4th period

This is what I call the 4th period:

Now we arrive at the midpoint of the month, Full Moon, which I imagine is an event worth feasting for (as I also read from the little sitting figure inside the oval in the last glyph). Even the 1st glyph, the little newly hatched chicken, for once is awake although it is night.

When the moon is at its maximum this also means a turnpoint, from now on it goes downwards. Not only in light but also towards the eastern horizon. (East is east and west is west even south of the equator. The moon is slowly advancing from west to east over the month.) At 'birth' the moon is visible as a canoe-shape on the eastern horizon, at 'death' the moon is visible as a canoe-shape on the eastern horizon. If we use the horizon as a reference. By changing the reference from the western to the eastern horizon we can still see the canoe right side upwards. However, if we keep the western horizon as a reference, then the Waning Moon will be seen as an upside-down canoe when arriving at the eastern horizon.

But now, at the time of full moon, the moon is high in the sky, in the middle between the western and eastern horizons. Perhaps the uplifting of the moon-sign onto the back of the 'tired old bird' (glyph no. 3 from the left) - instead of being a separate glyph - is intended to show this. Also the 7th glyph might have something to do with this sailing high in the sky, as this unusual moon-sign looks like a canoe.

The power of the Waxing Moon now is finished and I believe that is shown in the 8th glyph where below the sitting feasting person it looks like a staff has been broken. Perhaps this can also be seen as the apex of the triangular shape in the tail of the 'moon-fish' (glyph no. 4). And the 5th glyph perhaps indicates that this maximum implies an inversion. Instead of growth we now will have diminishing and the sun will shine on the moon from the opposite direction. The sign to the left in the 5th glyph looks like an upside down version of the similar sign in the 4th glyph.