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he ui a Ira.heaha.te ua.ka rapu mai era.he ki mai Ira asked [he ui a Ira], 'Why [heaha] did they send signals?'
he kī a Raparenga.ka rapu koe.ka Ira said [he kī a Ira] to Raparenga, 'Give signals [ka rapu koe] and tell this [ka hakamaa.penei]: If the canoe continues [ana oho.te miro] to the right side [a te rara mata'u] (of Easter Island, seen from Motu Nui), they should sail way out [a haho ana ana oho] because of Tama, an evil fish with very long nose [he ika kino.he ihu roroa] (this is a wordplay with the place name on the southeastern shore, which 'demands bad victims because of his cliffs').'
nei ē.ana oho.te miro a te rara matau.a haho ana
ana oho.ko tama he ika kino.he ihu roroa.he rapu.
Kino. 1. Bad; kikino, very bad, cursed; kona kino, dangerous place. 2. blemish (on body). Kinoga, badness, evil, wickedness; penis. Kinokino, badly made, crude: ahu kinokino, badly made ahu, with coarse, ill-fitting stones. Vanaga. 1. Bad, wrong. T Pau.: kiro, bad, miserable. Mgv.: kino, to sin, to do evil. Mq.: ino, bad, abominable, indecent. Ta.: ino, iino, bad, evil; kinoga (kino 1) sin; Mgv.: kinoga, sin, vice. 2. A skin eruption, verruga, blotched skin, cracked feet T. Churchill.

Ihu. 1. Nose; ihu more, snub nose, snub-nosed person. 2. Ihuihu cape, reef; ihuihu - many reefs, dangerous for boats. 3. Ihu moko, to die out (a family of which remains only one male without sons); koro hakamao te mate o te mahigo, he-toe e-tahi tagata nó, ina aana hakaara, koîa te me'e e-kî-nei: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo, when the members of family have died and there remains only one man who has no offspring, we say: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo. To disappear (of a tradition, a custom), me'e ihu moko o te tagata o te kaiga nei, he êi, the êi is a custom no longer in use among the people of this island. 4. Eldest child; first-born; term used alone or in conjunction with atariki. Vanaga. 1. Nose, snout, cape T (iju G). Po ihuihu, prow of a canoe. P Pau.: ihu, nose. Mgv.: ihu, nose; mataihu, cape, promontory. Mq., Ta.: ihu, nose, beak, bowsprit. Ihupagaha, ihupiro, to rap on the nose, to snuffle. 2. Mgv.: One who dives deep. Ta.: ihu, to dive. Churchill. Sa.: isu, nose, snout, bill. Fu., Fakaafo, Aniwa, Manahiki: isu, the nose. Nuguria; kaisu, id. Fotuna: eisu, id. Moiki: ishu, id. To., Niuē, Uvea, Ma., Ta., Ha., Mq., Mgv., Pau., Rapanui, Tongareva, Nukuoro: ihu, id. Rarotonga: putaiu, id. Vaté: tus, id. Viti: uthu, nose. Rotumā: isu, id. ... usu and ngusu ... serve as transition forms, usu pointing to isu the nose in Polynesia and ngusu to ngutu the mouth, which is very near, nearer yet when we bear in mind that ngutu the mouth is snout as well and that isu the nose is snout too ... Churchill 2.

... string games could be resumed after it was clear that the Sun had managed to leave the horizon and was rapidly gaining in altitude: 'Before the sun starts to leave the horizon ... when it shows only on the horizon, ... then string games were no longer allowed as they might lacerate the sun. Once the sun had started to go higher and could be seen in its entirety, string games could be resumed, if one so wished. So the restriction on playing string games was only applicable during the period between the sun's return and its rising fully above the horizon ...

