We have seen this shape before, in the calendar of the week.

I guess this is a picture of a fire soon to be ignited. In the 8th period of the month - perhaps corresponding to the 7th period of Mamari - we are in between the old and the new month. Only buds showing as yet. The middle section seems to be like a dry old bone.

There is a slight resemblance with Ea1-25, as both glyphs have three parts and are symmetrical with one central part and two flanking parts mirroring each other. But the uplifted 'hands' in Ea1-25 are presumable not real branches, as perhaps we might have here in Ea3-25.

Instead, following Metoro, we can see the 'uplifted hands' as a kind of toki:

Eb1-14 Eb1-16
toki te toki

Also, considering my earlier calculations to fit the 'map' of Keiti with that of Mamari, the 'uplifted hands' should be equivalent to toki adzes, and that's also what Metoro pointed out.