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The torrents from the sky meets the torrid earth, and then the vegetation explodes. 118 = 4 * 29.5 is the time when water (vai) sets it all running:


Ga5-4 Ga5-5 Ga5-6 Ga5-7 (118) Ga5-8 Ga5-9
Ga6-5 Ga6-6 Ga6-7 (148) Ga6-8

'Fire' is realighted at 4 * 29 = 116, when sky is set in contact with the earth. The tamaiti sign follows very soon:


tamaiti Ga5-8

Te Manavai (the hollows for collecting rain) and Te Poko Uri (the thunder which announces greenery), are twin months. 118 + 59 = 177. The sky is once again clearing up, but the important time is over:


Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 (177) Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10 (180)

The mouth of kiore is closing. Ga7-9 is a straight hakaturou, possibly the same kind of sign which indicates the summer 'square' in Aa1-5--8:


Aa1-1 Aa1-2 Aa1-3 Aa1-4
Aa1-5 Aa1-6 Aa1-7 Aa1-8
Aa1-9 Aa1-10

Ga6-6 is smack in the middle of the most important growth time:


Ga5-4 Ga5-5 Ga5-6 Ga5-7 (118) Ga5-8 Ga5-9
Ga6-5 Ga6-6 Ga6-7 (148) Ga6-8
Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 (177) Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10 (180)

5 * 6 = 30, 6 * 6 = 36, and 7 * 6 = 42.

It is time for the 'child' (tamaiti) to appear in full stature - at Ga5-8 he was just an egg and alluded to by the body form of the mother bird:

Ga7-11 (181) Ga7-12 Ga7-13 Ga7-14