371. To repeat: (84 + 16) + 61 = 161 (= 290 / 2 + 16), and the oval at Elnath could refer both to the oval of Auriga and to the oval 0 of day zero at Hyadum II which was 16 days earlier:
3-21 (80 = 95 - 15) |
3-22 |
3-23 |
6 (96 = 80 + 16) |
7 |
Ga1-15 |
Ga1-16 (→ 0 + 16) |
Ga1-17 |
λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)
ARCTURUS (α Bootis)
Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu-5 (Star in the Bull towards the north)
σ Aurigae (80.4), BELLATRIX (Female Warrior) = γ Orionis, SAIF AL JABBAR (Sword of the Giant) = η Orionis (80.7), ELNATH (The Butting One) = β Tauri (80.9)*39 = *80.4 - *41.4 |
ψ Orionis (81.1), NIHAL (Thirst-slaking Camels) = β Leporis (81.7) |
June 8 |
9 |
10 (161 → φ) |
°June 4 |
5 (156) |
6 (*77 = 61 + 16) |
'May 12 |
13 |
14 (*54 = 118 + 16 - 80) |
"April 28 |
29 |
30 (*40) |
9-20 |
9-21 (264) |
Equinox (*185) |
OCT 5 (278) |
6 |
7 (*200) |
ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9)
*221 = *262.4 - *41.4 |
β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6) |
LESATH (Sting) = υ Scorpii, δ Arae (264.7), CHOO (Club) = α Arae (264.9) |
Dec 8 |
9 |
10 (*264 = *81 + 183) |
°Dec 4 |
5 |
6 (*260 = *77 + 183) |
'Nov 11 |
12 (*236 = 8 * 29½) |
13 |
"Oct 28 |
29 (*222 = 2 * 111) |
30 |
And the position of the pyramid of Menkaure could correspond not only to the last to rise of Tau-toru (3 'stones' - as if on a string, Tui) in the center of Orion but also to day 16 counted from Aldebaran - which star would reappear to view when the Sun was at the Heavenly Gate. Aldebaran came 4 days after Hyadum II and Shur-narkabti-sha-shūtū (Star in the Bull towards the south, ζ Tauri) came 4 days after Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu (Star in the Bull towards the north, β Tauri).
3-24 (71 + 12) |
3-25 (84) |
3-26 (*5) |
3-27 (450) |
APRIL 8 (*383) |
9 (*19) |
10 (100 = 161 - 61) |
11 (466) |
Ga1-18 (→ 4 * 29½) |
Ga1-19 |
Ga1-20 (→ 4 + 16) |
Ga1-21 |
ο Aurigae (85.8), γ Leporis (85.9)
YANG MUN (α Lupi)
MINTAKA (Belt) = δ Orionis, υ Orionis (82.4), χ Aurigae (82.5), ε Columbae (82.6)
*41 = *82.4 - *41.4 |
Al Hak'ah-3 (Brand) / Mrigashīrsha-5 (Stag's Head) / Turtle Head-20 (Monkey) / Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur (Little Twins)
ARNEB = α Leporis, Crab Nebula = M1 Tauri (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA = λ Orionis, Orion Nebula = M42 (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), ALNILAM (String of Pearls) = ε Orionis (83.7) |
Three Stars-21 (Gibbon) / Shur-narkabti-sha-shūtū-6 (Star in the Bull towards the south) / ANA-IVA-9 (Pillar of exit)
HEAVENLY GATE = ζ Tauri, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2), ALNITAK (Girdle) = ζ Orionis, PHAKT (Phaet) = α Columbae (84.7) |
June 11 |
12 |
13 (*84 = 100 - 16) |
14 (165) |
°June 7 |
8 |
9 (*80) |
10 (161) |
'May 15 (*420) |
16 (136) |
17 |
18 (*58) |
"May 1 (*41) |
2 |
3 |
4 (124) |
Similarly we should try to count 16 days ahead from Rigel and Capella (with Thuban at the Full Moon) in order to find out where this view would have returned to visibility at the time of the Bull:
3-17 |
3-18 (77) |
3-19 |
3-20 |
APRIL 1 (91) |
2 (*377 = 365 + 92 - 80) |
3 (*378 → Saturn) |
4 (*14) |
Ga1-11 |
Ga1-12 |
Ga1-13 |
Ga1-14 |
HAEDUS II = η Aurigae (75.9) |
5h (76.1)
ε Leporis (76.0), CURSA = β Eridani (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7)
*35 = *76.4 - *41.4 |
μ Aurigae, μ Leporis (77.6) |
ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (Foot) = β Orionis (78.1), Flaming Star = IC405 (78.2), CAPELLA (Mother Goat) = α Aurigae (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)
*37 = *78.4 - *41.4
THUBAN (α Draconis)
... In view of the almost universal prevalence of the Pleiades year throughout the Polynesian area it is surprising to find that in the South Island and certain parts of the North Island of New Zealand and in the neighboring Chatham Islands, the year began with the new Moon after the yearly morning rising, not of the Pleiades, but of the star Rigel in Orion ... |
June 4 |
5 |
6 (157 = 314 / 2) |
7 (*78) |
°May 31 (151) |
°June 1 |
2 (*73 = 365 / 5) |
3 |
'May 8 (128) |
9 |
10 (*50) |
11 |
"April 24 |
Vaitu Nui 25 (115) |
26 (*36) |
27 |
... [E:17] On the twenty-fifth day of the first month (Vaitu Nui), Ira and Makoi set sail; on the first day of June ('Maro'), the bow of Ira's canoe appeared on the distant horizon, came closer and closer on its course, and sailed along, and finally (one) could see the (new home) land ... |