he rapu.he rapu.he tikea e runga e te miro. He waved, waved, waved [?], and waved. The one on board the boat saw [he tikea e runga e te miro] Raparenga's waving [te rapunga.o Raparenga] and understood. The signals arrived [he angiangi] on board the canoe [he iri mai te rapu o runga i te miro]; the waving arrived below [he topa ki raro.te rapu] (i.e.. in the west). [(Here they) died out, he oti.]
te rapunga.o Raparenga.he angiangi.he iri mai te rapu
o runga i te miro.he topa ki raro.te rapu.he oti.
(crossed out: he ki a Hotu) he ki a Hotu
  The two hulls were no longer kept lashed together (i.e., they were separated for the rest of the journey).
Oti. To come to an end; to suffice, to be enough: ku-oti-á, it is finished; ina kai oti mo kai, there is not enough to eat; he-oti á, there isn't anymore left, it's the last one; it's enough with that. Vanaga. Ta.: 1. Oti, presage of death. Sa.: oti, to die. 2. To cut. Mq.: koti, oti, id. Sa.: 'oti, id. Ma.: koti, id. Churchill.

The nakshatra system works with a pair - the Sun on one side and the Full Moon (Hotu) on the other. In the night the Full Moon can be observed where the Sun is not. When late after midnight the Full Moon has reached the horizon in the west (ki raro) it implies the Sun is on its way up in the east.

he rangi a te miro o te ariki tamahahine. Hotu called out [he rangi] to the canoe of the queen [te aríki tamahahine]:

'Steer the canoe to the left side [a te rara maúi] when you sail in. Teke will jump over on board (your) canoe to work his mana [hakamanamana] when you sail [mo oho.atu] through the fishing grounds [i te hakanononga]!'

[I will go (koau ma oho) to the right (a te rara mata'u), working mana (mo hakamanamana) when going through the fishing grounds (mo oho atu i te hakanononga).]

Teke jumped on board the second [he teki.a runga ki te rua] canoe, (that) of the queen.

The king's canoe [te miro o te ariki. tamaaroa] sailed to the right, the queen's [to te ariki. tamahahine] to the left.

a te rara maui.tou miro ana oho.koe.ko
teki runga ki tou miro ena. mo
ka hakamanama-
na mo oho.atu i te hakanononga.koau ma oho.
a te rara hakamanamana mo oho.
atu i te hakanononga.he teki.a runga ki te rua

E:78 → Rigel (Foot) & Capella (Mother Goat)

miro. o te ariki. tamahahine.
he oho. te miro o te ariki. tamaaroa.a te rara matau
he oho, to te ariki. tamahahine a te rara maui
Matua tamaroa, father; matua tamaahine, mother.

Ha. 1. Four. 2. To breathe. Hakaha'a, to flay, to skin. Vanaga. 1. Four. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ha, id. 2. To yawn, to gape. 3. To heat. 4. Hakaha, to skin, to flay; unahi hakaha, to scale fish. Mgv.: akaha, to take to pieces, to take off the bark or skin, to strip the leaves off sugarcane. 5. Mgv: ha, sacred, prohibited. Mq.: a, a sacred spot. Sa.: sa, id.  Churchill.

Roha. Mgv.: roha, the corner of a house. Mq.: oha, koha, a transverse joist to brace the rafters. Ha.: loha, the trimming of the corners and ridges of a house. Churchill.

Ua uhi 'ia kō lāua mau mana'o i ke aloha, their thoughts were overwhelmed with love.

Counting from Rigel and Capella (*78) to Zosma and Coxa (*169) we will find a quarter of a year. The separation of the pair of hulls occured at different stars depending on where the precession (the Fox) had moved the Sun.

JULY 4 (184)

Zosma & Coxa

June 7 (158)

