Gb3-10 |
Gb3-12 |
Gb3-13 |
Gb3-14 (305) |
Gb3-15 |
Gb3-16 |
strange haati sign at left in Gb3-14 is similar to the bottom
part of the strange 'double wings' in Ca4-22. It
could mean 'leaving and arriving' (cfr summary
at haati).
hole in Rogo (Gb3-15) could correspond
to the 'ball' at bottom in Ca4-21. But there are
holes also where the eyes should have been in
the manu rere glyhs. Maybe the 'ball' at
bottom in Ca4-21 should rather be compared with
the 'ball' being born at the bottom of hanau
moko in Gb3-13.
There are similarities, but there are also differences. 8
+ 8 'feathers' in Gb3-10, glyph number 236
counted from Ga3-6, can be compared with the
pair of 'feathered' glyphs in C:
4 |
Ca4-20 (96) |
Ca4-25 (101) |
8 *
29.5 = 236 is a Moon measure and likewise 8 + 8
= 16.
6 +
6 = 12 is a Sun measure, and 420 = 7 * 60 could
mean the
'7th flame of the sun' (cfr at tagata),
i.e. Ca4-20 completes the cycle of Sun in a
conjunction with Moon.
dark nights later a new light is ignited, and 'one
more' cycle will begin. It is a day of Saturn.
There are 5 'feathers' in front.