Ca3-14 Ca3-15 Ca3-16
Ab4-37 Ab4-38
Ha8-17 Ha8-18 Ha8-19
Pa7-35 Pa7-36 Pa7-37 Pa7-38
Ea7-29 Ea7-30 Ea7-31
The parallel sequences of glyphs in A, H and P here continue (cfr the earlier glyphs). And also a similar sequence in E appears.
But the sequence of glyphs in C is also somewhat similar to this sequence:
Cb3-21 Cb3-22 Cb4-1 Cb4-2
And - what really complicates matters - it looks as if the parallel sequences of glyphs in A, H, P and E above from this point on changes track to follow Cb4-3 etc.

Whereas the texts of A and E definitely do this, the texts of H and P do this just for a few glyphs and then seem to return to be parallel with Ca3-17 etc.