Rigel & Capella

184 + 16 - 158 = 42 → Bharani

a Hanga.i hakamanamana i te hakanononga. Honga [surely it ought to be Hanga] worked his mana in the fishing grounds.
Haga. 1. Bay, fishing spot. (Figuratively) he haga o te ákuáku, it is the [evil] spirit's fishing spot, i.e. a place where they hide waiting for people to fall under their power. 2. To want, to love. Ku haga á i te vai, I want water, I am thirsty. Vanaga. 1. Bay, strait, anchorage, strand, beach. P Mq.: hana, haka, small bay, creek, cove. 2. Work, labor, employment, act, affair, creation, design, state, maker, fashion, manufacture, occupation, profession; to do, to make, to construct, to employ, to form, to manufacture, to fashion, to found, to be busy with; haga rakerake, crime; tagata haga ei mea, mercenary; haga no iti, to plot mischief; haga ke, to act contrary; haga takataka, to disjoin; haga nui, difficulty, fatigue, to weary; tuhi ki te haga, to give employment; haga hakahou, to make over, to renew, recovery; haga koroiti, to deal prudently; haga nuinui ke, to overburden. P Pau.: haga, to do, action, work, a deed. Mgv.: haga, aga, work, labor. Mq.: hana, haka, action, act, work, occupation. Ta.: haa, work, to labor, to make. 3. Agreement, conduct, liking, intention, desire, will; to resolve, to permit, to endeavor, to tolerate, to be willing, to wish, to approve; haga ihoiho, fixed desire; haga mai, haga no mai, to agree, to hearken favorably; tae haga, despite, involuntary, to refuse, to renounce; noho hakahaga, apathy. 4. = haka. Pau.: haga = haka. 5. Mgv.: haga, a fish. Mq.: haka, id. 6. Mgv.: haga, a fishtrap. Sa.: faga, a fish-trap, bird-cage. Ma.: hanganoa, a small basket for cooked fish. 7. Mgv.: haga, a measure of a fathom. Ta.: aa, to measure length. Mq.: aka, ana, to measure with the arms. Ma.: whanga, id. Churchill. Hagaava (haga 1 - ava 2), entrance of a harbor. Hagahaga: 1. (haga 2), work. 2. hesitation, to hesitate. Churchill.

288 + 26 = 314, and at the time of rongorongo this was 41 right ascension days later, viz. at the solstice:

OCT 16 17 (290) 18 (*211)
Ga8-6 Ga8-7 (210) Ga8-8

Winnowing Basket-7 (Leopard)

18h (273.4)

*273.4 - *41.4 = *232.0

NASH (Point) = γ Sagittarii (273.7), θ Arae (273.8)
ZHŌNGSHĀN = ο Herculis (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) ι Pavonis (275.1), POLIS = μ Sagittarii (275.9)

MENKAR (α Ceti)

Dec 19 (*273 = 364 * ¾) 20 (354 = 12 * 29½) SOLSTICE

... As has already been mentioned, the Delphians worshipped Dionysus once a year as the new-born child, Liknites, 'the Child in the Harvest Basket', which was a shovel-shaped basket of rush and osier used as a harvest basket, a cradle, a manger, and a winnowing-fan for tossing the grain up into the air against the wind, to separate it from the chaff. The worship of the Divine Child was established in Minoan Crete, its most famous early home in Europe. In 1903, on the site of the temple of Dictaean Zeues - the Zeus who was yearly born in Rhea's cave at Dicte near Cnossos, where Pythagoras spent 'thrice nine hallowed days' [27] of his initiation - was found a Greek hymn which seems to preserve the original Minoan formula in which the gypsum-powdered, sword-dancing Curetes, or tutors, saluted the Child at his birthday feast. In it he is hailed as 'the Cronian one' who comes yearly to Dicte mounted on a sow and escorted by a spirit-throng, and begged for peace and plenty as a reward for their joyful leaps ...

°Dec 15 (*269) 16 (350) 17
'Nov 22 (*246) 23 24 (328)
"Nov 8 (*232) 9 10 (314)

Whereas 288 ("October 15) + 78 = 366 ("January 1) = 314 + 2 * 26.

'One never knows what one treads underfoot' → Rigel (*78, the Foot of Orion) → *62 (Beid) + *16.

Counting the tresses of Pachamama (the World Mother) from right to left:

































Total = 396 = 182 + 214 (= 2 * 91 + 2 * 16)

The key number 78 (= 3 * 26) equals 288 - 210 (and also 185 - 107).

