![]() We can see two elbow ornaments, both bent and tapering to ends. They are assymmetric but not quite as mirror images of each other. The one at right (from us seen) is leaner. I believe we should read these ornaments as referring to 'summer' (lean) and 'winter' (not lean). If that is correct, it means that we should orient ourselves after this person and regard 'summer' as coming first, i.e. it is at left. Now we can use my glyph dictionary to see if in Keiti there are similar glyphs (the other texts will take much more work and time to document in this way). The structure I have chosen is to sort and collect all glyphs in all the rongorongo texts in accordance with my grid with 'doors' (one for each GD-type of glyph). Access is given by a hyperlink 'glyphs' in the dictionary, one such for each GD. Using this instrument, going by way of GD15 (not by way of GD56 because the fundamental sorting should start at the bottom), I can see that in Keiti we get indications which I interpret as 'ending' of a period. At least that is what the elbow ornaments tell me: