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If the ancients had a unified time-space theory, it would surely have been based on measuring degrees. 180 at Qa5-30 could refer to the daytime half of the sky dome, rather than allude to the summer half of the year. In the Taranaki storehouse the egg is produced at the apex:
Maybe the egg symbolizes the moon who is rising when night is falling. But 180 / 2 + 64 = 154, just beyond half 300, which should mean just beyond midsummer (or noon). Maybe the calendar for the night is beginning at noon? The first nuku glyph, Qa3-1, could mean that the nuku season is turning around. In the G calendar a similar sign is used at day 237:
A waxing moon crescent sign is at bottom left. The 'nuku season' is a moon season. In Gb1-7, on the other hand, the maro signs are like 'fire' arms, earlier held high but now hanging low. Like Gb1-7 (as in 17) it is the first glyph of the next season, which should be a sun season:
The double Rei in *Qa2-41 has a sun sign, only 1 of the 3 'tails' (the top one) is drawn 'alive'. The other 2 are cut off stumps:
The 'fists' evolve into arms and hands with 3 fingers and a thumb. In the 4th quarter, though, the fist has disappeared and instead there are 2 mata riding in a canoe of the moon. The thumb went away together with the fist: