Once again. There was a 27 day long period
which seems to have been associated with a temporary death
followed by rebirth. One way to interpret this phenomenon is to
say that 27 = 392 - 365 corresponded to the precessional depth
down from the time of rongorongo to that of Roman times when the
First Point of Aries had been at 0h (in day 80 = *0).
This (and also the latitude of
Easter Island) may have been in the mind of the creator of the C
tablet, for the number of glyphs on side a of the tablet was
E tupu |
roto |
o te hau tea |
ki te henua - te maro |
Cb1-1 (392 + 1) |
Cb1-2 |
Cb1-3 |
Cb1-4 (396) |
April 17 (107) |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Al Sharatain-1 /
Ashvini-1 /
Bond-16 (Dog) /
Mahrū-sha-rishu-ku-1 (Front
of the Head of Ku)
Cassiopeia, MESARTHIM =
Phoenicis (27.2),
SHERATAN (Pair of Signs)
Phoenicis (27.4)
*351.0 = *27.4 - *41.4 |
ι Arietis (28.0), λ Arietis
(28.2), υ Ceti (28.8) |
ALRISHA (The Knot)
= α Piscium,
χ Phoenicis (29.2), ε
Trianguli (29.4),
(Caracal) = γ Andromedae
*353.0 = *29.4 - *41.4 |
Arku-sha-rishu-ku-2 (Back of
the Head of Ku)
2h (30.4)
Arietis (30.3),
HAMAL (Sheep)
*354.0 = *30.4 - *41.4 |
'March 21 (80) |
22 |
23 |
24 |
However, in the G text the
correlations between stars and dates seems to have been
presented from the Gregorian calendar view, viz. with 60 precessional days down to the time of the
ºJune 30 (*101) |
22 |
'June 30 (*101) |
13 |
"June 30 (*101) |
22 |
JUNE 30 (*101) |
Ga2-11 (41) |
Ga3-5 (64) |
Ga3-19 (78) |
Ga4-18 (101) |
July 4
(*105) |
July 27 (*128) |
Aug 10 (*142) |
Sept 2 (*165) |
59 = 2 * 29½ |
In this table I have shown how the Sirius day can be defined from the
precession as visualized against the stars, and it seems
plausible to assume the day of Sirius anciently had been
regarded as the last day of the first half of the Sun year.
Although the day of Sirius was in Egypt defined from the
return of its visibility, and 41 + 16 = 57:
... their separation from the sun is
just beyond the minimum distance 16° that a star may be from
the sun and still be visible ...
ºJuly 16 (*117) |
22 |
'July 16 (*117) |
13 |
"July 16
(*117) |
22 |
JULY 16 (*117) |
(58 = 2
* 29)
Ga2-27 |
Ga3-21 |
(95) Ga4-11 |
(118 = 4
* 29½)
Ga5-7 |
July 20 (*121) |
Aug 12 (*144) |
Aug 26 (*158) |
Sept 18
(*181) |
60 |
Above I have counted from the empty glyph position at
the beginning of side a because this method gives more
satisfactory numbers. |
And then we ought to remember how the creation of our
present world according to the Mayas was not *64 but *70
precessional days earlier, in the year 3112 BC:
... In three magnificent texts at the
site of Koba, scribes recorded it as one of the
largest finite numbers we humans have ever written.
According to these inscriptions, our world was created on
the day 4 Ahaw 8 Kumk'u. On this day all the cycles
of the Maya calendar above twenty years were set at thirteen
- that is to say, the cycles of 400 years, 8,000 years,
160,000 years, 32,000,000 years, and so on, all the way up
to a cycle number extending to twenty places (2021
* 1360-day year).
In our calendar, this day fell on August
13, 3114 BC:
Creation of our present world: |
4 Ahaw |
8 Kumk'u |
August 13, 3114 BC |
To understand what this means, we need a
little scale. The thirteens in this huge number act like the
twelve in our cycles - the next hour after twelve is one.
