I believe that 314 had a meaning similar to 360. It was a number expressing a complete cycle. Reading a tablet with rongorongo inscriptions with 314 glyphs on each side (Keiti) or some 'multiple' thereof (Tahua, Aruku Kurenga) could be reading a calendar covering the whole year. Maybe a circle with a central vertical line expressed a cycle divided in the middle? Nothing says that a diameter has to be horizontal. The 5th glyph in the central sequence on side a of H seems to indicate a year divided in 3 parts:
The parallel glyph in Tahua (Aa1-53) has only two 'balls' but the empty space in between may very well imply a 3rd part. If we compare Ha6-110 (the 5th glyph above) with Ha5-25 (the 3rd glyph below), we can see that they are identical in appearance, therefore probably also identical in meaning:
My argument that 314 is similar to 360 is reinforced by the number of glyphs in Mamari:
Here not 314 but 360 plays the role of measuring cycles: On side a we have 392 = 360 + 32 glyphs and on side b we have 348 = 360 - 12 glyphs. That means 740 = 2 * 360 + 20. Once again we find 20 as a number to add to the full (double) cycle:
Are there 20 black nights between the solar years? That would explain the vacant middle position in Aa1-53:
For the moment we need not got further in the number juggling. Instead, let us return to the middle of side a in Tahua. I believe that the middle is of central importance - noon, midsummer, midnight and winter solstice are cardinal. Therefore also the center of each side of a rongorongo text should be at least as important as the beginning and end:
There are 10 glyphs in each of these parallel sequences of glyphs. Together they amount to 20 glyphs. This is the only internal parallel sequence in Tahua with twice 10 glyphs:
Only 8 of the 10 internal parallel sequences reflect onto the other side. Those who do not (number 9 and 10) are found on side b:
54 = 9 * 6 whích maybe expresses a final (9) sense for the sun (6). We find an abundance of maro in these sequences (6 + 4 = 10). 14 maybe expresses the parallel phase of the moon, when after a fortnight the reversal from growing to fading takes place. Only one maro is seen in the 10th parallels. After sun's death in the 9th period of the solar year the 10th period is governed by the moon:
The cycle of the sun may be described as 6 (Aa1-5 -- 10), as 8 (Aa1-5 -- 12), as 10 (Aa1-1 -- 10) or as 12 (Aa1-1 -- 12). Maybe the 9th and 10th internal parallels in Tahua correspond to Aa1-11 -- 12 (with the solar cycle thought of as 10). The 9th and 10th parallels are located totally on side b. If so, then side b would be 'totally in the dark' whereas side a could be the 'sunny side'. |