The third page (from 'here') together with an underpage:
The head of the old rising fish in Ab4-75, the one who is speared, exhibits a sign which could refer to inoino:
196 is a well known number (= 7 * 28 = 14 * 14):
7 * 28 is also implied at kara etahi. Is it possible to move on with another 200 + 2 glyphs beyond Ab7-30 (526)? No, not unless we move on and continue to count either at the beginning of side a or at the beginning of side b. There are only 664 - 526 = 138 glyphs to the end of side b. Glyph number 202 - 138 = 64 on side a is Aa1-64 (and on side b Aa1-64 of course). 64 is an interesting number because it not only is 8 * 8 but also because it is used in G as an addition from the end of side b. Hakaturou in Aa1-64 (as Metoro commented) is only one of several signs (e.g. the triangular form of the top 'flame' in Aa1-60) which seem to support the idea to continue on side a:
We should not miss to notice the bent string to the left of the 'sun fist' which could have a meaning not far away from the 3 feathers at left in Ya1-1:
If we instead continue at the beginning of side b, we will have the following picture:
It is not easy to judge. Considering the effect of using the first 64 glyphs on side a as a continuation of the structure on side b, it is astonishing to find that 590 - 64 = 526:
526 at maitaki in Ab7-30 is the ordinal number counted from Ab1-1:
590 - 64 = 526. This serves as a confirmation - 64 glyphs at the beginning of side a are a continuation of the text on side b:
1334 = 526 + 8 * 101 (= 2 * 526 + 80 + 202). |