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155. On the G tablet the reading could have changed from heliacal on side a to nakshatra on side b, we should remember, and it is quite possible a similar change -  although opposite in direction - was intended to be understood by readers of the egg-formed (Mamari) C tablet:

Gregory XIII (daytime) 205 Julius Caesar (nighttime)
MAY 1 (*41) NOV 23 24 (*248)
Ga2-11 (41) Gb1-18 (41 + 183 + 23) Gb1-19 (248)
ºJune 30 (181)

heliacal SIRIUS

'June 30 (364 - 183)

"June 16 (350 - 183)

'July 1 (182)

17 (168 = 182 - 14)

ºDec 30 (181 + 183)

NUNKI (*288)

'Dec 30 (364)

nakshatra SIRIUS

31 (*285)

"Dec 17 (*271 = *285 - 14)


Egg, fish roe. mâmari ata rauhau, last small egg laid by a hen before she turns broody. Vanaga.

Egg (of fowl or fish), (gamamari), (Cf. komari.); mamari punua, chicken in the shell. Churchill.

Algenib Persei could have been regarded as a place close to the Full Moon in Roman times:

Julius Caesar (nighttime) 395 Gregory XIII (daytime)
Ca2-24 (50) Ca2-25 (→ 50) Cb2-8 (32) Cb2-9 (425)
niu - kupega hia mai tu te niu - ku huki Niu
ALGENIB PERSEI *51 *59 = *50 + 397 - 365 - 23 *60 (= 7 * 64 - 365 - 23)
'April 13 (→ 413) 4-14 (→ 41.4) ºMay 15 (500) 16 (136)
46 (= 130 - 84) 47 55 56 (= 136 - 80)

The difference in precessional time depth between the Pope and Julius Caesar was *27 - *4 = *23.

Number play could then have compared the difference between 395 and 364 + 23 with the 8 invisible nights of Venus before she would return as Morning Star at the horizon in the east (marking the arrival of the Sun and daytime).

At the time of rongorongo Algenib Persei rose with the Sun 50 days after 0h, which was the same number of nights as when Venus was invisible before returning as Evening Star (at the horizon in the west).