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389. Although on Easter Island late November was a time with much Sun light in front the 'bird man' (tagata rere, 'flying person') at Yed Posterior exhibits a dark time ahead - henua with hatchmarks slanting slightly down:

tagara rere


Which presumably means we should read this glyph as referring to a time when the Sun in his orbit was moving away down towards the southwest (toga). A dark ('weeping') time should therefore come ahead.

... At an early stage of the yearly Eleusinian Mysteries the Divine Child, son of the Wise One who came from the Sea, was produced by mystagogues, dressed like shepherds, for the adoration of the celebrants. He was seated in a liknos, or osier [Weeping Willow] harvest-basket ...

... the Maori custom of weeping over friends when they arrive instead of when they depart has a certain logic ...

... In South America the motif of the weeping eye may have a connection with the Eastern Polynesian concept of vaiora a Tane. At the archeological site of Orongo (Heyerdahl 4) was found two paintings of faces, similar to those on ao paddles:

... The Moon was visible for 29 nights and then her back side (●) was bathed in the vitalizing rays from Tane, making her grow (tupu) once again ...

... When the new moon appeared women assembled and bewailed those who had died since the last one, uttering the following lament: 'Alas! O moon! Thou has returned to life, but our departed beloved ones have not. Thou has bathed in the waiora a Tane, and had thy life renewed, but there is no fount to restore life to our departed ones. Alas ...

SEPT 17 (260 = 161 + 99) 18 (9 * 29) 19 47 216 JUNE 10 (161 = 225 - 64) 25
Ga7-11 → 77 Ga7-12 (181 = 261 - 80) Ga7-13 Gb8-5 (446)
LESATH (Sting) = ν Scorpii (244.8) YED PRIOR (Hand in front) = δ Ophiuchi (245.5) YED POSTERIOR (Hand behind) = ε Ophiuchi (246.6) Ukdah (Knot) = ι Hydrae (145.4)

*104 = *145.4 - *41.4

Nov 20 (324) 21 (325) = March 21 + 245 22 (326) 264 Aug 13 (590 = 225)
290 (= 1½ * 314 - 181) = 265 + 25 = 2 * 145
Itzam-Yeh (7-Macaw, Ursa Major) defeated 28 May, 3149 BC (148)
First 3-stone place 21 May, 3114 BC (141 = 8 * 19 - 11)
Creation of our present world 13 Aug, 3114 BC (225 = 8 * 29½ - 11)
Hun-Nal-Ye became the sky 5 Febr, 3112 BC (36)

21 May, 3114 BC - 13 August, 3114 BC = 225 - 141 = 84 (= 12 * 7)

21 May, 3114 BC - 5 February, 3112 BC = 542, which 'happens to be' the sum of 365 days and 6 * 29½ nights.

At the time of rongorongo the day May 28 (148, *68) was where Aldebaran rose with the Sun and 77 days later, in August 13 (225, *145) the Sun had reached the Knot (Ukdah) with the Full Moon at the Foundation (Bunda).

Egyptian hand Phoenician kaph Greek kappa Κ (κ)

Kaph is thought to have been derived from a pictogram of a hand (in both modern Arabic and modern Hebrew, kaph means palm/grip) ...

... The manik, with the tzab, or serpent's rattles as prefix, runs across Madrid tz. 22 , the figures in the pictures all holding the rattle; it runs across the hunting scenes of Madrid tz. 61, 62, and finally appears in all four clauses of tz. 175, the so-called 'baptism' tzolkin. It seems impossible, with all this, to avoid assigning the value of grasping or receiving. But in the final confirmation, we have the direct evidence of the signs for East and West. For the East we have the glyph Ahau-Kin, the Lord Sun, the Lord of Day; for the West we have Manik-Kin, exactly corresponding to the term Chikin, the biting or eating of the Sun, seizing it in the mouth.


The pictures (from Gates) show east, north, west, and south; respectively (the lower two glyphs)  'Lord' (Ahau) and 'grasp' (Manik). Manik was the 7th day sign of the 20 and Ahau the last ...