July 29

Oct 15

Jan 1




420 / 2

210 + 78

210 + 156








ο (*127 + *183 = *310)

ο (*274)

Beid (*62)

310 + 80 = 390

274 + 80 = 354 = 390 - 36

62 + 80 = 142 = 390 - 148

July 26 (207 = 390 - 183)


Dec 20 (354)

May 22 (142 = 354 - 212)

"June 15 (166)

"Nov 9 (313 = 354 - 41)

"April 11 (101 = 142 - 41)

18 * 29½ = 166 + 365 = 531

678 = 313 + 365 = 300 + 378

466 = 101 + 365 = 531 -  65


Ga3-4 (63)

Ga8-7 (210)

Gb5-10 (363)


300 = 62 + 365 - 127

1 ko te hina.

a Hotu. a Honga.

2 ko te kana haure.
3 ko koekoe.
4 ko tuu.
5 ko mahatua.
a Teke.i hakamanamana.i te hakanononga.o te rara maui. Teke worked his mana in the fishing grounds to the left side.
1 ko piro.

a Hotu. a Teke.

2 ko pura.
3 ko hatehate.
4 ko uto.
5 ko mata o hotu.

E:79 → northern spring equinox

... Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years) ...

6 ko pungaehu.

a Hotu. a Teke.

7 ko hatu.
8 ko piu.
9 ko hau ngutu.
he ui mai te tangata o runga i te miro.o te ariki tama(-) The men on board [o runga] the royal canoe looked out [he ui] from Varinga Te Toremo (the northeastern cape of the Poike peninsula).

There they saw [he tikea] the canoe of the queen, the canoe of Ava Rei Pua, as it reached [ka tuu] Papa Te Kena (on the northern shore, east of Hanga Oteo).

aroa.mai varinga te toremo.he tikea te miro o te
ariki.tamahahine.ka tuu.atu te miro.o āva.
rei papa te kena.he onga a Honga.a raro

... low down among the other stones in the wall of Ahu Naunau in Anakena [they] found a crowned head broken off at the neck, and clearly it was from a stone statue which headless earlier had been brought to Norway. For the Easter Islanders the immediate response to the new discovery was La Reina! - it just had to be their ancient queen Avareipua. Old people cried emotionally ...

he te ariki motongi.ko Hotu. Honga came and gazed in the direction below (i.e., toward the west).

He called out [he rangi] to the noteworthy ruler (? ariki motongi) Hotu, 'There is the canoe of the queen! It will be the first one to land! [he rae ka tomo era]'

At this news King Hotu replied to Honga, 'Recite (rutu) (powerful incantations) as though the ten brothers of the chief (ariki maahu) were one whole(?).'

The ten recited with all their might. [he rutu atatahi te angahuru]

This is what they recited [penei i rutu ai]: 'Let all movement (? konekone) cease!' [ka hakamau te konekone].

They recited and sailed on swiftly [he rutu he oho mai]: Honga, Te Kena, Nuku Kehu, Nga Vavai, Oti, Tive (corrected for Sive),

Ngehu, Hatu, Tuki, and Pu (corrected for Bu).

ai te miro o te ariki.tamahahine.he rae ka to(-)
mo era.he hakahoki mai te ariki.a Hotu i te kī.
kia Honga.ka rutu korua atatahi te angahuru.
te ariki (crossed out: motongi) maahu.he rutu atatahi te anga(-)
huru penei i rutu ai.ka hakamau te konekone
he rutu he oho.mai.Ko Honga.ko Te kena.Ko Nu(-)
ku kehu.ko Nga Vavai.ko Oti.ko Sive (sic!).ko
Ngehu.ko Hatu.ko Tuki.ko Bu (sic!).

Ko Honga.

ko Te kena

Ko Nuku kehu.

ko Ngavai.

ko Oti.

ko Sive.

ko Ngehu.

ko Hatu.

ko Tuki.

ko Bu.

