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124. Moving ahead on side b of the C tablet, from Alcyone (*56) close to the Full Moon in November 15 (319), there should be only 10 days (glyphs) to where the Sun reached Antares. And then we could go on in order to find Castor (*113) close to the Full Moon at glyph number 422 (Cb2-6) + *113 - *56 = 479 (Cb4-16).

And in between would be the exit of Old Sun and the entrance to a new year:

Cb1-1 Cb1-2 Cb1-3 Cb1-4 (396) Cb1-5
E tupu - ki roto o te hau tea ki te henua - te maro rutua
October 17 (290) 18 THUBAN (*212.8) 20 κ VIRGINIS (*214.8)
206 207 208 209 210 = 214 - 4
CLOSE TO THE FULL MOON (and nakshatra dates):
April 17 (107) 18 19 20 21
SHERATAN (*27.4)   ALRISHA (*29.2) HAMAL (*30.5)  
23 24 25 26 27 = 31 - 4
Cb2-4 (420 = 392 + 28) Cb2-5 (29) Cb2-6 Cb2-7
te ua koia ra kua tuku ki to mata - ki tona tukuga e kiore - henua - pa rei
 COR SERPENTIS = α Serpentis (*237) Nov 14 15 16 (320)
ºNovember 9 10 = 14 - 4 11 12 (316 = 320 - 4)
'Oct 17 (*210 = *237 - *27) 18 19 (292) 20
"Oct 3 (*196 = *237 - *41) 4 (277) 5 6
10 (*173 = *237 - *64) SEPTEMBER 11 (254) (*175) 13
233 234 = 254 - 20 235 = 52 + 183 236 = 8 * 29½
CLOSE TO THE FULL MOON (and nakshatra dates):
δ Persei

May 14 (*54)


*55 (500 = 365 + 135)

Temennu-3 (Foundation Stone)

*56 (136)

MENKHIB = ζ Persei


PORRIMA (Γ Virginis)
ºMay 10 = 14 - 4 11 (496 = 365 - 131) 12 (*52 = *56 - *4) 13
'April 17 (290 - 183) 18 (108) 19 (*29 = *56 - *27) 20
"April 3 (*13 = *196 - *183) 4 5 (95 = 136 - 41) 6 (*16)
MARCH 11 12 (135 - 64 = 71) 13 (72 = 255 - 183) 3-14 (73 = 365 / 5)
50 51 52 = 72 - 20 53
Cb4-3 Cb4-4 Cb4-5 (468) Cb4-6 (77) Cb4-7
te hakaua te henua te Rei te ua kiore - henua
Dec 29 (363) Φ Sagittarii (*284.0) 31 Jan 1 2
279 280 = *284 - 4 281 282 283
CLOSE TO THE FULL MOON (and nakshatra dates):
June 29 (180) 30 July 1 ALHENA = γ Gemini (*103.8) 3
96 97 98 99 100
Cb4-8 Cb4-9 (80) Cb4-10 (473) Cb4-11 (= Cb4-15 - 4) Cb4-12
manu mau kai rere ki te kai ka kake ki te kai hakavari te gao o te manu ('ausgestrichen: manu rere ki te hau tea') kiore  henua
NUNKI = σ Sagittarii (*288.4) Jan 4 5 (*290) 6 7
284 = *288 - 4 285 286 286 288
July 4 (185) 5 WEZEN = δ Canis Majoris (*107.1) 7 WASAT (Middle) = δ Gemini (*109.8)
101 102 103 104 = *108 - 4 105


1. Menstruation, period (also: tiko). 2. To tack, to veer (nautical); ku-vari-mai-á te miro, the boat arrives, have veered [around Rano Kau]. Vanaga. About, circumference, to turn in a circle; hakavari, pliant, to bend, square; varivari, about, to go around; vavari, a garland; varikapau, circumference, to surround, a compass, to admire; hiriga varikapau, to go in a ring; pa varikapau, to close in; varitakataka (vari-taka 3) to surround. Churchill.

Pau.: Vari, marsh, mire, dirt. Ta.: vari, dirt, mud. Rar.: vari, mud. Churchill. Mgv.: Vari, paste well diluted. Mq.: vaivai, to dilute, to thin. Ha.: waliwali, soft, pasty. Churchill.

... This [σ] has been identified with Nunki of the Euphratean Tablet of the Thirty Stars, the Star of the Proclamation of the Sea, this Sea being the quarter occupied by Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Pisces, and Pisces Australis. It is the same space in the sky that Aratos designated as Water ...

