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The perimeter of the Great Pyramid's base is divided into 4 equal parts, each straight in spite of the fact that the perimeter of a circle is bent everywhere. Each one of these 4 equal parts are 'governed' by a special power.

"Now, after parting company with the guard patrol at the north-eastern corner of the monument, we continued to make our way surreptitiously along the eastern face towards the south-eastern corner...

Roughly halfway along the Pyramid's eastern face we encountered another patrol. This time it consisted of two guards, one of whom must have been eighty years old. His companion, a teenager with pustulant acne, informed us that the money Ali had paid was insufficient and that fifty more Egyptian pounds would be required if we were to proceed..." (Hancock)

'Straight as an arrow' is the saying. Altair and Tarazed (the light-bringers) are possibly seen as two arrows: 'as if the dual of aayģu, arrow...' I think this is a relevant piece of information.

"Aquila, the Eagle, the French Aigle, the German Adler, and the Italian Aquila, next to and westward from the Dolphin, is shown flying toward the east and across the Milky Way; its southern stars constituting the now discarded Antinoüs.

Early representations added an arrow held in the Eagle's talons; and Hevelius included a bow and arrow in his descriptions..."

"Our constellation is supposed to be represented by the bird figured on a Euphratean uranographic stone of about 1200 B.C., and known on the tablets as Idχu Zamana, the Eagle, the Living Eye." (Allen)