In Cb5-8 there is also a toa, and then there are somewhat similar sequences of glyphs at the end of Aruku Kurenga (B) as well as at the end of Large Santiago Tablet (H):

Aa7-78 Aa7-79 Aa7-80 (580) Aa7-81 Aa7-82
Aa7-83 Aa7-84 (600 - 16) Aa7-85 Aa8-1
Bb12-21 Bb12-22 Bb12-23 (500 - 16) Bb12-24 Bb12-25
Hb12-42 Hb12-43 Hb12-44 Hb12-45 Hb12-46
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Hb12-47 Hb12-48 Hb12-49

A faint echo connecting to H might possibly also be found in the Small Vienna Tablet (N):

Nb3-105 Nb3-106 Nb3-107