Now we try to move Hb5-2 from
5a1 to 4c as
suggested on the
previous pages.
But the numbers
now gets worse!
52 and 59
becoming 51 and
58. And 7 in 4c
becomes 8. Not
good at all!
However, we
should also try
to move Hb4-24
from 4a to 3c.
We have already
Hb6-3 in place
(i.e. in 5c) and
by comparing
Hb4-25 with
Hb2-30 these
movement should
take place.
Goodbye to 52
and 59! Though
now we get 7, 7,
8, 8, 7, 7 for
the c-sequences,
not too bad. |