In the beginning only summer counted, the season when everything grew and developed. The rest of the year was only a longing for next summer. The division between one summer ('year') and the next was self-evident. This description could be used for higher latitudes. Gradually the time which counted grew, when cultural developements tended to extend the working days of the year. Old Polynesia had reached 10 months 'in the light'. Still it was not difficult to know when one year ended and the next arrived. With 10 months it had become evident, however, that the year had to be divided in the summer time when sun was 'present' and the rest of the year when he was on the other side of the equator visiting his 'winter maid'. That time was named 'water' - sun was far away out somewhere 'overseas'. In summer, when sun was present, there was no reason to cut him in half. The division between successive years must lie in the 'watery season', because so it had always been. The bottom half of the turtle (summer) should not be cracked to let out next year. The crack in winter must be defined, it is an important event. Marduk cut the sea monster in half, thereby establishing forever the division of the water region in two equal parts. The impact on the rongorongo texts is evident. A new 'year' has the mark of sun being there:
South of the equator the arrival of the sun was announced by Anamua (Antares) and his departure by Anamuri (Aldebaran). In the rongorongo texts Anamua probably was signified by mago (with mouth closed - containing the sun):
Anamuri (ana at the back) presumably was illustrated by a sitting down person with a 'humpback':
The 'hump' probably illustrates a sack with sun inside. Because later on, when sun is completely exhausted, sun has descended to the very bottom at Haga Te Pau:
Sun has now entered into the sea, being swallowed like Jonah, by a 'fish' (mago with open mouth and thick belly):
This happens in the extracalendrical dark crack between the years, or to be more precise, when a new year has been conceived. The 'old fish' has enabled a new generation exactly like himself. He will return in summer, born by the mago:
Schematically and using the glyphs of G: