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At the time of Bharani the Terminalia date was where Tama the Evil Fish with a Very Long Snout ended - Tama He Ika Kino He Ihu Roroa:

Tama. 1. Shoot (of plant), tama miro, tree shoot; tama tôa, shoot of sugarcane. 2. Poles, sticks, rods of a frame. 3. Sun rays. 4. Group of people travelling in formation. 5. To listen attentively (with ear, tariga, as subject, e.g. he tama te tariga); e-tama rivariva tokorua tariga ki taaku kî, listen carefully to my words. Tamahahine, female. Tamahine (= tamahahine), female, when speaking of chickens: moa tamahine, hen. Tamâroa, male. Vanaga. 1. Child. P Pau.: tama riki, child. Mgv.: tama, son, daughter, applied at any age. Mq.: tama, son, child, young of animals. Ta.: tama, child. Tamaahine (tama 1 - ahine), daughter, female. Tamaiti, child P Mq.: temeiti, temeii, young person. Ta.: tamaiti, child. Tamaroa, boy, male. P Mgv.: tamaroa, boy, man, male. Mq.: tamaóa, boy. Ta.: tamaroa, id. 2. To align. Churchill. In the Polynesian this [tama na, father in the Efaté language] is distinguished from táma child by the accent tamā or by the addition of a final syllable which automatically secures the same incidence of the accent, tamái, tamana ... Churchill 2

JULY 19 (200) 20 (*121 = *185 - *64)
Ga5-10 (120) Ga5-11
PÁLIDA (Pale) = δ Crucis (184.6), MEGREZ (Root of the Tail) = δ Ursae Majoris (184.9)

Hasta-13 (Hand) / Chariot-28 (Worm)

GIENAH (Wing) = γ Corvi (185.1), ε Muscae (185.2), ζ Crucis (185.4), ZANIAH (Corner) = η Virginis (185.9)

*144.0 = *185.4 - *41.4
Roto Iri Are (131-143) Tama He Ika Kino He Ihu Roroa (144-156)
Sept 21 (*184) EQUINOX
°Sept 17 (*180) 18 (261)
'Aug 25 (*157) 26 (238)
"Aug 11 (*143) 12 (224)
123 = 244 - 141 124 = 201 - 77
JAN 18 (*303) 19 (384)
χ Pegasi (2.1), θ Andromedae (2.7) σ Andromedae (3.0), ι Ceti (3.3), ζ Tucanae (3.5), ρ Andromedae, π Tucanae (3.7)
March 23 (82) 24 (*368)
°March 19 (78) 20 (*364)
'Febr 24 (55) 25 (*341)
"Febr 10 (41) 11 (*327 = *227 + *100)
*226 = *367 - *141 *227 → π
JULY 21 7-22 (*123) 23 24 25 (206)
Ga5-12 (122) Ga5-13 → 3 * 171 Ga5-14 Ga5-15 Ga5-16
CHANG SHA (Long Sand-bank) = ζ Corvi (186.3) INTROMETIDA (Inserted) = ε Crucis (187.4), ACRUX (†) = α Crucis (187.5)

*146.0 = *187.4 - *41.4

γ Com. Berenicis (188.0), σ Centauri (188.1), ALGORAB = δ Corvi (188.5), GACRUX = γ Crucis (188.7) γ Muscae (189.0), AVIS SATYRA (Bird of the Satyrs) = η Corvi (189.3), ASTERION (Starry) = β Canum Ven. (189.5), KRAZ = β Corvi, κ Draconis (189.7) α Muscae (190.2), τ Centauri (190.5), χ Virginis (190.7)

ALDERAMIN (α Cephei)

Tama He Ika Kino He Ihu Roroa (144-156)
Sept 23 24 (*187) 25 (268) 26 27
°Sept 19 20 (*183) 21 (264) EQUINOX 23
'Aug 27 28 (240) 29 (*161 → 'June 10) 30 31
"Aug 13 14 (*146) 15 (227 → π) 16 17
125 = 266 - 141 126 127 = 204 - 77 128 129
JAN 20 21 (*306) 22 23 (388) 24
no star listed (4) ANKAA (*) = α Phoenicis, κ Phoenicis (5.0)

ALPHARD (α Hydrae)

λ Phoenicis (6.3), β Tucanae (6.4)

*330.0 = *6.4 - *41.4

ANDROMEDA GALAXY (M31), π Andromedae (7.7) ε Andromedae (8.2), DELTA = δ Andromedae (8.4), SCHEDIR (Breast) = α Cassiopeiae (8.6), ζ Andromedae, μ Phoenicis (8.9)

