... King Hotu came along and reached Te Tingaanga O Te Hereke (literally, 'the meeting place of the dangerous one' ?) ... [E:1003] ... he oho.mai te ariki a Hotu.he tuu ki te tingaanga.o te hereke ... thing. A. †(deliberative or juridicial) assembly; †legal process or charge OE. (only); affair, business; deed, act OE.; that which is said XIII; B. that which exists, being OE. (inanimate object XII); OE. thing = OFris.. OS., thing. OHG. ding, dinc, assembly for deliberation and/or business, ON. thing :- Ger. *thingam. Hence, with meaningless additions, †thingum (XVII), thingumbob (XIII Smollet, Miss Burney), thingummy XIII (Mme D'Arblay), thingamajig, thingumabob. (English Etymology) The beginning of a new cycle was a dangerous thing for the king: ... 'In Upper Egypt', wrote Sir James G. Frazer in The Golden Bough, citing the observations of a German nineteenth-century voyager, 'on the first day of the solar year by Coptic reckoning, that is, on the tenth of September, when the Nile has generally reached its highest point, the regular government is suspended for three days and every town chooses its own ruler. This temporary lord wears a sort of tall fool's cap and a long flaxen beard, and is enveloped in a strange mantle. With a wand of office in his hand and attended by men disguised as scribes, executioners, and so forth, he proceeds to the Governor's house. The latter allows himself to be deposed; and the mock king, mounting the throne, holds a tribunal, to the decisions of which even the governor and his officials must bow. After three days the mock king is committed to the flames, and from its ashes the Fellah creeps forth ... In SEPTEMBER 10 the Sun would have come to the Heart of the Serpent (Cor Serpentis), half a year away from right ascension day *355:
I.e., when they observed the Full Moon close to the Pleiades it meant the Sun was at the Serpent. This was around 253 (SEPTEMBER 10) - 72 (MARCH 13) = 181 days after Alcyone:
At the time of Bharani the corresponding event was in "October 3 (*196 = *173 + *23). Was this where Oroi had hidden himself? ... Oroi saw [he ūi mai a Oroi] that the king had reached Hatinga Te Kohe [ko te ariki.ka tuu atu ki hatinga i te kohe]. Oroi picked up the rope, took it [he mau], and came to the path (which the king had to pass), and took the end of the rope into his hand [he mau i te potu o te taura]. He went into a (grove of) sandalwood. He had hidden there so he could watch the arrival of the king and (at the moment when) the foot (of the king touched the loop) quickly pull the rope. Then Oroi would come out immediately and kill the king ... [E:1003] Why sandalwood? Possibly because the sandal was a kind of shoe. We remember Cinderella (the girl at the Ashes): ... But Osiris's evil brother, Set, whose sister-wife was the goddess Nephtys, was mortally jealous both of his virtue and of his fame, and so, stealthily taking the measure of his good brother's body, he caused a beautifully decorated sarcophagus to be fashioned and on a certain occasion in the palace, when all were drinking and making merry, had it brought into the room and jestingly promised to give it to the one whom it should fit exactly. All tried, but, like the glass slipper of Cinderella, it fitted but one; and when Osiris, the last, laid himself within it, immediately a company of seventy-two [→ MARCH 13] conspirators with whom Set had contrived his plot dashed forward, nailed the lid upon the sarcophagus, soldered it with molten lead [→ Saturn], and flung it into the Nile [→ Milky Way], down which it floated to the sea ... ... They walked in crowds when they arrived at Tulan, and there was no fire. Only those with Tohil had it: this was the tribe whose god was first to generate fire. How it was generated is not clear. Their fire was already burning when Jaguar Quitze and Jaguar Night first saw it: 'Alas! Fire has not yet become ours. We'll die from the cold', they said. And then Tohil spoke: 'Do not grieve. You will have your own even when the fire you're talking about has been lost', Tohil told them. 'Aren't you a true god! Our sustenance and our support! Our god!' they said when they gave thanks for what Tohil had said. 'Very well, in truth, I am your god: so be it. I am your lord: so be it,' the penitents and sacrificers were told by Tohil. And this was the warming of the tribes. They were pleased by their fire. After that a great downpour began, which cut short the fire of the tribes. And hail fell thickly on all the tribes, and their fires were put out by the hail. Their fires didn't start up again. So then Jaguar Quitze and Jaguar Night asked for their fire again: 'Tohil, we'll be finished off by the cold', they told Tohil. 'Well, do not grive', said Tohil. Then he started a fire. He pivoted inside his sandal ...
They arrived at Tulan and there was no fire (only ashes). This place (Tula) seems, according to the Hindus, to have been located at Libra - where there was a balance between day and night, i.e. an equinox. Where both Jaguar Quitze and Jaguar Night were present.
![]() There was much (monsoon) rain in Varsha, at Gemini and Cancer. In the C text we can see that Metoro read 'the rain' (te ua) immediately before the Pleiades:
When Libra was at the Full Moon the Sun was at the Pleiades (and vice versa). In 2020-10-10 Mercury was between Virgo and Libra, above the Tail of the Hydra:
Serpentarius (the Serpent Holder, Ophiuchus) was below the upside down Hercules, and he came after the Scorpion. |