Is this bent upside down shape perhaps a rei miro without 'flames'? (We should at some future date investigate whether G13 sometimes incorporates a sign for henua, i.e. the same thickness all over.)

If there are no flames, then we are at the time when the old fire has gone out and the new one must be fixed.

alight come or get down, dismount ... settle... (English Etymology) 

After sunset human fire will save the situation.

There are extraordinary many paths of association and ideas leading out from this glyph. I mean that there are very many roads which I have to choose among when deciding on what to write on the next page and the few additional ones (before I have to quit and advance to 5a6).

One obvious note before we swim into deeper waters: In Saturday we have similar glyphs, GD13 together with GD24 and small fishes. Saturday is also black and a time of death.

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