Ata 1. Dawn, first light before sunrise; ku-hamu-á te ata , dawn has broken; ku-tehe-á te ata, it's already dawn (lit.: the lights have flown). 2. Particle inserted between the imperative prefix ka and the verb to signify 'well, carefully, intelligently': ka-ata-hakarivariva, prepare it well. Between the prefix e and kahara it expresses 'to make sure that, to take good care that...' : e-ata-kahara koe o oona, be careful not to get dirty; e-ata-kahara koe o kori te moa o te tahi pa, be sure not to steal chickens of another property. 3. More: iti, small; ata iti, smaller; he-ata-ata iti-iti ró, the smallest of all. Vanaga. Âta 1. Shadow: he-veveri te poki, ana tikea toona âta, the child is frightened at seeing his shadow; person's reflection (in mirror, in water): he âta oou-á, it's your own reflection. 2. To be frightened by a shadow: he-âta te îka, the fish are frightened (and they flee) by people's shadows. Vanaga. 1. Image, picture, portrait, design; to draw, to paint (shadow sense). P Mgv: ata, image, likeness, portrait, shadow of a human being, form, shape, appearance, imprint, impression. Mq.: ata, image, statue, portrait, shadow, surface; to design, to mark. Ta.: ata, shade, shadow appearance, form, representation of an object, cloud, cloudy. 2. Transparency, end of day, sunset (bright sense); e ata, red clouds; ku ata, transparent; ata mea, ata tea, ata tehe, dawn, daybreak, sunrise; ataata, end of day, sunset. P Mgv.: ata, morning or evening twilight, daybreak, dawn; ata haihai, evening twilight, a beautiful sunset; ataiai, twilight, clouds red with the sunset; atakurakura, a beautiful sunrise or sunset; atareureu, dawn, the first peep of day, morning twilight. Mq.: ata, to appear, to rise, to shine (of stars); ata uá, morning twilight; ataata, diaphanous, transparent. Ta.: ata, twilight. 3. A designation of space; ata hakahohonu, abyss; ata hakaneke mai, nearby, close at hand; ata tapa, lateral, marginal. 4 ? Ata kimikimi, to inquire; ata puo, to hill a plant; ata ui, to examine, to taste. Churchill. Atahenua (ata 3 - henua 1), landscape, countryside. Atakai: 1. Generous, hospitable, beneficent, indulgent, liberal, obliging; prodigality, indulgence; rima atakai, benevolent, generous, open-handed; gift, liberality. 2. Calm, unperturbed, grateful. Churchill. Ata-ta T, evening (? ataata). Atatehe (ata 2 - tehe 1), dawn; popohaga atatehe, morning, early in the morning. Churchill.

Tahi. Other; te tahi tagata someone else; te tahi hoki... and others again...; te tahi... te tahi..., some... others; te tahi atu, the rest of them. Tahitahi, to scrape with a sharpened stone. Vanaga. One, only, simple; te tahi, next; e tahi, anyone; e tahi no, unique, unity; e tahi e tahi, simultaneous. P Mgv.: Mq., Ta.: tahi, one. Churchill.


koia ko hakamanamana mai i te hakanononga He worked mana in the fishing grounds.
10 ko taharoa.
11 ko rangi meamea.
(three [empty?] lines crossed out) [Similar to the 3 days between Polaris (*26) and Hamal (*30).]
... For three days all household fires remained extinct as a preparation for the solemn renewal of the fire, which took place on the fifth or sixth day after the winter solstice ...

... Väinämöinen set about building a boat, but when it came to the prow and the stern, he found he needed three words in his rune that he did not know, however he sought for them ...

i tuu mai era te miro.o taharoa.he topa te haa(-) When Hotu's canoe had reached Taharoa, the vaginal fluid (of Hotu's pregnant wife) appeared.

They sailed toward Hanga Hoonu, where the mucus (kovare seems to refer to the amniotic sac in this case) appeared

