What about the number of marks on the 'threads' at the end of each subdivison? In G we find:
The sums of numbers of marks: 24, 90 and 42 are not random, but highly meaningful. What is the meaning of the distribution of these marks? Are they there only for play or magic? Or do they e.g. signify number of days? 156 equals ca 5 months and that does not seem to be the right interpretation. However, 156 = 12 * 13. This means that - given that we here see a kind of calendar for the year - each mark could signify a 'month' with 13 subperiods. Alternatively we could imagine that this is a kind of lunar calendar. If we e.g. add Ohiro and Oata to the 11 kokore-nights we get 13 nights. Could that be the explanation for those 156 marks? The number of subdivisions (31 in G and 29? in K) possibly indicate a kind of lunar calendar. Let us see if K has some more clues:
A guess: 12*0 + 4*4 + 6*5 + 3*6 + 2*8 + 1*10 = 90, where subdivision 3 has 8 marks, no. 16 has 0 marks and no. 27 has 4 marks (instead of question marks). |