... 'I wan't a clean cup', interrupted the Hatter: 'let's all move [hop] one place on.' He moved as he spoke, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, and Alice rather unwillingly took the place of the March Hare. The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change; and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upsed the milk-jug into his plate [creating the Milky Way river] ...

Cb4-13 (→ 413) Cb4-14 Cb4-15 Cb4-16 (479)
manu pao i te hau tea - kua tu manu rere ki te hau tea - kua tu manu rere ki te hau tea kiore - henua
Jan 8 9 10 (*295) 11
289 290 291 = *295 - 4 292
CLOSE TO THE FULL MOON (and nakshatra dates):
July 9 (190) 10 11 CASTOR = α Gemini (*113.4)
106 107 108 = *112 - 4 109

The structure 185 (Ga7-16 at heliacal Antares) - 136 = 49 (Ga2-19 at heliacal Castor) can be compared to Cb2-6 (31 at nakshatra Alcyone) + 49 = 80 (Cb4-9 → 49).

... By counting "October 15 (288) - "June 1 (152) = 136 days (glyphs) from the arrival of the Explorers to the arrival of Hotu A Matua, we can perceive a similarity between his arrival and the arrival of heliacal Alcyone at the time of rongorongo in May 16 (136). I.e., 185 (Ga7-16) - 136 = 49 (Ga2-19) would then be comparable to the time when the Explorers made landfall on Easter Island ...

  Ga2-19 Ga7-16
Cb2-6 Cb4-9 (→ 49)  
Alcyone (*64) Betelgeuze (*88) Canopus (*95) Castor (*113)
60 = 64 - 4 84 = 60 + 24 91 = 60 + 31 109 = 60 + 49
Achita (*95 + 88) Acrux (*95 + 92) Antares (*88 + 161)
179 = 109 + 70 183 = 60 + 123 245 = 109 + 136

3 * 118 + 49 (= 7 * 7) = 403 = 366 + 37 (the precessional distance down from the time of the Pope to Roman times).

Pao To cut off, to throw a lance. Churchill. Paopao, spade, shovel, rubbish, to lacerate, to have a quarrel with. Churchill. Paoa 1. War club. 2. Man armed with a war club; the guardians of the tribe holding the term of office (ao). 3. To splint a broken limb. Vanaga. To steal, to rob; paoa kaitagata, cannibal, savage; tagata paoa, cannibal. Churchill. Paoga Back of the knee. Vanaga. Forearm. Churchill. Paoha Club. Churchill.


1. Cause, reason why something happens or is done; he ûa te ua, au i-ta'e-iri-ai ki tooku hare, because of the rain, I did not go home; ua kore, without cause, without reason. 2. Ceremononial stave with a human face carved at one extremity. Vanaga. Cfr toko. 1. A long club T. 2. Mgv.: ua, the genitalia. Ta.: hua, id. Mq.: hua, id. Ha.: hua, testicles. 3. Ta.: ua, the back of the neck. Ma.: ua, id. Sa.: ua, the neck. 4. Ta.: ua, a land crab which shears iron. Ma.: uka, lobster. Sa.: uga, the hermit crab. Churchill.

Ûa. Rain; 1. ûa hakamito, persistent, but not strong, rain; 2. ûa kura, fine rain, drizzle; 3. ûa matavaravara, strong rain; 4. ûa parera, torrential rain; 5. ûa tai, rain followed by fair weather at sea. Ehu ûa, drizzle. Vanaga. Ûaûa. Tendons, muscles. 1. Hau ûaûa kio'e, line made from rats' tendons. 2. Ûaûa toto, vein, artery. 3. Ûaûa piki, spasm. Vanaga.

1. Rain; hoa mai te ua, to rain; mou te ua, to cease raining. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ua, rain. 2. Vein, artery, tendon (huahua 1) (uha G); ua nene, pulse; ua nohototo, artery, ua gaei, pulse. Uaua, vein, tendon, line; kiko uaua, muscle T. Hakauaua, to mark with lines. P Pau.: tare-ua, tendon. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: uaua, vein, tendon. Churchill. U'a. Of the tide, to reach its maximum; tai u'a, high tide. Vanaga. Wave, surge; tai ua, high tide. Churchill.

Uá. Ata uá, morning twilight. Uáuá, to reside; resident; noho uáuá to settle somewhere; ina koe ekó noho uáuá, do not establish yourself there. Vanaga.