They sailed on and came to Rangi Meamea, where the amniotic fluid ran out and the contractions began.
haa roroa.he oho.mai ki hanga hoonu.he
topa te kovare.he oho.mai he tuu ki rangi
meamea.he pakakina te ranu.he au te tua
toto.o te poki.he hoa te aka i mua i te hanga.
Hoa. 1. Master, owner; tagata hoa papaku, owner or relative of a dead; hoa manu, 'bird master', that is, he who received the first egg at the annual festivals in Orongo; he to'o mai e te hoa manu i te mamari ki toona rima, he ma'u, he hoko, the 'bird master' receives the egg in his hand and carries it, dancing. 2.Friend, companion: e ga hoa ê! 3. To cast away, to throw away, to abandon, perhaps also to expel. 4. To confess a sin; he hoa i te ta'u: term used of a category of rongorongo boards (see ta'u). Vanaga. 1. Friend; repa hoa, friend (male), comrade, companion, fellow; to confide; repa hoa titika, faithful friend; garu hoa, friend (either sex); uha hoa, friend (female); hoa kona, native T. 2. To abandon, to debark, to cast, to launch, to anchor, to let go, to give up, to reject, to repudiate, to suppress, to cut off, to jerk out, to proscribe, to reprove; hoahoa, to upset, to destroy. Churchill.

Aka. 1. Anchor: he-hoa te aka, to drop anchor. 2. Root of certain plants (banana tree, taro, sugar-cane). 3. To be paralyzed by surprise. Vanaga. 1. Root; aka totoro, to take root. P Pau., Mq.: aka, root. Ta.: aa, id. 2. (āka) anchor. 3. Causative (haka). Churchill.

i hanga rau.he tuu tokoa atu te miro.o They anchored [he hoa te aka] the canoe in front of the bay, in Hanga Rau.
Ava rei pua.he hoa tokoa i te aka. The canoe of Ava Rei Pua also arrived and anchored [he hoa tokoa i te aka].
i hoa era te aka.o te miro o hotu.he topa te After Hotu's canoe had anchored [i hoa era te aka.o te miro o Hotu], the child of Vakai and Hotu appeared [he topa te haho]. It was Tuu Maheke, son of Hotu, a boy [tamaaroa]. haho.a Vakai.a Hotu.ko Tuu
maheke.e a Hotu.tamaaroa.
Topa. 1. To bend down, to drop to the ground; to fall on a certain date. 2. To stop doing something, to drop; ina ekó topa taau aga, do not stop, keep doing your work. 3. To remain, to be left over, to be unfinished; he topa te kai, the food is not finished, there is some left. 4. To come to one's memory; i te aamu he topa te vânaga tûai, in the legends old words come to memory. 5. To remember, to reflect (with mana'u as subject); e-topa rivariva tokorua mana'u ki te me'e nei, let the two of you think carefully about this thing. Vanaga. 1. Wine; topa tahaga, id. 2. To fall in drops, to descend, to go down, to abdicate; topa iho, to fall; hakatopa, to knock down, to cause to fall; hakatopa ki raro, to knock down, to subjugate. 3. Childbirth, abortion; topa te poki, to lie in. 4. A feast, to feast. 5. To arrive, to result; topa rae, newcome; topa iho, to come unexpectedly; topa ke, to deviate; topa no mai, topa hakanaa, topa tahaga, mau topa pu, unexpected; topa okotahi, solitary; hakatotopa, to excite, to foment. 6. Bad, low, cheap, failure; igoa topa, nickname; ariga topa, sinister, sly, ill-tempered, to hang the head; hakatopa, to disparage; hakatotopa, irresolute. 7. (Of upward movement) topa ki raro, to scale, to surpass; hakatopa ki te ao, to confer a dignity; hakatopa ki te kahu, to spread a sail; hakatotopa, to make a genealogy. Churchill.

Haho. Outside. Vanaga. Hahoa (ha causative, hoa) to cut, to wound, to hurt. PS Mgv.: tahoa, to make papyrus by beating. Sa.: foa, to chip, to break. To.: foa, to crack, to make an opening. Fu.: foa, to dig, the rent in a mat. Underlying the Nuclear Polynesian significations the primal sense seems to be that of a hole. The Rapanui, a causative, is a clear derivative in the cutting sense; wound and hurt are secondary withing this language. The Mangarevan composite means 'to beat until holes appear', which is a distinctive character of the beaten bast of the paper mulberry in the condition in which it is ready for employment in making tapa. Churchill.

























































Number of glyphs and the planets:









1 (0)

2 (1)