"…co- (in coyana, corena, cogojui) may be classified as numeral prefix (< PPN *soko- 'only, exclusively'?).
Looking for some (other) affiliation with Polynesian, one might point to the 'suffix' (in coyana, corena, majana) as reflecting PPN *-na < Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEO) *-na 'ordinal suffix' or to -mata (in queromata) as reflecting the PPN numeral classifier *mata-?i < PEO *mata-qi' individual unit of series of class' (cfr.in Bauan, Fiji, mata '10 fish'), where mata < PAN *mata 'eye'."
"As described by Barthel, in the Easter Island script, the method of writing numbers by using zoomorphic characters was productive.
Thus the character designating 'eel' was used to refer to '2' - and 'eel' is rendered by koreha in today's Easter Island language.
This expression resembles strikingly the above 'non-Polynesian' word for '2', corena, where n/ng might be due to analogy (caused by the preceeding number name for '1').
As for further zoomorphic characters, it is maintained by Barthel that also those characters desingating 'tunny' (kahi) - used to refer to '1' -, 'mollusca' (mama), 'crab' (pikea), 'sea-urchin' (hetuke), 'shell sp.' (pure, pipi) and 'turtle' (honu) should have (had) the described by-function."
(Schuhmacher) |