In the calendars of the year in Small Santiago (G) and London Tablet (K) we find in what I provisionally has named as period no. 7 (immediately before spring equinox):
According to K this GD15-person is still growing, whereas according to G he is fully grown. Immediately before spring equinox that might be discussed of course. In G there is further information with two glyphs which I hesistantly suggest mean a time period and its definition. The 'definition glyph' is interesting because we can recognize that curious figure at the beginning of the first three periods in the short yearly overview (?) of Keiti. According to my interpretations of GD37 the time period (in G) is 'winter' (from autumn equinox to spring equinox) which agrees well with the fully grown status of GD15. The three marks on the left side of the 'abdomen' of the 'definition glyph' might be a sign of three months (or double-months?) having come to an end. In K there is no time period and accordingly it is correct that the sun is still growing. GD15 is here the sun in general and in the parallel glyph in K it is 'winter sun'. There are more GD15-glyphs in these calendars in G and K but all these are more complex and have their arms in the air. We leave them for the moment. |