*332.0 = *8.4 - *41.4

March 25 (84 = 20 + 64) 26 (267 - 182) 27 28 (*372) 29 (*8)
0h °March 22 23 24 (*368) 25 (*4)
'Febr 26 27 28 (59) 'March 1 2 (*346)
"Febr 12 13 (*329) 14 (45) 15 16
*228 *229 = *329 - *100 *230 *231 *232 = *373 - *141
JULY 26 27 28 29 (210) 30 (*131)
Ga5-17 Ga5-18 (128) Ga5-19 Ga5-20 Ga5-21

Al Áwwā'-11 (The Barker) / Shur-mahrū-shirū-18 (Front or West Shur)

SOMBRERO GALAXY = M104 Virginis (191.1), ρ Virginis (191.4), PORRIMA = γ Virginis, γ Centauri (191.5)

*150.0 = *191.4 - *41.4

ι Crucis (192.2), β Muscae (192.5), MIMOSA = β Crucis (192.9)

no star listed (193)

κ Crucis (194.4), ψ Virginis (194.5), μ Crucis, λ Crucis (194.6), ALIOTH (Fat Tail) = ε Ursae Majoris, ι Oct. (194.8)

*153.0 = *194.4 - *41.4
MINELAUVA = δ Virginis (195.1), COR CAROLI = α Canum Ven. (195.3)
Tama He Ika Kino He Ihu Roroa (144-156)
Sept 28 29 (*192) 30 (273 = 3 * 91) Oct 1 2
°Sept 24 25 (*188) 26 27 (270) 28
'Sept 1 2 (*165) 3 4 5 (248)
"Aug 18 (*150)  19 (231) Hora Iti 20 (232 + 12) 21 22
271 - 141 = 130 131 = 231 - 100 132 133 = 210 - 77 134

... On the twentieth day of the month of August ('Hora Iti') they went to Papa O Pea. They all went and came to Papa O Pea, looked around in Papa O Pea, and gave the name 'Papa O Pea A Hau Maka'. They stayed five days in Papa O Pea. On the twenty-sixth day of the month of August ('Hora Iti') they went from Papa O Pea to Ahu Akapu. They all went and reached Ahu Akapu. They looked around and gave the name 'Ahu Akapu A Hau Maka'. They also saw (all of) Te Pito O Te Kainga, looked around, and gave (the whole island) the name 'Te Pito O Te Kainga A Hau Maka'. [E:30]

232 ("August 20) + 10 + 2 = 244 (Hora Iti 20), I suppose. ... 1842 (my assumed epoch for rongorongo) - 1582 (birth of the Gregorian calendar) = 260 and 260 / 133 = ca 2 days. I.e., "August 1 (213) could in my assumed Julian calendar of the Explorers have been Hora Iti 13 (225). 15 * 15 = 225 = 213 + 10 (lost days in 1582) + 2 ... This means 244 + 5 (five days in Papa O Pea) = 249 → right ascension day of Antares at the time of rongorongo.

JAN 25 26 27 (392) 28 29 (*314)

ξ Phoenicis (9.0), ρ Tucanae (9.1), DENEB KAITOS (Tail of the Sea Beast) = β Ceti, η Phoenicis (9.4), AL NITHĀM (String of Pearls) = φ¹ Ceti (9.6)

*334.0 = *375.4 - *41.4

ACHIRD (Woman with Luminous Rays) = η Cassiopeiae (10.7)

Legs-15 (Wolf)

ν Andromedae (11.0), φ² Ceti (11.1), ρ Phoenicis (11.2), η Andromedae (11.4)

*336.0 = *377.4 - *41.4

CIH (Whip) = γ Cassiopeiae, λ Tucanae (12.4), φ³ Ceti (12.6), μ Andromedae (12.8)

*337.0 = *378.4 - *41.4
φ4 Ceti (13.2)
March 30 31 (*375) April 1 (91) 2 3
°March 26 27 28 (*372) 29 (88) 30
'March 3 4 5 (64) 6 (*350) 7
"Febr 17 18 (414 → Bharani) 19 (50) 20 (*336) 21
*233 *234 = *275 - *141 *235 *236 = *336 - *100 *237
JULY 31 AUG 1 2 (214) 3 4 (*136) 5 6
Ga5-22 Ga5-23 Ga5-24 Ga5-25 (500 - 135) Ga5-26 (136) Ga5-27 Ga5-28
δ Muscae (196.5), VINDEMIATRIX (Grape Gatherer) = ε Virginis (196.8)

13h (197.8)

ξ¹ Centauri (197.1), ξ² Centauri (197.9
APAMI-ATSA (Child of Waters) = θ Virginis, ψ Hydrae (198.5), DIADEM = α Com. Ber. (198.9

AL DAFĪRAH (Tuft) = β Com. Ber. (199.4)

*158.0 = *199.4 - *41.4

σ Virginis (200.4)

*159.0 = *200.4 - *41.4

γ Hydrae (201.0), ι Centauri (201.4)

