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The other link, to Tahua, leads to this page:


In A we could at first try to transfer Aa8-24 from the end of Akahanga to the beginning of Hatinga Te Kohe, which would put a visible break at its beginning (equivalent to that between Gb4-33 and Gb5-1). But the expected number 708 (= 12 * 59) at Aa8-24 is 58 glyphs too low, and we need to adjust the point of beginning from Ab8-44 to Ab7-69 (100 glyphs from the end of side b):

Hatinga Te Kohe

12 * 29.5 = 354

Aa8-24 (708) Aa8-25 Aa8-80 Aa8-81 Aa8-82 Aa8-83 (766)
Ab7-64 Ab7-65 Ab7-66 Ab7-67 Ab7-68 Ab7-69
Ab8-39 Ab8-40 Ab8-41 Ab8-42 Ab8-43 Ab8-44

Another possibility is to let Aa8-80 be the first glyph of Hatinga Te Kohe. But the counting should begin with pito (Ab8-43) for symmetry reasons - there are 84 glyphs in line b8. The logic is back - only after two glyphs in A can the same point be reached as after one glyph in G:

Hatinga Te Kohe  -  12 * 29.5 = 354
Aa8-80 Aa8-81 (708) Aa8-82 Aa8-83 Aa8-84 Aa8-85 Ab1-53 Ab1-54 (766)
354 355 356 26 383

Having to change side from a to b in the month of Hatinga Te Kohe in this version is an argument for choosing it (rather than to start counting from Ab7-59). We will therefore try it also with the earlier months (going backwards in time):

Akahanga  -  11 * 29.5 = 324.5
Aa8-22 Aa8-23 (650) Aa8-24 Aa8-25 Aa8-26 Aa8-27 Aa8-78 Aa8-79 (706)
325 326 327 25 353

29 days for Akahanga allows the 4 'nombres propres' (Aa8-18--21) to be in the same month:

Hua Reva  -  10 * 29.5 = 295
Aa7-47 Aa7-48 (590) Aa7-49 Aa7-50 Aa7-51 Aa7-52 Aa8-20 Aa8-21 (648)
295 296 297 26 324

Ihe tau in Aa7-48 now occupies the same position in the month as Aa8-23.

Te Pou  -  9 * 29.5 = 265.5
Aa6-72 Aa6-73 (532) Aa6-74 Aa6-75 Aa6-76 Aa6-77 Aa7-45 Aa7-46 (588)
266 267 268 25 294

Vai in Aa6-75--76 now have been transferred from Hua Reva to Te Pou.

Te Pei   -  8 * 29.5 = 236
Aa6-13 Aa6-14 (472) Aa6-15 Aa6-16 Aa6-17 Aa6-18 Aa6-70 Aa6-71 (530)
236 237 238 26 265

To complete we should also look at Roto Iri Are:

Roto Iri Are  -  13 * 29.5 = 383.5
Ab1-55 Ab1-56 (768) Ab1-57 Ab1-58 Ab1-59 Ab1-60 Ab2-29 Ab2-30(824)
384 385 386 25 412

The model is possible, but not convincing. It is still an open question from where the counting should begin. Let us therefore try to count from Ab7-69.

It could be questioned if all these tortuous tries to come to grips with Tahua really should be included in the glyph dictionary. To which can be retorted that only we in western society are stupid enough to imagine things can have only one true explanation. Nature is a complex of intertwined strands of logic.

I wish my glyph dictionary to reflect, as far as possible, the ideas of those who created the rongorongo texts, not the preconceptions of another culture. The glyph dictionary must, therefore, describe a winding path.

My methods should also be exemplified in the glyph dictionary, in order to make it possible for the reader to understand how reliable the described 'facts' can be. Next page ('count from Ab7-69'), e.g., shows the important part played by subconscious guides:


Ab7-64 Ab7-65 Ab7-66 Ab7-67 Ab7-68 Ab7-69

It is convenient to count with 100. Let us begin with Te Pei and go forward in time. Model 1 gave this result.

Te Pei   -  8 * 29.5 = 236
Aa6-13 Aa6-14 (472) Aa6-15 Aa6-16 Aa6-17 Aa6-18 Aa6-70 Aa6-71 (530)
236 237 238 26 265

The new model has this to offer:

Te Pei   -  8 * 29.5 = 236
Aa6-55 Aa6-56 (472) Aa6-57 Aa6-58 Aa6-59 Aa6-60
236 237 238
Aa6-61 Aa6-62 Aa6-63 Aa6-64 Aa6-65 Aa6-66
239 240 241
Aa6-67 (483) Aa6-68 Aa6-69 Aa6-70 Aa6-71 Aa6-72
242 243 244
Aa6-73 Aa6-74 Aa6-75 Aa6-76 Aa6-77 Aa6-78
245 246 247
Aa6-79 Aa6-80 Aa6-81 Aa6-82 Aa6-83 Aa6-84
248 249 250

Next glyph is Aa7-1 and there the special calendar is beginning - as if to indicate that the 2nd half of Te Pei is different. The 30 glyphs for the 15 first days of Te Pei are highly relevant. We have earlier found Aa6-67 to mark the end of the 1st half of the year. Its number, 483, is similar to 383.5 (= 13 * 29.5). The preceding glyph is the extraordinary Aa6-66 (as in the number of the beast), and Aa6-69 shows similarities with the toppled 1st half year in G:

Gb1-7 Aa6-69

Aa6-55 is parallel with Ra3-103--104, which is important for coordinating R and A:

Ra3-103 Ra3-104 Aa6-55

Already with Te Pei the model has proved itself. But it is not Model 2, it is Model 3 - I forgot to reduce with 100, and counting has been done from Aa1-1. This natural way of counting reinforces the very clear signs in the glyphs. Let us therefore jump to Hatinga Te Kohe, hoping to find Model 3 up to the task:

Model 1 Hatinga Te Kohe  -  12 * 29.5 = 354
Aa8-80 Aa8-81 Aa8-82 Aa8-83 Aa8-84 Aa8-85 Ab1-53 Ab1-54
354 355 356 26 383
Model 3 Hatinga Te Kohe  -  12 * 29.5 = 354
Ab1-37 Ab1-38 Ab1-39 Ab1-40 Ab2-13 Ab2-14
354 355 27 383

Ab1-37 shows the split, with hanau (birth) in the middle. It cannot be more clear. Inversed ihe tau at right also means birth. A new 'fish' is rising at 708 = 12 * 59.

Model 3 is reliable. Which does not mean we can be sure that all kuhane stations are reflected in the text of Tahua. We must extend the investigation - see next page.

But let us first see what happens if we reduce with 100:

Model 2 Te Pei   -  8 * 29.5 = 236
Aa5-38 Aa5-39 (472) Aa5-40 Aa5-41 Aa5-42 Aa5-43
236 237 238
Aa5-44 Aa5-45 Aa5-46 Aa5-47 Aa5-48 Aa5-49
239 240 241
Aa5-50 Aa5-51 Aa5-52 Aa5-53 Aa5-54 Aa5-55
242 243 244
Aa5-56 Aa5-57 Aa5-58 Aa5-59 Aa5-60 Aa5-61
245 246 247
Aa5-62 Aa5-63 Aa5-64 Aa5-65 Aa5-66 Aa5-67
248 249 250