131 = 135 - 4 132 = 84 + 48 133 134
μ Aquarii (316.0) ε Equulei (317.8) no star listed (318) 21h (319.6)

ARMUS = η Capricorni (319.0), DORSUM = θ Capricorni (319.3), TSOO = 24 Capricorni (319.7)

DRAMASA = σ Oct., χ Capricorni (320.0), ν Aquarii (320.3), γ Equulei (320.6), ο Pavonis (320.8) α Oct. (321.5), δ Equulei (321.7), φ Capricorni (321.8)
Jan 31 Febr 1 2 (398 = 84 + 314) 3 4 (400) 5 (36)
ºJan 27 28 (*314 = *254 + 60) 30 31 ºFebr 1
'Jan 4 5 (*290) 6 7 (372 = 12 * 31) 8 9
SOLSTICE "Dec 22 23 CHRISTMAS EVE 25 26 (360)
NOV 28 29 30 (*254) DEC 1 (336 = 400 - 64) 3
312 313 314 = *254 + 60 315 316 = 336 - 20 317

At the time of Bharani the precession had moved the stars ahead in the Sun year compared to the time of Hyadum II, viz. with *342 (Situla) - *319 (21h) = *23 right ascension days:

Ca12-25 Ca12-26 (342)
te niu tutuu oho te rima o te niu
Maru-sha-arkat-Sharru-15 (4th Son behind the King)

SHIR = ρ Leonis (158.9)

p Carinae (159.3)
Aug 26 (*158 = *342 - 184) 27 (239 = 56 + 183)
'July 30 3 (212)
"July 16 17 (*118)
JUNE 23 (*94 = *277 - 183) ST JOHN'S DAY (175)
154 = 94 + 60 155 = 175 - 20
υ Oct. (341.0), α/91 Lac. (341.1), HOMAN = ζ Pegasi, β Piscis Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5), υ Aquarii (341.9) η Aquarii (342.1), σ Gruis (342.4), SITULA (Water-jar) = κ Aquarii (342.7)

"Homam seems to have been first given to this in the Palermo Catalogue, from Sa'd al Humām, the Lucky Star of the Hero, in which Ulug Beg included ξ; other lists have Homan. But Hyde said that the original was Al Hammām, the Whisperer ...

This Arab Sa'd is our 'Good Luck' and a component word of many titles in the Desert sky, all of which seem to have been applied to stars rising in the morning twilight at the commencement of the pleasant season of spring. Al Sa'dain, the dual form, was the title for Jupiter and Venus, the Two Fortunate Planets; Al Nahsan, the Unlucky, referring to Mars and Saturn." (Allen)

Bissextum (*341) Febr 25 (56)
'Jan 28 (*314 = *341 - 27) 29
"Jan 14 (*300 = *341 - 41) 15
DEC 23 (*277 = *341 - 64) CHRISTMAS EVE (358)
337 = 300 + 37 338 = 358 - 20