I have no kaph lettered star at this place (the door at the Serpent Carrier) in my list, but a grasping hand could evidently be exhibited at left in Ga7-13:



On Easter Island they ought to have looked at the reassuring face of the Full Moon to conclude what their own current season was. When they saw Aldebaran (the star 'pillar' at the back, Ana-muri) it meant the Sun would be at Antares (Ana-mua, the pillar in front).

Northern summer: 183
α Tauri (4) α Scorpii (*244 + *5)
Ana-muri Ana-mua
182 = 13 * 14 days
Southern winter

At the time of rongorongo Antares rose with the Sun in day 329 (October 15) - as a sign at the beginning of the southern summer (season with life). But clearly the creator of the G text has placed the summer year (as it would have been once upon a time north of the equator) to be running from the beginning of side a.

With 'Water' ('Sea') in front (at the time of the Bull and in the north) there ought still to have been 'dry land' (terra firma) to stand on.

... This [σ Sagittarii] has been identified with Nunki [*288] of the Euphratean Tablet of the Thirty Stars, the Star of the Proclamation of the Sea, this Sea being the quarter occupied by Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Pisces, and Pisces Australis. It is the same space in the sky that Aratos designated as Water ...

Counted from the beginning (at Ga2-27 π) of the compressed henua calendar to its final (at Ga7-10) there were 123 glyphs = 180 (Ga7-11) - 57 (Ga2-27):

MAY 17 (137) 122 SEPT 17 (260) 348
Ga2-27 (57 = 80 - 23) Ga7-11 (180)
NAOS (121.3) LESATH (244.8)
"June 9 (160 = 137 + 23) "Oct 10 (283)
248 / 2 + 12 * 29 = 16 * 29½ = 182 + 290 = 472 nights

Terra firma would not be reached before Argo Navis had landed in "June 9 (160).

When Julius Caesar introduced his new calendar the precession had moved the leading stars ahead since the time of the Bull. In a way, therefore, time-space (as precisely observed in the night) had become outstretched. On the other hand it could also be seen how the Sun was rising earlier and earlier in spring, thereby compressing time from the opposite direction. There was a star named Outstretched (Mebsuta, ε Gemini) and there was also a star named Contracted (Mekbuda, ζ Gemini) - with 5 days from Outstretched to Contracted. The prow of Argo Navis has disappeared, but its stern is in contrast greatly exaggerated.

In the Chinese overview the White Tiger is depicted with his left front paw outstretched and his right arm contracted (a pattern we can recognize from Aries):

I have here turned my earlier Chinese picture around as if in a mirror in order to make the nighttime outstreched front paw of the White Tiger be his left one, which implies he should represent the looking-glass image of Spring Sun. But Alice - down in the Underworld (Wonderland) - has her right arm timely outstretched and her left contracted:

This mirror image of the Sun came earlier and earlier while steadily 'consuming' the stars.

We can also see how the White Tiger had been 'uplifted' ('raised up'), and then to come down from a place at Andromeda (where his tail was).

... This island was once a great land. The reason it became so small is because Uoke lifted the earth with a (mighty) pole and then let it sink (into the sea). It was because of the very bad people of Te Pito O Te Henua that Uoke lifted the land (and let it crumble) until it became very small. From the uplifted [raised up] Te Pito O Te Henua, (they) came to the landing site of Nga Tavake, to Te Ohiro. In Rotomea (near Mataveri) they disembarked and climbed up to stay at Vai Marama (a waterplace near Mataveri). During the next month, they moved on to Te Vare (on the slope of the crater Rano Kau). When they saw that the (land-) lifting Uoke also approached (their present) island, Nga Tavake spoke to Te Ohiro: 'The land is sinking into the sea and we are lost!' But Te Ohiro warded off the danger with a magic chant. In Puku Puhipuhi, Uoke's pole broke, and, in this way, at least Nga Tavake's landing site remained (of the formerly great land) ...

South of the equator, on Easter Island, the seasons were turned around and therefore the extension of the Sun ('land') in the north had to become a sinking down of 'land' on Easter Island.

... It looks like the Mayan map with an alligator (Moon) on one side of the Tree with a Sun (fire) person in the east, trampling hard with his foot on the nose of the croc to make it go away - though at the same time loosing his right hand (of course) to Ursa Major (Seven Macaw, Itzam Yeh):

Tyr (as in Tues-day) was a name for Mars

and since according to the Babylonians he was standing first in the row it was his right hand which was swallowed by the wolf Fenrir (Upwaut, the Opener-of-the-Way).

