All this new information regarding stars and constellations etc, must now be related to the rongorongo texts - if possible. I will start with a little problem which maybe now will have a solution: In the 'calendar' of the day there are several variants of glyphs created with 'short middles' (cfr earlier table):
There they occur only in H and Q (not in P nor in A). The middle vertical line is shorter than the others and the 'shortage' is distributed equally on top and at bottom, giving a distinct appearance. Closer scrutiny reveals, however, that it is not necessary that the middle vertical line is short (cfr the last but one glyph above). Instead the sign lies in the symmetrical wedges on top and at bottom. Before taking in this new information about the sky and its inhabitants I had these ideas: What is seen is a piece of wood shaped like this in order to enable its owner to wind up a line for fishing. Symbolically this could be used as a glyph in order to show the 'detronisation' of 'magic wood' by means of the hair of a woman - cfr Tablette Échancreée. The 'wood' signifies the 'male' and 'wood' is symbolically very close to rays of light (and other straight objects), while 'hair' is like sea-weed in the surging surf - bending this way and that but never breaking. In rongorongo rays of sunlight are visualized with three vertical straight lines (GD41). Such rays are used as 'poles' marking limits in time/space (GD37). At the time of new year, e.g., there will be two such 'poles', one marking the end of the old year and another marking the beginning of the new year (Takurua). This structure is - I think - used at the beginnings and ends of all periods. At the time of new year the 4th corner of the 'earth' is located. It is time to detronise the old year and the dark hair of a woman is used to wrap it up. This happens in the 5th 'dark period' beyond the 4th quarter, a time when gods are born. The Chinese sign for number 5 is said to derive from the picture of a thread-reel.
I.e. the same method must be used to 'detronise' also the first half of a double-hour of day-light. (We always count periods in even numbers, a method used at first with 59 nights for a double-month and later reused for all time periods - also years.) When one 'ruler' is exchanged for another, a weak old one going away and a newborn 'ruler' - also weak - is arriving, there is room for freedom. The power from above is limited because of weakness. That explains why the middle vertical line is shorter. |