9-16 |
9-17 (*180) |
(261 = 9 * 29 = 100 * φ²) |
9-19 |
OCT 1 |
2 (*195) |
3 |
4 (277) |
17h (258.7)
ARRAKIS = μ Draconis (258.7) |
Mula-19 (The Root)
SABIK (The Preceding One) = η Ophiuchi (259.7), η Scorpii (259.9) |
NODUS I = ζ Draconis (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), RAS ALGETHI (Head of the Giant) = α Herculis (260.8) |
SARIN = δ Herculis (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4 = 41.4 + 220)
ALRISHA (α Piscium)
Dec 4 |
5 |
6 (340) |
7 |
°Nov 30 |
°Dec 1 |
2 (*256 = 16 * 16) |
3 |
'Nov 7 (*231) |
8 |
9 |
10 (314) |
"Oct 24 (*217) |
25 |
26 |
27 (300) |
12 |
4-2 (92) |
4-3 |
4-4 |
4-5 |
4-6 (*16) |
APRIL 17 (107 = 91 + 16) |
18 |
19 |
20 (*30) |
21 |
Ga1-27 |
Ga1-28 (→ 12 + 16) |
Ga1-29 |
Ga1-30 (→ 14 + 16) |
Ga2-1 |
6h (91.3)
ν Orionis (91.4), θ Columbae (91.5), π Columbae (91.6) |
ξ Orionis (92.5) |
Al Han'ah-4 (Brand) / Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-7 (Front of the Mouth of the Twins)
TEJAT PRIOR = η Gemini (93.4), γ Monocerotis (93.5), κ Aurigae (93.6), κ Columbae (93.8)*52 = *93.4 - *41.4 |
FURUD = ζ Canis Majoris (94.9) |
Well-22 (Tapir) / Arkū-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-8 (Back of the Mouth of the Twins)
δ Columbae (95.2), TEJAT POSTERIOR = μ Gemini, MIRZAM (The Roarer) = β Canis Majoris (95.4), CANOPUS = α Carinae (95.6), ε Monocerotis (95.7), ψ1 Aurigae (95.9)*54 = *95.4 - *41.4 |
June 20 |
22 (*93) |
23 (174) |
°June 16 |
17 (168) |
18 |
19 |
20 (*91) |
'May 24 (144) |
25 (290 / 2) |
26 |
27 |
28 (*68) |
"May 10 (130) |
11 (314 - 183) |
12 |
13 (*236 - *183) |
14 (*54) |
10-2 |
10-3 |
10-4 |
10-4 |
10-5 |
OCT 17 (290) |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 (*214) |
ZHŌNGSHĀN = ο Herculis (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) |
ι Pavonis (275.1), POLIS = μ Sagittarii (275.9)
MENKAR (α Ceti)
η Sagittarii (276.9) |
Purva Ashadha-20 (Winnowing Basket) |
KAUS MEDIUS = δ Sagittarii, κ Lyrae (277.5), TUNG HAE (Heavenly Eastern Sea) = η Serpentis (277.7), SHAOU PIH (Minor Minister) = φ Draconis (277.8), KWEI SHE = χ Draconis (277.9) |
φ Oct. (278.1), KAUS AUSTRALIS = ε Sagittarii (278.3), ξ Pavonis (278.4), AL ATHFAR (The Talons of the Falling Eagle) = μ Lyrae (278.6) *237 = *278.4 - *41.4 |
Dec 20 |
22 |
23 (357) |
°Dec 16 |
17 |
18 |
19 (*273) |
20 (354) |
'Nov 23 (327) |
24 |
25 |
26 (*250) |
27 |
"Nov 9 |
10 (314) |
11 |
12 (*236 = 8 * 29½) |
13 |
Clearly we need to take these 16 nights of invisibility into serious consideration when reading the G text. Rei in Ga1-30 is in the middle between Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu (Front of the Mouth of the Twins, η Gemini) and Arkū-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu (Back of the Mouth of the Twins, μ Gemini). When the Explorers went from Hiva in their canoe this should have become visible at Ga1-30 - the Rei type of glyph resembling the canoe of the crescent Moon. Although they had set sail already at Cursa in the Eridanus River - possibly in order to point out day 115 as in the cycle of Mercury.
... Later on in this series of rituals, the Chorti go through a ceremony they call raising the sky. This ritual takes place at midnight on the twenty-fifth of April and continues each night until the rains arrive. In this ceremony two diviners and their wives sit on benches so that they occupy the corner positions of the cosmic square. They take their seats in the same order as the stones were placed, with the men on the eastern side and the women on the west. The ritual actions of sitting down and lifting upward are done with great precision and care, because they are directly related to the actions done by the gods at Creation. The people represent the gods of the four corners and the clouds that cover the earth. As they rise from their seats, they metaphorically lift the sky. If their lifting motion is uneven, the rains will be irregular and harmful ...
... Ganz ähnlich is der Name 'Gott von Duazag' des Gottes Nabū ... zu erklären. Er bezeichnet ihn als den Gott des Wachtstums, welches als aus dem Osten stammend betrachtet wird, weil die Sonne, die das Wachstum bringt, im Osten aufgeht. Dass aber Nabū als Ost-Gott aufgefasst wurde, hängt damit zusammen, dass sein Stern, der Mercur, nur im Osten oder Westen sichtbar ist ...

The added 'flames' in the Rei type of glyph could very well represent the return to visibility.