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The Egyptians regarded south as 'up' and north as 'down' on the map, the delta being the lowest part of Egypt.

And the division of their country into two rectangular shapes was made with the Nile like the equator in the middle. Although the Nile is perpendicular to the equator. Egyptians do it different.

Each of these two strips measures 7o in length and 1o 24´ in breadth. The ratio is 5.

We would then expect to find 2 * 5 = 10 as the area for such a strip (if 10 is the base of counting), but the area is only 9.8 square degrees (= 7 * 1.4). Should we include the borders to reach 10?

Anyhow, the home country (henua) of the Egyptians has a shape like the tropics, with the Nile being the equivalent of the equator and with the eastern and western borders equivalent to the 23½ degrees limits of the sun.

Like three fingers the borders and the central line determine their henua. But the Egyptians used to divide their country into lower and upper Egypt, not this way. That the Nile is the navel string, umbilicus, is however very clear.