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The third page (from 'here') together with an underpage:


A slight change in the method of counting 2 glyphs per day will result in the following satisfactory solution:

Ab5-1 Ab5-2 Ab7-25 Ab7-26 (522)
1 97 99
Ab7-27 Ab7-28 Ab7-29 Ab7-30 (526)
100 0

It can be shown that the text on side b is structured as a series of sequences which are 200 + 2 glyphs (or 100 + 1 days) long.

Viri in Ab7-26 exemplifies a sign which was used to draw the line between an old and a new season. Therefore, the 4 glyphs Ab7-27--30 belong at the beginning of a new season. Likewise we should regard hahe in Ab2-36 as the last glyph of an old season and manu kake in Ab2-37 as the first glyph of a new season:

Aa8-6 Aa8-7 Ab2-35 Ab2-36 (118)
1 97 99
Ab2-37 Ab2-38 Ab2-39 Ab2-40 (122)
100 0

With Sun allotted 300 days he should have 3 of these 'seasons', the first of which probably is ending with hahe in Ab2-36. The 3rd and last will then end with viri in Ab7-26.

The fully grown viri in Ab7-26 measures the distance from the little viri in Ab1-1, but the distance from the 'lopped off' viri seems to connect to kara etahi:

59 520 = 20 * 26
Aa8-26 (1) Ab1-1 Ab7-26 Ab7-27 Ab7-28 (584)



Let us begin at Ab2-41: 

Ab2-29 Ab2-30 Ab2-31 Ab2-32 Ab2-33 Ab2-34
96 97 98
Ab2-35 Ab2-36 Ab2-37 Ab2-38 Ab2-39 Ab2-40
99 100 0
Ab2-41 Ab2-42 (124) Ab7-27 Ab7-28 (524) Ab7-29 Ab7-30
1 199 0 1

99 at hahe in Ab2-36 followed by manu kake in Ab2-37 means a new season is beginning with Ab2-37. 199 between Ab2-42 and Ab7-27 is about twice 99, which suggests there could be two 'seasons' in the interval from Ab2-41 to Ab7-27.

Indeed this idea is supported by the glyphs:

Ab2-41 Ab2-42 (124) Ab4-75 Ab4-76 (320)
1 97 99
Ab4-77 Ab4-78 Ab4-79 Ab4-80 (324)
100 0

Metoro said vero at Ab4-76 and 320 presumably is to be understood as a sign of the end of the lifegiving sun season. The tagata glyphs are 200 glyphs apart. The great rising fish in Ab4-75 seems to be 'killed by the spear' -  he is at left in the pair of glyphs which could represent day 99 beyond high summer. 4 * 75 = 300.

Ab4-80 - where 4 * 80 possibly alludes to glyph number 320 - is the last glyph in line b4. Then comes a new season. With the beginning of glyph line Ab5 the subject naturally should be 'fire' (rima = 5). There are 5 + 5 feathers on hua and 5 feathers on ragi:

Ab5-1 (325) Ab5-2 Ab5-3 Ab5-4
Ab5-5 Ab5-6 Ab5-7 Ab5-8
Ab5-9 Ab5-10 Ab5-11 Ab5-12

This period exhibits the same type of structure:

Ab5-1 Ab5-2 Ab7-25 Ab7-26 (522)
1 97 99
Ab7-27 Ab7-28 Ab7-29 Ab7-30 (526)
100 0

A new symmetry emerges: The glyphs at 99 are keys for understanding what season is ending, while the 4 following glyphs in a way inaugurate the next season.


The head of the old rising fish in Ab4-75, the one who is speared, exhibits a sign which could refer to inoino:

Ab4-75 inoino

196 is a well known number (= 7 * 28 = 14 * 14):

Ab2-41 Ab2-42 (124) Ab4-75 Ab4-76 (320)
196 2
Ab4-77 Ab4-78 Ab4-79 Ab4-80 (324)
2 0

7 * 28 is also implied at kara etahi.

Is it possible to move on with another 200 + 2 glyphs beyond Ab7-30 (526)? No, not unless we move on and continue to count either at the beginning of side a or at the beginning of side b. There are only 664 - 526 = 138 glyphs to the end of side b.

Glyph number 202 - 138 = 64 on side a is Aa1-64 (and on side b Aa1-64 of course). 64 is an interesting number because it not only is 8 * 8 but also because it is used in G as an addition from the end of side b.

Hakaturou in Aa1-64 (as Metoro commented) is only one of several signs (e.g. the triangular form of the top 'flame' in Aa1-60) which seem to support the idea to continue on side a:

136 58
Ab7-31 (527) Ab7-32 Aa1-59 Aa1-60
1 68 29 99
Aa1-61 Aa1-62 Aa1-63 Aa1-64
100 0

We should not miss to notice the bent string to the left of the 'sun fist' which could have a meaning not far away from the 3 feathers at left in Ya1-1:

*Ya1-1 Aa1-60

If we instead continue at the beginning of side b, we will have the following picture:

136 58
Ab7-31 (527) Ab7-32 Ab1-59 Ab1-60
1 68 29 99
Ab1-61 Ab1-62 Ab1-63 Ab1-64
100 0

It is not easy to judge.

Considering the effect of using the first 64 glyphs on side a as a continuation of the structure on side b, it is astonishing to find that 590 - 64 = 526:

side a
64 525 80
Aa8-5 (590)

526 at maitaki in Ab7-30 is the ordinal number counted from Ab1-1:

side a side b
64 525 80 525 138
Aa8-5 (590) Ab7-30 (526)

590 - 64 = 526. This serves as a confirmation - 64 glyphs at the beginning of side a are a continuation of the text on side b:

525 80 525 138 64
526 606 202

1334  = 526 + 8 * 101 (= 2 * 526 + 80 + 202).