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Let us now return to side a by way of the parallel to the hetuu-sequence. On side b we have mapped this sequence like this:

Ab7-79 (575) Ab7-80 Ab7-83 Ab7-84
day 261 + 26 + 1 = 288 = 8 * 36 1 day 290 = 10 * 29
Ab8-1 (581) Ab8-2 Ab8-11 Ab8-12 (592)
day 291 (= 261 + 30) 4 day 296
Ab8-13 (593) Ab8-14 Ab8-17 Ab8-18 (598)
day 297 1 day 299
Ab8-19 (599) Ab8-20
day 300

The signs say we have reached the end of sun's journey (day 300, 8 * 36, 10 * 29, pure, and moe). There are 26 glyphs (13 days) here.

On side a the relevant glyph line is not the last but number 5, and the order is reversed - there are 14 glyphs preceding the parallel to Ab7-79:

Aa5-54 (387) Aa5-55 Aa5-56 Aa5-57 Aa5-58 Aa5-59 Aa5-60 (393)
Aa5-61 Aa5-62 Aa5-63 Aa5-64 Aa5-65 Aa5-66 Aa5-67 (400)

If we regard these 14 glyphs as corresponding to Ab8-1 -- 12, then 400 at Aa5-67 should be compared with 600 at Ab8-20. These numbers are equal to 200 respectively 300 days and suggest that indeed the 14 glyphs on side a correspond to the 12 on side b.

There are 670 glyphs on side a, and Aa5-67 divides them into 400 + 270, i.e. into 200 + 135 days. But we have already earlier taken away 90 glyphs (45 days):

side a
89 319 256
Aa1-90 Aa5-77 Aa5-78 Aa5-79 Aa5-80 Aa5-81 (414)
90 324 = 18 * 18

So 200 days will be equal to 45 + 155, and then follow 7 more:

294 10
Aa2-1 (91) Aa2-2 Aa5-54 (387) Aa5-55 Aa5-66 Aa5-67 (400)
day 46 147 day 194 5 day 200
Aa5-68 (401) Aa5-69 Aa5-70 Aa5-71
day 201 - 200 = 1 day 2
Aa5-76 Aa5-77 (410) Aa5-78 Aa5-79 Aa5-80 Aa5-81 (414)
2 day 5 day 6 day 7

155 + 7 = 162 = 9 * 18 days (i.e. half 18 * 18 = 324 glyphs).

With day 194 the hetuu-glyph sequence is beginning, but the numbers and moe in Aa5-56 says we should count to day 195:

Aa2-1 (91) Aa2-2 Aa5-54 Aa5-55 Aa5-56 Aa5-57 (390)
day 46 147 day 194 day 195
150 days

Counting further on we will reach Aa5-81 (glyph number 414 and day 207) after 12 more days. 195 + 12 = 207. Possibly we should continue one day more (although the parallel with side b has finished), because then follows glyph line a6:

Aa5-80 Aa5-81 (414) Aa5-82 Aa5-83
day 12 (= 207 - 195) day 13 = day 208 127

208 = 8 * 26:

89 296 24
Aa1-90 Aa2-1 (91) Aa2-2 Aa5-56 Aa5-57 (390) Aa5-82 Aa5-83 (416)
45 day 46 148 day 195 12 day 208
 208 (= 8 * 26)

148 + 12 = 160 possibly suggests that day 46, day 195 and day 208 are 'joints'. 296 + 24 = 320.

We have not yet included Aa6-66. We first have to count 208 + 32 = 240:

Aa6-1 (417) Aa6-2 Aa6-63 Aa6-64 (480)
day 209 30 day 240 (= 572 - 664 / 2)
186 86
Aa6-65 Aa6-66 (482) Aa8-84 Aa8-85 (670) Aa1-1 Aa1-2 Aa1-89 Aa1-90
day 1 93  day 95  day 96 43 day 140

254 glyphs beyond Aa5-83 can be grouped into 64 + 190, and now we have the picture (a very simplifed one).