i tōmo.era.te ngao o oto
uta.ki mua ki te hanga. |
After the neck of Oto Uta
had been brought on land,
out in the bay of Hanga Rau,
the wind, the rain, the
waves, and the thunder
subsided. |
ki hanga rau.hē kōre.te
tokerau.te uā.te vave. |
te hātu.tiri.he tuu a
kuihi.a kuaha.he haka(-) |
maa ki te ariki.kia
Hotu.penei ē. |
Kuihi and Kuaha arrived [he
tuu a kuihi.a kuaha] and
told the king the following,
'King Oto Uta is out in the
bay of Hanga Rau.' |
ai te ariki.a oto uta.i mua
i te hanga i hanga rau. |
he ki a Hotu. ki toona
tuura.kia Moa kehu. |
Hotu said [he
ki a Hotu] to his servant (tuura)
Moa Kehu, 'Go down to King
Oto Uta and take him up out
of the bay of Hanga Rau!' |
ka turu koe.ki te ariki.kia
oto uta.ka too |
mai.i mua i te hanga i hanga
rau.he ea a Moa kehu. |
he turu he too mai he amo he
iri mai.he tuu |
Moa Kehu arose [he
ea a Moa kehu],
went down, picked up (the
fragment), and carried (it)
on his shoulders to the
house [to the front of the
ki mua
ki te hare]. There he left it for
king Hotu [he
hakarere ki te ariki.kia
Hotu]. |
ki mua ki te hare.he
hakarere ki te ariki. |
kia Hotu.he noho te
arik(i).a Hotu.he tangi. |
King Hotu sat down [he
noho te arik(i).a Hotu]
and wept [he
tangi] over King
Oto Uta. This is [penei]
Hotu's lament (tanginga): |
mo te ariki mo ota uta.penei
te tanginga a Hotu. |
ka hati toou ngao e oto
uta.e te ariki ē.mo tau
papa rangaranga o haho i te
tai.mo tuu huehue
rangaranga o haho i te
tai.mo tau hahave rere a-
i ka pae.mo tuu ngū rere ai
ka paē.mo te ika
aringa riva nei he aku
renga.ai ka paē. |
ka hati
toou ngao e oto uta e te
arike e |
Broken is
your neck, oh Oto Uta, oh
king! |
mo tau
papa rangaranga o haho i te
tai |
Floating (?)
like a raft (?) out at sea. |
mo tuu
huehue rangaranga o haho i
te tai |
To be
erected for the drifting
huehue (fish) out at
sea. |
mo tau
hahave rere ai ka pae
mo tau
ngu rere ai ka pae
mo te ika
aringa riva nei he aku renga
ai ka pae |
Able (?) to
put an end to the flight of
the flying fish hahave;
Able (?) to put an end to
the flight of the flying
fish ngu;
Put an end to this fish,
a dorado, with the good
face! |
Could the idea of a Weeping God have
originated from ancient Egypt? From
the quickest of them all?