Then I think about the Inca kingdom, Tawantinsuyu, with its four parts, and the Inca (the personified sun) himself on top as the fifth corner of the pyramid. In the mind of the South American Indians there was another way of expressing the four corners or the world, the system of ceque:
This complex system is a map describing everything; time, space and the social order. It is impossible to explain this here. I refer to Zuidema. But the play of 'white' and 'black' is one of the fundamental aspects. That there are contrasts of every kind. And then there are mixtures, e.g. between black and white. A simplified picture:
from a Bororo village (a South American Indian tribe) is easier to understand. There is a domain of 'white' and a domain of 'black', but in these there is also its opposite. |