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1334 = 5 * 261 + 29. The structure is comparable with 4 * 7 + 1 = 29. The month has not 29, but 29½ days. It can be expressed as half 29 + 30 = 59 days. Or it can be expressed as half 27 + 32 = 59 days.

Is the text of Tahua divided into 5 sequences 261 glyphs long? We have seen two such:

258 258
Ab1-1 Ab1-2 Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab7-25 Ab7-26
1 2 261 1 260 261

A calendar month maybe should be expressed as 1 + 28 (not as 28 + 1). Viri at Ab1-1 is the first glyph in the long sequence. 1 + 260, though, is not followed by 1 + 260 but by 260 +1.

Maybe 1334 = 4 * 261 + 10 * 29. Or 1334 = 4 * (260 + 1) + 10 * (28 + 1), 4 'quarters' and 10 'months'. If so, then Ab4-18 stands at the beginning of the 'quarter' of spring, I guess, and niu (Ab4-17) at the end of the 4th 'quarter'. We remember:

Aa1-13 Aa1-14 Aa1-15

The first 3 periods of the henua season in G are parallel with glyphs in Tahua, and Ga2-29 - the last glyph in the line and with a black ordinal number - is parallel with niu in Ab4-17:

Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 (60) Ga3-1 (61) Ga3-2 (62) Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5
Ab4-15 Ab4-16 Ab4-17 (261) Ab4-18 (262) Ab4-19 Ab4-20

So 31 respectively 29 henua periods in G and K possibly are to be thought of as 3 + 28 respectively 3 + 26. The first 3 may be special.

Instead of kake manu marking middle it is implicit in A. 4 * 17 = 68, while 2 * 29 = 58, and 3 * 2 = 6, while 4 * 18 = 72 (= 6 * 12). The structure is the same but the contents different.

It is not possible to follow this parallel between A and G backwards in time. But by way of relying on R (which is very much ordered like A) we can walk backwards. We begin by comparing R and A at our point of connection:

Ra6-12 Ra6-13 Ra6-14 (154) Ra6-15 Ra6-16 Ra6-17

6 * 14 = 84 (presumably a number referring to the 'night') and 6 * 15 = 90, a quarter of the 'day'. There are twice 8 feather marks on the twin tapa mea glyphs. Though these 'feathers' are not well ordered - a sign of darkness. The moon tapa mea signs are formed like the last phase of waning moon (as seen from Easter Island).

When moon is close to the horizon it can be coloured red. Also, it looks much larger than normal. The idea of red signifying great is therefore based on experience.

Ordinal number 154 = 2 * 77 = 11 * 14 is the result of the following reconstruction, which we need in order to trace the parallels between G and R backwards in time:

a1 30* 30 b1 17* 17 243
a2 24 54 b2 24* 41 267
a3 30* 84 b3 21* 62 288
a4 26* 110 b4 23* 85 311
a5 30* 140 b5 26* 111 337
a6 29* 169 b6 33 144 370
a7 31* 200 b7 29* 173 399
a8 26* 226 b8 21* 194 420
sum 226* sum 194*

226 + 194 = 420, which is reassuring. Also that 226 - 194 = 32.

When we move backwards in time, following the pace of G, we realize there is an addition in R, the first part of which is the beginning of glyph line Ra6:


Ra6-1 Ra6-2 Ra6-3 Ra6-4 Ra6-5 Ra6-6
Ra6-7 Ra6-8 Ra6-9 Ra6-10 Ra6-11

I can see only 26 glyphs in line Ra5, and if I have reconstructed the number 30 correct, there must be 4 glyphs (or glyph places) lost:

Ra5-1 Ra5-2 Ra5-3 Ra5-4 Ra5-5 Ra5-6
... ... ...
Ra5-7 Ra5-8 Ra5-9 Ra5-10 Ra5-11 Ra5-12
Ra5-13 Ra5-14 Ra5-15 Ra5-16 Ra5-17 Ra5-18
Ra5-19 Ra5-20 Ra5-21 Ra5-22 Ra5-23 Ra5-24
Ra5-25 Ra5-26 Ra5-27 Ra5-28 Ra5-29 Ra5-30

The addition (relative to the G text) is 11 glyphs (at the beginning of line Ra6) + 12 glyphs (at the end of line Ra5). The 7 redmarked glyphs are in parallel with the end of line Ga2:


Ga2-20 (51) Ga2-21 Ga2-22 Ga2-23 Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26 (57)
Ra5-12 (122) Ra5-13 Ra5-14 Ra5-15 Ra5-16 Ra5-17 Ra5-18 (128)

Although the structures are similar, the contents are different. We can see that 12 in Ra5-12 is in harmony with 122 and so on. If we count from Ra1-1 the ordinal numbers will be in harmony with the numbers in the glyph line. In G we can reach the same effect if we count from Ga1-1 (instead of from Gb8-30). This is an argument for at least sometimes count from the beginning of side a1.

If we recount from Ga1-1 (instead of from Gb8-30), we can say that the difference in time between these two 7-glyph long sequences is 128 - 56 = 72 days long. The distance between the texts has diminished by 95 - 72 = 23 glyphs (days):

Ra5-18 (128) Ga2-26 (56)
Ra6-14 (154) Ga2-29 (59)

Ra5-25 and the following 16 glyphs (which do not appear in G, K, or A) is an important nexus of parallel glyphs in different other texts, for instance in P:

Ra5-216 Ra5-217 Ra5-218 Ra5-219 Ra5-220
Pa1-1 Pa1-2 Pa1-3 Pa1-4

Pa1-1 cannot be god separating heaven and earth (or rather earth and heaven - we are south of the equator). We must think time instead of space. Henua (with a waning moon elbow ornament) is in the past, in front is the idea of a sky. In between a tagata seen en face possibly is standing at winter solstice.