Metoro usually said hanau at this typ of glyph:

Aa7-15 Aa7-21 Aa7-30 Aa7-44 Aa7-54 Aa7-64
ma te tagata vae ihi - kua tui i tana ika e tagata nuku tui - i te maro u hanau ia ka hanau ki tona ika o te tagata hanau - kua oho te vae o te tagata - tui ika kua hanau ia
2 3 4 5 6 7
50 right ascension days

All these glyphs contain lots of signs, hands in different shapes and positions, some have feathers on their heads, small fish, medium fish, large fish, no fish.

Especially Aa7-54 looks complex, with an abnormally long neck, an arm in front resembling that when the Sun just has passed noon (= hakaturou), a leg (vai) and a line (tui) from that to a lean fish (ika).

Tui = "1. to sew mats, to make strings. 2. the three stars of Orion's Belt."  

Hanau = "1. race, ethnic group. Hanau eepe, the thick-set race; hanau momoko, the slender race (these terms were mistranslated as long-ears and short-ears). 2. to be born. Hanau tama, pregnant woman; vī'e hanau poki, midwive (also: vī'e hakaa'u)." (Vanaga)

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