*160.0 = *201.4 - *41.4

Al Simāk-12 (Lofty) / Chitra-14 (Bright One) / Horn-1 (Crocodile) / Sa-Sha-Shirū-20 (Virgin's Girdle) / ANA-ROTO-3 (Middle pillar)

MIZAR = ζ Ursae Majoris (202.4), SPICA = α Virginis, ALCOR = 80 Ursae Majoris (202.7)

SADALMELIK (α Aquarii)

*161.0 = *202.4 - *41.4
Tama He Ika Kino He Ihu Roroa (144-156) One Tea (157-169)
Oct 3 4 5 6 7 (*200) 8 9 (282)
°Sep 30 °Oct 1 2 3 (275) 4 (*196) 5 6
'Sept 6 7 (250) 8 9 10 11 12 (*175)
"Aug 23 24 (4 * 59) 25 (237) Hora Iti 26 (251) 27 28 Hora Iti 29 (254)
135 136 = 236 - 100 137 = 214 - 77 138 139 140 141 = 282 - 141

... On the twentieth day of the month of August ('Hora Iti') they went to Papa O Pea. They all went and came to Papa O Pea, looked around in Papa O Pea, and gave the name 'Papa O Pea A Hau Maka'. They stayed five days in Papa O Pea. On the twenty-sixth day of the month of August ('Hora Iti') they went from Papa O Pea to Ahu Akapu. They all went and reached Ahu Akapu. They looked around and gave the name 'Ahu Akapu A Hau Maka'. They also saw (all of) Te Pito O Te Kainga, looked around, and gave (the whole island) the name 'Te Pito O Te Kainga A Hau Maka'. [E:30]

They made camp [he noho] and rested [he hakaora] at Ahu Akapu for two days. On the twenty-ninth day of the month of August ('Hora Iti') they went on to Pu Pakakina. They arrived, remained there, and gave the name 'Pu Pakakina A Ira'. They remained one month in Pu Pakakina. [E:31]

... 232 ("August 20) + 10 + 2 = 244 (Hora Iti 20), I suppose. ... 1842 (my assumed epoch for rongorongo) - 1582 (birth of the Gregorian calendar) = 260 and 260 / 133 = ca 2 days. I.e., "August 1 (213) could in my assumed Julian calendar of the Explorers have been Hora Iti 13 (225). 15 * 15 = 225 = 213 + 10 (lost days in 1582) + 2 ... This means 244 (Hora Iti 20) + 5 (five days in Papa O Pea) = 249 → right ascension day of Antares at the time of rongorongo ... 249 (right ascension day of Antares at the time of rongorongo) + 2 (days at Ahu Akapu) = 251 (Hora Iti 26), and then 251 + 29 (one month in Pu Pakakina) = 280 (40 weeks).

JAN 30 31 FEBR 1 2 3 4 (400) 5 (36)
no star listed (14)

1h (15.2)

β Phoenicis (15.1), υ Phoenicis, ι Tucanae (15.6), η Ceti, ζ Phoenicis (15.7)

Al Batn Al Hūt-26 (Belly of the Fish) / Revati-28 (Prosperous) / 1-iku (Field Measure)

MIRACH (Girdle) = β Andromedae, KEUN MAN MUN (Camp's South Gate) = φ Andromedae (16.0), ANUNITUM = τ Piscium (16.5), REVATI (Abundant) = ζ Piscium (16.9)

 REGULUS (α Leonis)

ν Phoenicis (17.4), κ Tucanae (17.6)

*342.0  = *383.4 - *41.4

= *159.0 + *183.0
no star listed (18) ADHIL (Garment's Train) = ξ Andromedae (19.3), θ Ceti (19.7) KSORA (Knee) = δ Cassiopeiae (20.1), ω Andromedae (20.6), γ Phoenicis (20.8)
April 4 5 (460) 6 7 8 9 (*384) 10 (100)
°March 31 °April 1 (91) 2 3 4 5 6 (*16)
'March 8 9 10 (*354) 11 12 13 (72) 3-14
"Febr 22 (53) TERMINALIA 24 (*340) 25 26 27 28
*238 *239 *340 - *100 *241 *242 *384 - *141 *244

... Hamiora Pio once spoke as follows to the writer: 'Friend! Let me tell of the offspring of Tangaroa-akiukiu, whose two daughters were Hine-raumati (the Summer Maid - personified form of summer) and Hine-takurua (the Winter Maid - personification of winter), both of whom where taken to wife by the sun ... Now, these women had different homes. Hine-takurua lived with her elder Tangaroa (a sea being - origin and personified form of fish). Her labours were connected with Tangaroa - that is, with fish. Hine-raumati dwelt on land, where she cultivated food products, and attended to the taking of game and forest products, all such things connected with Tane ...