Thirteen changed to one as each of these cycles in the Maya
calendar was completed, therefore, we have the following
13. |
13. |
13. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
1. |
5 Imix |
9 Kumk'u |
(Aug. 14, 3114 B.C.) |
13. |
13. |
13. |
0. |
0. |
1. |
0. |
11 Ahaw |
3 Pop |
(Sept. 2, 3114 B.C.) |
13. |
13. |
13. |
0. |
1. |
0. |
0. |
13 Ahaw |
3 Kumk'u |
(Aug.7, 3113 B.C.) |
13. |
13. |
13. |
1. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
2 Ahaw |
8 Mak |
(May 1, 3094 B.C.) |
13. |
13. |
1. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
3 Ahaw |
13 Ch'en |
(Nov. 15, 2720 B.C.) |
13. |
13. |
13. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
4 Ahaw |
3 K'ank'in |
(Dec. 23, A.D. 2012) |
13. |
1. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
10 Ahaw |
13 Yaxk'in |
(Oct. 15, A.D. 4772) |
1. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
0. |
7 Ahaw |
3 Zotz' |
(Nov. 22, A.D. 154587) |
In the G text this place in time-space
corresponded to May 30 (150), where we can see the
illuminated sky (ragi)
emerging in front:
MARCH 26 |
27 (*6) |
mauga |
kai |
30 (150) |
ragi |
Ga1-4 |
Ga1-5 |
Ga1-6 |
Rohini-4 (The Red One) /
Pidnu-sha-Shame-4 (Furrow of Heaven)
ANA-MURI-2 (Rear pillar - at the foot of which
was the place for tattooing)
= α Tauri
THEEMIN = υ² Eridani
(68.5) |
no star listed (69) |
no star listed (70)
(3112 BC + AD 1842) *
365.25 / 26000 = 70 |
May 28 (148) |
29 (88 + 61) |
30 (*70) |
°May 24 (144) |
25 (*65) |
26 |
'May 1 (121) |
2 (*42) |
3 |
"April 17
(107) |
18 (*28) |
19 |
We can recalibrate the original Mayan dates accordingly:
At the time of rongorongo the stars had drifted
ahead with ca 70 right ascension days: |
Itzam-Yeh defeated |
28 May (148), 3149 BC |
78 |
1st 3-stone place |
21 May (141), 3114 BC |
71 |
Creation of our present world |
13 August (225), 3114 BC |
155 |
Och ta chan (Hun-Nal-Ye 'entered or became the
sky') |
5 February (36), 3112 BC |
- 24 |
When counting time BC we have to be careful for
the year numbers are negative: |
From 13 August to the end of the year 3114 BC |
366 - 225 = 141 |
+ the year 3113 BC |
141 + 365 = 507 |
+ from 1 January to 5 February in the year 3112
BC |
507 + 36 = 543 = 3 * 181 |
543 - 366 = 6 * 29½ = 177 |
- 24 + 366 = 342 = 2 * 171 = 11 * 31 + 1 |
I.e., the heliacal stars at the creation of our present world had
been pushed ahead by the precession to August 13 (225 = 15 *
15 = 155 + 70).
ºJune 30 (*101) |
22 |
'June 30 (*101) |
13 |
"June 30 (*101) |
22 |
JUNE 30 (*101) |
5 |
30 June (*101) |
Ga2-11 (41) |
Ga3-5 (64) |
Ga3-19 (78) |
Ga4-18 (101) |
Ga4-24 (107) |
July 4
(*105) |
July 27 (*128) |
Aug 10 (*142) |
Sept 2 (*165) |
Sept 8 (*171) |
59 = 2 * 29½ |
6 |
And Sirius would have risen heliacally - it would also
have been extrapolated - in the day after the Water
Bucket (Kerb, τ Pegasi) had been at the Full Moon:
JULY 5 |
6 (*107) |
7 (188) |
8 |
9 |
... Midsummer is the
flowering season of the oak, which is the
tree of endurance and triumph, and
like the ash is
said to 'court the lightning flash'. Its
roots are believed to extend as deep
underground as its branches rise in the air
- Virgil mentions this - which makes it
emblematic of a god whose law runs both in
Heaven and in the Underworld ... The month,
which takes its name from Juppiter the
oak-god, begins on June 10th and ends of
July 7th. Midway comes
St. John's Day, June 24th, the day on which
the oak-king was sacrificially burned alive.
The Celtic year was divided into two halves
with the second half beginning in July,
apparently after a seven-day wake, or
funeral feast, in the oak-king's honour ...