... The king, wearing now a short, stiff archaic mantle, walks in a grave and stately manner to the sanctuary of the wolf-god Upwaut, the 'Opener of the Way', where he anoints the sacred standard and, preceded by this, marches to the palace chapel, into which he disappears. A period of time elapses during which the pharaoh is no longer manifest ...

SEPT 12 13 14 (*177) 15 16 (259)
Ga7-6 Ga7-7 Ga7-8 (6 * 29½) Ga7-9 Ga7-10
κ Serpentis (239.3), δ Cor. Borealis, TIĀNRŪ = μ Serpentis (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), BA = ε Serpentis, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9) λ Librae (240.0), β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8)

Iklīl al Jabhah-15 (Crown of the Forehead) / Anuradha-17 (Following Rādhā) / Room-4 (Hare)

ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Bor.(241.1), ZHENG = γ Serpentis,  θ Librae (241.2), VRISCHIKA = π Scorpii (241.3), ε Cor. Borealis (241.5),  DSCHUBBA (Front of Forehead) = δ Scorpii (241.7), η Lupi (241.9)
υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4), ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), θ Draconis (242.6), ξ Scorpii (242.7)

*201 = *242.4 - *41.4

SCHEDIRr (α Cassiopeiae)

16h (243.5)

ACRAB (Scorpion) = β Scorpii, JABHAT AL ACRAB (Forehead of the Scorpion) = ω Scorpii (243.3), θ Lupi, RUTILICUS = β Herculis (243.5), MARFIK (Elbow) = κ Herculis (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8)

Nov 15 16 (320) 17 18 (*242) 19
°Nov 11 12 13 (*237) 14 (318) 15
'Oct 19 20 21 (*214) 22 (295) 23
"Oct 5 6 (*199) 7 (280) 8 9

We can see the Wolf sitting in the background behind Tyr.

... At the beginning of 44 B.C. - when Ceasar was still alive - the Senate decided to raise statues of him in all the temples and to sacrifice to him on his birthday in the month Quintilis, which in honour of him was renamed July. He was raised to the status of a god (among the other gods of the state) under the name Jupiter Julius. Marcus Antonius, who this year was consul together with Ceasar, became high priest and responsible for the ceremonies. In the middle of February, at the time of the old feast of Lupercalia [cfr Lupus = Wolf], he ran around naked and whipped the Roman ladies with thongs made from goat-skin [februa], in order to promote their fertility ...

The old feast of Lupus ought to have coincided with the time when a new year opened up (was born). In Roman times the precession had moved the stars ahead with around 14 (= *41 - *27) right ascension days since the time of Bharani. The middle of February had earlier been the beginning of February.

JAN 25 26 27 28 29 (*314) 30
*Ca14-12 → 14 * 13 = 182 → 4.14 (378 → Saturn) → 14 * 16 = 224 *Ca14-17
te kihikihi o te henua - kua haga hia kua pua te vero te henua kiore - te henua
CLOSE TO THE FULL MOON (and nakshatra dates):
ξ Phoenicis (9.0), ρ Tucanae (9.1), DENEB KAITOS (Tail of the Sea Beast) = β Ceti, η Phoenicis (9.4), AL NITHĀM (String of Pearls) = φ¹ Ceti (9.6)

*333 = *374.4 - *41.4

ACHIRD (Woman with Luminous Rays) = η Cassiopeiae (10.7) Legs-15 (Wolf)

ν Andromedae (11.0), φ² Ceti (11.1), ρ Phoenicis (11.2), η Andromedae (11.4)

*335 = *376.4 - *41.4

CIH (Whip) = γ Cassiopeiae, λ Tucanae (12.4), φ³ Ceti (12.6), μ Andromedae (12.8)

*336 = *377.4 - *41.4

φ4 Ceti (13.2) no star listed (14)
March 30 31 (455) April 1 (91) 2 3 4
'March 3 (427) (2 * 214 = 4 * 107) 5 (8 * 8 = 91 - 27) 6 7 (2 * 31 + 4) 8 (6 * 72)
(413 = 365 + 48) "Febr 16 17 (50 = 64 - 14) 18 19 20