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In Hancock 2 there is a map over what he calls 'The Sacred Quadrant':

With Giza respectively 'point D' (Wuhe) as points of reference we get:

Giza in Egypt 0o - 90o 90 = 15 * 6
Arunachela Temple in India 48o 48 = 24 * 2 = 8 * 6 42o 42 = 7 * 6
Angkor Vat in Cambodia 72o 72 = 36 * 2 = 12 * 6 18o 18 = 3 * 6
Wuhe megaliths in Taiwan 90o 90 = 45 * 2 = 15 * 6 0o -

Hancock thinks that these sites are prehistorical and founded in order to measure the earth.