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The Q text is probably more of a standard to build on than G. This is what I have decided to be commented upon in the dictionary page:

Qb2-11 Qb2-12 Qb2-13 Qb2-14 Qb2-15 Qb2-16
225 226 227

225 = 15 * 15 and 2 * 12 (in Qb2-12) = 24. The rising fish has a tail which is fat, it seems to point at high summer.

Qb2-1 (52) Qb2-2 Qb2-3 Qb2-4 Qb2-5 Qb2-6
220 221 222
Qb2-7 Qb2-8 Qb2-9 Qb2-10 Qb2-11 Qb2-12 (63)
223 448 / 2 + 64 = 288 225

In Qb2-10 there is a Rogo with head in full visibility, but with its lower front half invisible. It must be the opposite of winter solstice:

Ca13-20 Qb2-10

The waves at top right in Qb2-3 and the cut across the throat of the preceding honu are signs of what is going on. Spring sun has come to his end. Pau in Qb2-7 says it too.

36 * 8 = 288 and 28 * 8 = 224 = 288 - 64. Once (ca 3,000 B.C.) sun moved twice 24° to cover the tropics. If sun is born at the tropic of Cancer, then he had to cover 48° to midsummer south of the equator. In a way it was a square of 48 (448). The memory could have stayed on with the Polynesians. It would explain e.g. why our calendar with 12 months was 'translated' into 24 half-months with both moon and sun described as on the 'back side'.

There should be 5 days of rest here. Glyph number 63 counted from Qb1-1 suggest the new beginning. Maybe we should read the downsloping 4 lines in Qb2-11 as marks to show 3 downsloping bands, with the central broadest as an image of the equatorial band.

With 3 days more we will have 8 days:

Qb2-13 Qb2-14 Qb2-15 Qb2-16 Qb2-17 Qb2-18
226 227 228 + 64 = 292

In Qb2-17 the top right part cannot be seen. From Qb2-10 up to and including Qb2-17 there are 8 glyphs.

Qb2-9 Qb2-10   Qb2-17 Qb2-18
448 / 2 + 64 = 288 3 228 + 64 = 292

Ordinal number -17 says a new season is beginning.

Yet, the sequence of events is not ending until day 231 (or 295):

Qb2-19 Qb2-20 Qb2-21 Qb2-22 Qb2-23 Qb2-24
229 230 231 + 64 = 295

368 days is 73 days more. If we add 68 to 292 we will get 360, and 295 will be 363.

The pair of identical ika hiku glyphs could define those 5 days of rest (at Hanga Takaure). If we wish to have 8 days, we must begin already with day 224. But counted from the beginning of line Qb2 there are 12 days.