... This
Hercules is male leader of all orgiastic
rites and has twelve archer companions,
including his
spear-armed twin, who is his
tanist or deputy. He performs an annual
green-wood marriage with a queen of the
woods, a sort of Maid Marian. He is a mighty
hunter and makes rain, when it is needed, by
rattling an oak-club thunderously in a
hollow oak and stirring a pool with an oak
branch - alternatively, by rattling pebbles
inside a sacred colocinth-gourd or, later,
by rolling black meteoric stones inside a
wooden chest - and so attracting
thunderstorms by sympathetic magic
... The
twelve merry-men rush in a wild
figure-of-eight dance around the fires,
singing ecstatically and tearing at the
flesh with their teeth. The bloody remains
are burnt in the fire, all except the
genitals and the head. These are put into an
alder-wood boat
and floated down the river to an islet;
though the head is sometimes cured with
smoke and preserved for oracular use. His
tanist succeeds him and reigns for the
remainder of the year, when he is
sacrificially killed by a new Hercules
... The Ash
(Spear) succeeded the Oak (Club), and a way
to describe this was to use the word to'a
= 'murderer', in a jokingly way with the
word for sugarcane (tôa). The
Ash killed the Oak. ...
Now to the last of the 7 'assassinators':
['Marikury' = Mercury] 1. A
white, clayey earth. 2. A tree (Sapindus
saponaria) of which very few specimens
are left. Vanaga.
Ash-wood T. Churchill.
... It
happens that we know the Norse name of
Gwydion's horse, if Gwydion was indeed
Woden, or Odin. It was Askr Yggr-drasill,
or Ygdrasill, 'the
ash-tree that is the horse of Yggr',
Yggr being one of Woden's titles. Ygdrasill
was the enchanted ash, sacred to Woden,
whose roots and branches in Scandinavian
mythology extended through the Universe
Ga4-23 |
Ga4-24 |
Ga4-25 (108) |
Ga4-26 |
Ga4-27 (→
108) |
Leonis (170.0),
(First Spring of the Gazelle) =
Ursae Majoris
LABRUM = δ Crateris
(170.6) |
σ Leonis (171.1), λ Crateris (171.6), ι
Leonis, ε Crateris (171.9) |
γ Crateris, π Centauri (172.0), κ Crateris
(172.5), τ Leonis (172.8)
ο¹ Centauri (173.8) |
= λ Draconis
(174.0), ξ Hydrae (174.3), ο² Centauri, λ
Centauri (174.8) |
Hatinga Te Kohe (118-130) |
Roto Iri Are (131-143) |
... The dream soul
went on. She was careless (?) and broke
the kohe plant with her feet. She
named the place 'Hatinga Te Kohe A
Hau Maka O Hiva' ... [E:8]
Sept 7 |
8 |
9 (*172) |
10 |
11 (254) |
°Sept 3 |
4 |
5 (*168) |
6 |
7 (250) |
'Aug 11 |
12 (*144) |
13 |
14 |
15 (227) |
"July 28 |
29 (*130) |
30 |
31 |
"Aug 1
(213) |
JAN 4 |
5 (*290) |
6 |
7 (372) |
8 |
ο Gruis,
= NGC7662 Andromedae
(355.0), τ Oct. (355.3) |
no star listed (356) |
ι Phoenicis (357.3), ι Piscium (357.4), λ
Andromedae (357.9)
*316.0 = *357.4 - *41.4 |
ο Cephei (353.3),
KERB (Bucket Rope) = τ Pegasi
(353.6) |
κ Piscium (354.2), θ Piscium (354.4), υ
Pegasi (354.9)
*313.0 = *354.4 - *41.4 |
τ, 4.5, with
υ, was Al Sufi's
Sa'd al Na'amah, which Knobel thinks
should be Al Na'āim, the Cross-bars
over a well; but they also were known as
Al Karab, the Bucket-rope. The usual
titles for τ -
Markab and Sagma or Salma
- are from Bayer, but the last two should be
Salm, a Leathern Bucket
. |
March 9 |
10 (*354) |
11 |
12 |
13 (72) |
°March 5 |
6 (*350) |
7 |
8 |
9 (68) |
'Febr 10
(41) |
11 |
12 |
13 (*329) |
2-14 |
"Jan 27 |
28 |
29 (*314) |
30 |
31 |
