The discussion about fishes being objects in the sky rising upwards or sinking downwards, and to be more specific: that there is a possibility that the sun can be regarded as a fish, makes me believe that glyphs showing the sun 'standing up' are mixtures between GD12 (sun) and GD38 (fish). But then - in this calendar at least - there are no sun glyphs with fishtails on top, i.e. the sun is always in ascending. The fishes going downwards in c (i.e. according to explanation 1 showing what happens on the other side of the earth) are of course going downwards from our point of view, because they are going upwards on the other side of the earth. That means that all 'fishes' go upwards when we see them. All 'fishes' are 'ascending', they are 'descending' only when we can't see them. My terminology is not quite good, because 'ascending' / 'descending' refers to our local view, also the reference point is (our) eastern horizon, no regard being taken to the fact that the 'fish' may be sinking towards (our) western horizon. Let's check that there is a mixture with fish and not with bird: